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A boring, preachy thread from a boring old man

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It’s official: as of today, I can no longer pretend that I’m in my mid-20s. Had I lived a few thousand years ago, I would at this age be well into my twilight and possibly completely decrepit. As it is, I am feeling the burden of the years, and I feel as though I must impart the wisdom I’ve accumulated over my long life and many, many Tailgate posts.


Here are ten things that I believe make for great posting over here at Tailgate.

1. Write in complete sentences and make sure your post reflects some sort of logical thought process. Unless you’re James Joyce.

2. Don’t say anything on Tailgate that you wouldn’t say to someone’s face among a group of friends. To act otherwise is disrespectful or cowardly, if not both.

3. When in an argument, don’t jump on any tiny error you may perceive in your rival’s post. Instead, try to comprehend the whole of the post and try to figure out what reasons they may have in writing what they did. Then attack, if appropriate. ;)

4. Vary your game. If people can peg what you’re going to say about something before you’ve said anything, you’re probably a pretty boring poster.

5. Do your homework. If you’re responding to a posted article, make sure you read all of it (and check out the link, if possible) before writing a reply – especially a derogatory or inflammatory one. If you’re posting an article, do everything possible to verify its veracity before putting it up for discussion.

6. Remember that the best posters entertain people and/or inform them. How often do you do that?

7. Don’t say bad things about people’s significant others, family members, pets or operating systems. It’s just not kosher.

8. If you think you’re smarter than everyone else on a board, ask yourself how you are benefiting by being on the board.

9. If you are going to piss off a mod, do it in a spectacular way that will have people talking for weeks.

10. In the end, winning the Internet is kind of a hollow victory. But making friends on the Internet sends positive repercussions through the rest of your life.

What’s your list?

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Slanders, Sir. For the satirical rogue says here that old men have grey beards, that thier faces are wrinkled, their eyes purging thick amber and plum-tree gum, and that they have a plentiful lack of wit, together with most weak hams. All which, sir, though I most powerfully and honestly believe, yet I hold it not honesty to have it thus set down; for yourself, sir, should be as old as I am if like a crab you could go backward.

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I try to do the following:

Remember the other perosn has their own ideas and thoughts they believe in just as passionitly as you.

Nit picking on spelling and lanuage, and minute factual errors does nothing constructive except build

Take everything with a grain of salt. Forums don't have emotions or "voice". Your angry reaction might not be the responce the person wanted.

Keep an open mind at all times. You might learn something!

Read the entire post.

Read the entire post.

Read the entire post.

And, Have Fun!!!!


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Ancalagon, allow me to add one:

11. If you are intelligent, thoughtful, articulate, witty, humble and truly believe 1-10 above are more than internet-age pop-culture pap, for chrissakes post more often.


Feliz cumpleanos, hermano.

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man what kind of useless turd starts a mindless thread like this one I bet your ugly-ass dog is still using OS-2 and what's with using a hyphen in the middle of a sentence - I don't think that's gramatically proper and I'd rip even further into your obvious liberal pinko bias but I don't have time to go through all the fine points and just quit after point #7. Sheesh.

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1 - Making a great deal of sense is over rated. I like cake, for example, is a great reply to almost any subject discussed on a internet forum.

2 - Funny pictures are better then well thought out and written posts. Pictues of great looking women, better still.

3 - Smilies are best used to get away with insulting others. Think you can remember that moron? :)

4 - One of the mods is not a actual person, just a defective help desk program. I can't tell you which.

5 - Your boss could be any one of us.

6 - Choosing the wrong method of grilling will bring the wrath of the mods upon thee. Thou hath been warned.

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No. 6 is the best thing you've ever written here.

I will amend the rules of the site soon to say ANY PERSON who dares ruin good food with a gas grill, and actually OPENLY SAYS IT'S OK, shall be banned.

Good idea :).

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Happy barfday, AtB :)

Originally posted by Ancalagon the Black

7. Don’t say bad things about people’s significant others, family members, pets or operating systems. It’s just not kosher.

8. If you think you’re smarter than everyone else on a board, ask yourself how you are benefiting by being on the board.

addition to 7: It's one thing to disagree with other members - it's still another to insult them and attempting to belittle them to make yourself look like the 'better' person (which if you are doing this, you obviously aren't...).

Does #8 apply to Art? ;)

Other ideas:

Before you hit the Submit Reply button, REREAD what you just wrote, EDIT accordingly, and then post it if it still merits being said. Please don't parrot what else is being said - contribute something that adds to the discussion.

PLEASE try to use proper capitalization, punctuation, spelling, and general writing guidelines (paragraphs, etc.). Members will actually attempt to read your posts if you do...and will probably not take you seriously or even bother to read your posts if you do not.

Admit when you are wrong and be generous when someone points it out to you. No one is perfect.

If you want to have a personal discussion/argument with someone, please take it to PM. Leave the rest of us out of it.


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Originally posted by stevenaa

"4 - One of the mods is not a actual person, just a defective help desk program. I can't tell you which"

2001 a Space Odyssey has "Hal", Extremeskins has "Art" ;)

Well you know ART is an acronym, right?




He's just a server sitting in an otherwise empty room somewhere in Minnesota.;)

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Originally posted by stevenaa

"4 - One of the mods is not a actual person, just a defective help desk program. I can't tell you which"

2001 a Space Odyssey has "Hal", Extremeskins has "Art" ;)

LOL! Except ours keeps crunkin' even after his brains are pulled out. ;)
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