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At least we know what Gibbs was talking about.


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Gibbs was defending Brunell for most of the year with comments that Brunell has prevented a lot of negative plays against us with his play. Combine what Ramsey did against the Giants with today and you know what Gibbs means. There were seven balls that should have been intercepted by the Bengals as the passes were right in a defensive backs hands. A couple of the passes don't look like Ramsey throwing them, in that they are such terrible, flat, awful passes and Ramsey hasn't really been prone to those types of interceptions for two years.

What Ramsey does provide is something of a passing threat. If Gibbs could get him to NOT make those awful throws, that would be great. Gibbs probably can't teach him to read a zone blitz anytime soon, but, if the terrible dangerous throw is stopped, that alone would be an improvement.

Honestly, with Brunell in you may not have had the terrible risky toss with the frequency you see from Ramsey, but, you never felt you had a chance. Ramsey gives you some sort of chance. When he gets hot he looks pretty good. Gibbs has an interesting choice now. I think you have to stay with Ramsey for now, but, the types of throws he made today that were constantly square in the defensive players hands will make it hard for anyone to say he HAS to stay in.

I give credit to Williams for again finding a solution on defense when they had it going and shutting it down in the second half as the Bengals kept working it. Sean Taylor had a couple of hits in this game that were quite inspiring.

But, this game is really about a struggling, dismal offense that can't seem to get anything going. Ramsey had SOME moments, but even in that, we make a play, then drop a pass, then make a play, then have a silly -- or imaginary -- penalty called. With hope, Ramsey can make the corrections he needs to make to limit some of the negatives.

If so, at least you'll see things looking like they are going in the right direction. Right now, offensively, things still look so confused and hopeless.

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Great post...I didn't think the Defense was gonna hold up tonight.


What can you say, the kid has the heart of a champion and brings a level of intensity to the team that you can't explain. But on some of those throws.....

Honestly, some of that has to be Gibbs, the design, or the Wr's.

Nobody on our team is ever wide open.

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I dont think anyone doubted the fact that Ramsey makes mistakes, i for one think that its okay for him to throw a pick or two per game, and with the defense there is a great chance we get the ball back. That is why i like ramsey, but also, you have to give props to Ramsey, he came in without any practice with the first stringers and makes the plays he needed to. Although the Bengals D did drop alot of easy Ints, the fact of the matter is, they didnt. This is why i wanted Ramsey to have a full week of practice, and come in the Bengals game and get some exp. The Bengals D isnt as good as other D's we will face and Ramsey has shown me a ray of hope for the rest of the season, and next year.

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Don't judge the kid so harshly off these 2 performances. Let's see how he plays with a full week of practice with the first team. The 2 times he has come in this year he's been thrown in with us in a hole and him not getting many snaps during the week.

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Originally posted by mad4comp

I dont think anyone doubted the fact that Ramsey makes mistakes, i for one think that its okay for him to throw a pick or two per game, and with the defense there is a great chance we get the ball back.

It is not Ramsey, it is the entire offense. That is what Gibbs, and a bunch of us have been saying. The OL is not giving the QB time to throw, The WR are not getting open, and when they do they drop to many passes. Then add in all those penalties....

well what do you expect.

And most of Ramsey yards came when the Bengals stopped blitzing and went prevent.

unless the rest of the offense steps up.. the results will be the same.

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What should be noted, is in both games Ramsey has come in he's been asked to bring the team back from a big deficit. I think that contributes alot to Ramsey's INTs. I like what I saw out of him in the fourth quarter, which was leading this offense and moving the chains through his arm. Something Brunell hasn't done all season.

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Originally posted by bubba9497

It is not Ramsey, it is the entire offense. That is what Gibbs, and a bunch of us have been saying. The OL is not giving the QB time to throw, The WR are not getting open, and when they do they drop to many passes. Then add in all those penalties....

well what do you expect.


We never really ran the ball today. 17 carries is not Gibbs football. The defense could tee up on our O line because they knew we were going to pass and not run the ball.

This team needs Ramsey to practice with the first team offense, get their timing back, have a balanced offense and we will win games.

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Originally posted by Gamebreaker

What should be noted, is in both games Ramsey has come in he's been asked to bring the team back from a big deficit. I think that contributes alot to Ramsey's INTs. I like what I saw out of him in the fourth quarter, which was leading this offense and moving the chains through his arm. Something Brunell hasn't done all season.

*cough*cough* DALLAS *cough*cough*

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Originally posted by Raub

Don't judge the kid so harshly off these 2 performances. Let's see how he plays with a full week of practice with the first team. The 2 times he has come in this year he's been thrown in with us in a hole and him not getting many snaps during the week.

I couldn't agree more. Ramsey had a few INT that the Bengals drop today; however, I truly believe if he had had most of the reps to get the feeling of the rec. timing and routes better, he would have not put the ball in some of those sticky places.

Also, some of those dropped passes by the rec. I think happened because they're not used to have to catch a ball that has some power behind it. Give him (Ramsey) all the reps with the starting squad from here on out, and I think we'll see the guy and offense we've all been waiting to see.:2cents:

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Originally posted by Oldskool


We never really ran the ball today. 17 carries is not Gibbs football. The defense could tee up on our O line because they knew we were going to pass and not run the ball.

This team needs Ramsey to practice with the first team offense, get their timing back, have a balanced offense and we will win games.


oh please Ramsey was 6-19 at one point until the Bengals started playing prevent.

I like Ramsey, I want to see him succeed, I wanted Brunell to succeed, Iwant the Skins to win... but the offense is not getting done as a unit, and changing qb is not going to change that.

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Originally posted by wildbill

Bubba, no excuses Bro. You can't defend Brunell andymore and stand behing what Gibbs says all the time.

Brunell has his chance he stunk.

You stood by him along with many others and it turned out you were wrong.

Move on.

Oh dear God...

I NEVER DEFENDED Brunell, I defended Gibbs... and this game proved that he was right.

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You beat me to it Oldskool. We need to let Ramsey hand the ball off to Portis/Betts 30-40 times a game and pass it 10-15 times until he gets comfortable in the offense.

In the meantime he's going to take some lumps. I suggest we get used to it and expect that he'll get better once he understands things more.

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Originally posted by bubba9497


oh please Ramsey was 6-19 at one point until the Bengals started playing prevent.

I like Ramsey, I want to see him succeed, I wanted Brunell to succeed, Iwant the Skins to win... but the offense is not getting done as a unit, and changing qb is not going to change that.

bubba this is really sad man.. You cant even see the truth anymore.

How the hell is Ramsey supposed to win a game when Gibbs wont run the ball?

It doesnt matter when the Bengals went into prevent. When you only run the ball 17 times, your QB hasnt even played a full game this year, not practiced with the 1st team offense more than 10% of the time, your asking for trouble.

The offense is fine. 90% of the offensive woes were Brunell's fault. Like it or not. By the end of the year, I will be proven right. Bookmark it.

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JG just said it; the starter gets about 90% of the reps in practice. So what we saw today was Patrick basically coming in with no reps with the first team and doing a fairly decent job. Granted he threw a couple of really bad balls, but I think that comes from not getting the work during the week. Judge him after a couple of games. I'm just glad that Brunnell is done.

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