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Everything posted by 88Comrade2000

  1. Whatever gets Dan out, I am all for it. I just don’t expect it. For those expecting the sponsors to do something; I don’t really expect it. With legalized sports betting; the franchise values will double or even triple. They will literally be printing money. That will probably overcome any lost sponsors.
  2. Oh, I agree they do have to pass something but even if they do; it’s going to be very tough to buck historical trends. If they don’t pass something: the Dems won’t be motivated to come out at all. Historically though; it’s the people who are against what was passed that are motivated more than those who liked what was passed.
  3. Alec is going to serve time. Not for the accidentally shooting Halyna but for criminal negligence. As a producer on the film, they will get him for that.
  4. It will have to go against history. Even when big legislation gets passed; the party in power loses seats. I think they have to make Trump and his Trump clones the issue in 22. Do you want Trump acolytes taking over or do want you build on what you could get and finish the job. The only way Dems buck history is for historic turnout in 22. I am very skeptical.
  5. Trump will like Virginia so much; he will move from Florida to Virginia. After all Virginia is for lovers and we know the orange guy is big fat lover.
  6. It will get worse in 22, where the gop victory will be big enough that baring a Dem landslide in 24; the Dems won’t be able to win back enough seats to take back control.
  7. I think the Dems loose badly in Virginia. The governorship and , I think it's control of the house will be in top house. There's a chance they loose in NJ.
  8. Right on. If it was just Synder they would be done with. They are protecting their own ass. As bad all of the stuff that happened under Dan; something tells me the other owners have dark secrets and maybe criminal secrets. You think if they forced Dan out; he would go quietly. Dan would take down the Nfl with him, on his way out.
  9. Supposedly some of the crew used the gun for target practice outside the shoot. It’s possible a live bullet or fragments was still in chamber. I think Alec could be in trouble not for firing the deadly shot but for criminal negligence for having unsafe work conditions. He is also one of the producers. Supposedly the crew walked off the set in protest before this all happened.
  10. Surprised, noone posted this. Big story from past week. Should Alec faces charges for accidently killing Halyna Hutchins with a prop gun? There’s no denying Alec Baldwin’s role in on-set shooting tragedy ‘Rust’ actor says filming felt ‘life-threatening,’ raised fears of Brandon Lee-style death In fatal shooting, some political foes take aim at Baldwin
  11. I am looking forward to the post Rivera era. Rinse and repeat. We already got our playoff appearance with this coach. All downhill from here. Waiting for the new guy in 23 or 24 and his lone playoff appearance. Then the guy after him. Dan Snyder as long as he owns this team, will never go to the Superbowl and probably will never will win another playoff game.
  12. The Team has to at least find a better stop gap guy in 2022. The 2022 QB class supposedly not great; so the Team looks to 2023 to draft a QB. Thing is, Ron doesn't have the luxury to wait until 2023 to look to the draft for his long term QB. Ron has to go at least 8-9/9-8 in 22, with the expectation that in 23 you break into the playoffs. If he doesn't do that; Ron will be gone and someone else will be drafting that QB in 23. So, if Ron can't find someone in the draft this year; he will need a better stopgap QB this year. Someone who can keep the team competitive enough that Snyder won't fire Ron; while Ron looks for that long term solution in a draft. Who will that be? Who knows? Teams that will be looking for QBs in 2022: Washington, Philadelphia, New York Giants, Green Bay- if Rodgers leaves, Detroit- if they decide to move on from Golf, Seattle- if Wilson leaves, Denver, Houston, Pittsburgh, Miami, Carolina. New Orleans could also be in the mix, if they decide to move on from Winston. Rodgers- Denver, Pittsburgh, Carolina seems like the most likely destinations. If the next Vegas coach is interested , then Vegas would be in the mix. I could see a Rodgers-Carr swap. Wilson- My guess he stays unless New Orleans wants him. Maybe Pittsburgh. Watson- My guess ultimately, he goes to Miami. I think that's where he wants to go. NY and Philly will be in better draft position than us. If we don't find that QB soon, we will never do a thing in this league.
  13. I doubt that this year. The nfc is top heavy with 5 teams at 5-7 wins. The other 2 wild cards will probably have at least 9 wins.
  14. Arizona should win but you guys aren’t chopped liver. I would enjoy the run because once Aaron leaves in 22 or 23; you guys probably aren’t winning that many games anymore. You will go back to being the Packers of post Lombardi/Pre-Farve era.
  15. Yep. 1999 was Dan’s first playoff. Took 6 years and 4 coaches later, to make playoffs in 2005. Only 2 years to make playoffs in 2007. Then another 5 years and 2 coaches later, for a birth in 2012. Then 3 years and another coach, for our 2015 playoff appearance. 2 more coaches and 5 years for 2020’s birth. So, 2024 or 2025 is when we will appear in the playoffs again with yet another coach. Note: Including the 2 interim coaches we had.
  16. Yeah. He talks on both sides of his mouth. I wonder how long he appears on the Sports Junkies. Bound to get more and more tense as the season goes.
  17. I will die a fan but as each season goes by, the Team will be less central to me. If I have something better do, will do that instead. I saw the new Bond movie , instead of watching the Team on the 10th. I suspect I will find other things to do, as the season progresses. I firmly believe that Dan will never win a Superbowl and I firmly believe Dan will never win a playoff game again. Every 3-5 years, Dan will change coaches. At best his coaches will have one playoff berth in their tenure. A quick exit, whether as a wild card or division winner. Dan's playoff legacy: 99- Year 1, 1st trip 05- 6 Years later, 2nd trip 07- 2 years later, 3rd trip 12- 5 years later, 4th trip 15- 3 years later, 5th trip 20- 5 years later, 6th trip So, our next berth will be in 4-5 years: 24-25; under Rivera’s successor. It also wouldn't shock me too see an nfc east foe, win a Superbowl by then. Dallas seems the most likely team. (mod edit political comment) If you want to discuss politics, head over to the tailgate. (<<<<---mod support of good advice) I only mentioned(mod edit of political comment)
  18. Interesting how the season is playing out. Some coaches who are doing better than I thought and others are on the hot seat.
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