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Bye Guys, It was fun.

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Well KKc, good luck to ya then. If indeed what you stated was what has caused you to make this decision, then all I can say is that maybe Extreme isn't for you. Have to have thick skin around here at times. Alot thicker than this displays. Things get tough around here. Thanks for the info.

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Nothing of major consequence. Certainly not enough for leaving or bending severely a forum rule, ( when a pm would suffice). For those who will undoubtably follow, take a look at the last few pages of the Gardner being cut thread. Post # 49. Go from there.

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Forgive, forget and move on.. This board is about the Redskins, not about negative opinion's of the posters.. Sure you'll get knocked around, and I have been knocked around, but remember, it's supposed to be fun!. Hope to see ya around

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Just want to make it clear that this is entirely Kingdom's decision, not due to any action or even suggestion by staff here. As long as someone contributes and is civil, they are always welcome here.

PCS nailed it. You want to post, you've got to have some courage of your convictions and some relatively thick skin, no matter WHO you are, or are not.

Because, shockingly, folks aren't always going to see things your way. It would be nice if they always did :)

Good luck Kingdom. Feel free to come on back if you decide you want some occasionally heated debate amongst fellow fans.

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Originally posted by redman


Did he indeed provide his press credentials like he said he did in the other thread?

I won't give out his personal info, but since he brought it up publically, yeah, he did.

As far as I could tell, it was a single game entry pass though - not an 'ID Card' with picture, name, credentials, etc..on it. Just a generic 'You May Pass Go and Take Pictures' kind of a thing.

And is there any doubt we are at the absolute frigging PEAK of the off-season? :)

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Originally posted by Tarhog

I won't give out his personal info, but since he brought it up publically, yeah, he did.

As far as I could tell, it was a single game entry pass though - not an 'ID Card' with picture, name, credentials, etc..on it. Just a generic 'You May Pass Go and Take Pictures' kind of a thing.

And is there any doubt we are at the absolute frigging PEAK of the off-season? :)

Almost. We haven't had the annual "Our _____ is better than yours" debate with Cowboys fans yet. Then....then it'll be the peak. :)

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