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Ramsey played well, but, you EXPECT a QB to complete passes at that clip when SO many passes are five-yard passes. That said, what Ramsey ended up doing was flashing the arm strength that can make him an exceptionally fine player. There were five completions (Royal, Thrash, Coles, Gardner and Cooley) that QBs with lesser arms can't make. And the crossing to Cooley that was called back was a superior play.

He has this type of throw in him. If he can consistently make the easy throw -- as he did today -- while combining the special play, we're going to be ok.

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I'm STILL Waiting for TimFOlk to publicly concede he was wrong.

You remember him, the one who ducked out for 2 weeks on his bet that Brunell would pass for over 250 yards and 2 TDs! Then posted to a draft thread and acted like no one would notice. This in SPITE of my PMs to him to man up(he had PMd me in the past, so he's fair game.)

BTW mods, he made sig bets with people and welched. He should get a special avatar for not being a man on that one.

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Originally posted by Ghost of Nibbs McPimpin

I'm STILL Waiting for TimFOlk to publicly concede he was wrong.

You remember him, the one who ducked out for 2 weeks on his bet that Brunell would pass for over 250 yards and 2 TDs! Then posted to a draft thread and acted like no one would notice. This in SPITE of my PMs to him to man up(he had PMd me in the past, so he's fair game.)

BTW mods, he made sig bets with people and welched. He should get a special avatar for not being a man on that one.

Yo Ghost, I remeber that crap. It was the Bengals game. I know YOU PMed him and I PMed him too, but he never responded.

Anyways, Ramsey is something special. Got us not only to the 20, but the 30 Pt. mark (with a run game of course). He got us a win by efficient play. He got us our annual division win (:doh: ) earning him his second one. Man, I feel good!:)

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Originally posted by SkinsHokieFan

19/22, 174 yards 3 TD's.

That is just about a perfect game.

I wish we did try 2 or 3 more deep passes there. But I guess we are just going to have to work that in

First of all, that's around 8-9 yards per attempt, which is phenomenal, so you don't need deep passes if you're accomplishing that.

Second, I think Gibbs is starting Patrick slowly in the offense. The first two weeks (vs outstanding defenses) he was very conservative - perhaps too conservative - with the passes. Today he opened it up a bit more and Patrick responded.

Remember, the deep pass is an important part of Gibbs game plan. His QB's have always thrown accurate deep passes, at least when they were on. Look at Theisman in '83 and '84, Schroeder in '85 and '86, Williams in the Super Bowl, and Rypien from '88-'91. All had great touch on their passes beyond 20 yards. I think that Gibbs is not only helping Ramsey ease into the offense, he's also letting Ramsey show him, step by step, that he can do all of the things that Gibbs wants.

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Originally posted by Art

He has this type of throw in him. If he can consistently make the easy throw -- as he did today -- while combining the special play, we're going to be ok.

No, we'll be in great shape, not just ok. That's all that Rypien did for us during his best years, and it's all that a guy like Brees, for example, is doing for his team now. If Ramsey can complete 60%+ of his passes for 7 yards or more per attempt, we suddenly become a team that should be able to go deep in the playoffs versus a struggling, losing team.
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Ramsey is improving. Things look a lot better when your recievers arent dropping balls right and left and there isn't a Dlineman in your face right after the ball is snapped. Any problems he has should work themselves out on the field. As he completes the easier stuff with more consistancy, Gibbs will no doubt allow him to throw longer balls. I expect big things.

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I don't really care about some signature bet....but the Brunell bashing and chest-thumping is getting a little old.

How many times do you guys need to hear 'you were right'?

You can't even enjoy a big win without bringing it up (repeatedly) :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Renegade7

This isn't exactly the 85 bears D he went up against. But he took that curve ball and hit it right out the damn ball park. He ran the offense to the fullest, and shoulda had another TD if Raymer hadn't of held his man. 4 td's. Yes, he's going to be good.

He got a TD pass to Cooley later on in that drive.

But yeah you are absolutley right. Hit the curve ball out of the park today

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