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Originally posted by Tarhog

I won't give out his personal info, but since he brought it up publically, yeah, he did.

As far as I could tell, it was a single game entry pass though - not an 'ID Card' with picture, name, credentials, etc..on it. Just a generic 'You May Pass Go and Take Pictures' kind of a thing.

And is there any doubt we are at the absolute frigging PEAK of the off-season? :)

Cool, thanks.

And no, there is no doubt about what time of year this is. :)

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Originally posted by Tom [Giants fan]

If I can last here for five years not much should be able to push anyone away. :D

Funny you should bring that up Tom, as I recently used you as evidence that we judge folks as individuals and how they carry themselves, not in arbitrary ways (such as according to which team one roots for).

We aren't perfect. But we spend a lot of time trying to make sure we do the right thing. And you have to work fairly hard to get in a lot of trouble around here.

Luckily for us, most guys/gals here are great people - probably something we don't say enough! You all are what makes this board something special.

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Kingdom I hope you would reconsider. Believe me I have had my behind handed to me several times on this board(probably will again on future occasions). But it has always been in a respectful and civil manner in which I could never hold a grudge. Most people on this board mean no harm. Hang in there.

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Kingdom, I see you lurking!!

Hey man, remember in the SB thread, I mentioned that you will need to take some things with a grain of salt, but a lot here really did enjoy your posts.

I won't try to lure you back with BS, but I personally enjoyed the positive tone you set and hope you can get over any smaller issues here.

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Originally posted by Park City Skins

:doh: Maybe a little too much time swimming upstream. :doh:

Damn you Dah-Dee. ;)


I'm betting he really expected us to roll out the red carpet, figured he would write one post to rule them all, thought he could make this his own personal feifdom, be treated like royalty, but us little peasants revolted, he abdicated his throne never to return, and you can take that to the bank.

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What I am upset about is the fact that TK-4-2-1 publicly disclosed that I am a Pastor, he found out that I was a Pastor last night when we were PM ing with TarHog about my “insider credentials.” I was assured last night the my confidentiality would be maintained. And the fact he used it to put me down while assuming I was saying to hurt a player. It’s in the Gardner is cut thread.

With that said, I’ve been shooting the Redskins since 82’ for a chain of weekly newspapers. I stopped shooting the skins right after JKC died, to be exact it was the last game at RFK against Dallas, they invited all the old Redskins to sit in the corners of the end zone that was when Bostic was doing sideline stuff and pushing pizza, I think for Comcast.

I was so disappointed in losing games because of field goal kickers I didn’t even go to Fedex until Spurrier 2cd year. I’ve been shooting the game since. I knew all the old Redskins guys going back to 82’ and when they came back they knew me, I was good.

Tarhog you said I sent you one photo pass, no name, no picture. I also gave you my home phone number. When JKC was alive he personally signed off on each credential and if he didn’t like what you were printing you were outa there. These days you have to send a letter every Monday of each home or away game to get your credentials, getting a photo pass is very difficult. We have 29 papers and we can get 29 Press Box Passes, I have the only photo sideline pass. You have to request the credentials every game, no matter who you are. And they don’t tell you until Wednesday if you have been approved.

There all the same whether your Wilbon, or Madden it’s the same credential I faxed you. There are no pictures or names there good for the game only. The redskins check you out a week in advance, arrest records, and the stuff you put out. If you notice Tarhog, that pass says Redskins sideline, that’s the hardest pass to get. There’s only twenty of them. Most of the Photographers get end zone or visitors sideline passes. The security is now so tight, you know all the guys in suits on the sidelines they and earpieces they have machine guns under there coats. There’s snipers on the roof.

I am a fulltime Pastor. I shoot the skins because I love the skins and the Editor in Chief, I got him his first sports job. I’ve maintained my press credentials since 82’ . I'm happy to answer any question, I am not going to give out my name though.

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Ah, I understand about the information that was divulged. Well, in your post, it seemed you were also just upset at being called out, but yeah, the divulging of that info might have triggered it.

This is one case where I think a mod can apologize for that kind of mistake.

but whatever happened or was going on in your heads, don't let typed words on a page get to you. Keep posting and keep providing us with the tidbits and other info(or just contribute as a regular poster.)

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Originally posted by Park City Skins

Nothing of major consequence. Certainly not enough for leaving or bending severely a forum rule, ( when a pm would suffice). For those who will undoubtably follow, take a look at the last few pages of the Gardner being cut thread. Post # 49. Go from there.

he only has 2 posts in that thread....where does it go from there?

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Originally posted by KingdomBankcard

What I am upset about is the fact that TK-4-2-1 publicly disclosed that I am a Pastor, he found out that I was a Pastor last night when we were PM ing with TarHog about my “insider credentials.” I was assured last night the my confidentiality would be maintained. And the fact he used it to put me down while assuming I was saying to hurt a player. It’s in the Gardner is cut thread.

With that said, I’ve been shooting the Redskins since 82’ for a chain of weekly newspapers. I stopped shooting the skins right after JKC died, to be exact it was the last game at RFK against Dallas, they invited all the old Redskins to sit in the corners of the end zone that was when Bostic was doing sideline stuff and pushing pizza, I think for Comcast.

I was so disappointed in losing games because of field goal kickers I didn’t even go to Fedex until Spurrier 2cd year. I’ve been shooting the game since. I knew all the old Redskins guys going back to 82’ and when they came back they knew me, I was good.

Tarhog you said I sent you one photo pass, no name, no picture. I also gave you my home phone number. When JKC was alive he personally signed off on each credential and if he didn’t like what you were printing you were outa there. These days you have to send a letter every Monday of each home or away game to get your credentials, getting a photo pass is very difficult. We have 29 papers and we can get 29 Press Box Passes, I have the only photo sideline pass. You have to request the credentials every game, no matter who you are. And they don’t tell you until Wednesday if you have been approved.

There all the same whether your Wilbon, or Madden it’s the same credential I faxed you. There are no pictures or names there good for the game only. The redskins check you out a week in advance, arrest records, and the stuff you put out. If you notice Tarhog, that pass says Redskins sideline, that’s the hardest pass to get. There’s only twenty of them. Most of the Photographers get end zone or visitors sideline passes. The security is now so tight, you know all the guys in suits on the sidelines they and earpieces they have machine guns under there coats. There’s snipers on the roof.

I am a fulltime Pastor. I shoot the skins because I love the skins and the Editor in Chief, I got him his first sports job. I’ve maintained my press credentials since 82’ . I'm happy to answer any question, I am not going to give out my name though.

From what I can tell, you disclosed that to everybody yesterday. Rather publically I might add.


Originally posted by KingdomBankcard

It's my fulltime business, it allows me to not work. "Significance of the screen name. I'm also a full time Pastor.

It wasn't until after that where TK mentioned it. From appearances, based on your comments above. This was today.


Originally posted by TK-IV II I

Wishing injury on a player, ANY player, is not cool. What kind of fan would actually wish a player's season to be ended by a teammate?

You stated last nite that you are a Pastor. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Does that not ring a bell with you?

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No ones apologizing for anything. Look, you come to an established website, with a large established membership, and start hinting at your insider status - you're going to get attention. And not all of its going to be good. You can say this is about the 'pastor' thing, but the truth is, NO ONE would care about any of it if you hadn't revealed a level of access to the organization as part of the conversation.

Do you guys have any idea the havoc it creates when someone comes striding in here, claiming to be 'someone'? Just look at the commotion thats occured in the past in those instances.

It puts staff here in the difficult position of trying to figure out whether they're dealing with some internet 'poser' or a legitimate insider. And really, how are we supposed to verify that? And, not to be harsh, but unless you're Patrick Freaking Ramsey's brother or something :), who really cares?? Theres nothing you can say as a 'sideline photographer' that you can't say with equal validity and value as a regular fan.

I've done almost all of my commenting on this via PM - its the member here that seems to want to have a public discussion of who he is.

It ain't going to happen.

And staff members decide how to handle certain situations at their own discretion. How they do it is up to them.

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That is correct I just looked at the thread, Tarhog asked me the significance of my screen name I thought I PM'd him and told him, I actually answered the question by posting, my mistake. However it doesn't change the spirit of the post, nor my feelings about being attacked as a Pastor.

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Theres not a poster, here, myself included, who hasn't gotten literally pummelled by his fellow skin's fans at one time or another.

It happens. You either take it and go on, or you don't.

You just need to decide whether you can live with that. A number of guys have already said they hope you stick around.

Either way though, lets get back to discussing football, politics, nipples, or something that interests more than 2 or 3 people.

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I leave the house for awhile on a Friday night & come home to this mess.

PCS - Thanks for drudging through & showing that quote with the link.

KBC - Let me get this straight. You had a problem with something I posted to you, that revealed something about you, that YOU made public? :wtf: If I wanted to post something said in private, I'd be better off mentioning a certain game that YOU brought up in a PM that was a complete factual error & that in which I let you slide on.

Oh, let's get something straight here as well. I didn't attack you. I questioned you. There's a difference. It might do you well to learn the difference.

Choice is yours. You're free to stay or go. It's entirely up to you.

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