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Analyst James Brown fires shot at Extremeskins.com


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More specifically Bang and his Poston cartoon,

Paraphrasing what he said just now on his show from Sporting News Radio. That he was on Extremesomething.com(didn't want to mention the Skins) and saw the most vile cartoon depicting the Postons in the worse possible racial stereotypes for blacks.

He really didn't like Bang's cartoon. Or maybe he was just kissing up because the Poston's were his guests.

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Got a feeling it was the latter. I obviously don't know the guy, but JB doesn't seem to me to be the kind of guy to get his panties ruffled over a cartoon. No one cared when Eddie Murphy was joking about white people during his standup routines (or any other black comics, for that matter) and I think this is the same. I actually think this is even less so than the comic routines, to be honest.


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Originally posted by KevinthePRF

More specifically Bang and his Poston cartoon,

Paraphrasing what he said just now on his show from Sporting News Radio. That he was on Extremesomething.com(didn't want to mention the Skins) and saw the most vile cartoon depicting the Postons in the worse possible racial stereotypes for blacks.

He really didn't like Bang's cartoon. Or maybe he was just kissing up because the Poston's were his guests.

I'm sure it was just radio fodder....

Sometimes there isn't much to talk about that's controversial, so they have to come up with something:2cents:

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Originally posted by KevinthePRF

More specifically Bang and his Poston cartoon,

Paraphrasing what he said just now on his show from Sporting News Radio. That he was on Extremesomething.com(didn't want to mention the Skins) and saw the most vile cartoon depicting the Postons in the worse possible racial stereotypes for blacks.

He really didn't like Bang's cartoon. Or maybe he was just kissing up because the Poston's were his guests.

Ive always enjoyed JB on the Fox show, but in my book he deserves a big "Eff You" since he never contacted anyone from this site to offer a rebuttle.

I still say its one of Bang's funniest toons, and I will stand by the fact that Bang is as color-blind as any of the best comedians.

Gotta give props to Bang for keeping the media talking. Way to stir the pot, Bang! :cheers:

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It's just a joke man. I mean, just like someone else pointed out here. Nobody has a problem when comedians or whomever of color bust on white people. But when someone of color is busted on it's ALWAYS were racist. I'm so sick and tired of that. Why does everyone have to always run back to the race card when they don't have anything intelligent to say? Stop taking the easy way out when making assumpitions like that. There is nothing about this video that depicts racism. It depicts 2 gentlemen who are greedy and it's done in a humerous way.

What a joke.

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I just think its absolutely incredible that this cartoon is out there and that the Postons and every other media pundit, knows what people think of them and are giving this the publicity.

Its not racist, its about greed. ESPN and now JB from Fox. Keep it up Bang.

Maybe its time to do a cartoon with Pace firing those two bozo's

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To someone sensitive to the disparaging way in which successful blacks are represented all to often by the media and others Bang’s cartoon sets off warning bells. The stereotypical traits associated with urban African Americans used to portray the Poston’s would not be well received by anyone with a favorable opinion of them that may know them personally. Clearly the cartoon was meant to be funny and not an accurate description of the infamous agents but many have become sensitive to the automatic jump to “ghetto” behavior when blacks are involved.

I don’t agree with James Brown that the cartoon was racist, but in all honesty I see how it could be taken the wrong way. Now before you all get upset, please note that I like Bang’s work and agree that it is not racist. Just posting my honest opinion on the issue.

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To someone sensitive to the disparaging way in which successful blacks are represented all to often by the media and others Bang’s cartoon sets off warning bells. The stereotypical traits associated with urban African Americans used to portray the Poston’s would not be well received by anyone with a favorable opinion of them that may know them personally.

Eddie Murphy's comments about Italians in Raw as Iroc Z28-driving, junk-gabbing overzealous fans of the Rocky movies probably wouldn't be taken well by Enrico Fermi, either, but it was a joke. There are far dreadful more things in this world and country we need to worry about.


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Destino actually makes a good point. I admit I thought the same thing when I saw it the first time: Hilarious, but could be taken the wrong way.

However, I think Blade makes the best point. If you are going to call a website or an individual racist, you'd better damn well make every effort to contact them and let them defend themselves. Who the hell does JB think he is that he can make such allegations without giving John or Eric the chance to address them?

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mighty noble of you Destino....

I see your point, but I think many people of different races get the feeling that their specifica race cannot ever be made fun of without it being racist. The thing is, every race is being made fun of, offended and stereotyped every day.

Howard Stern and Comedy Central are the easiest places to start. And they are giants right now....

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Originally posted by ntotoro

Eddie Murphy's comments about Italians in Raw as Iroc Z28-driving, junk-gabbing overzealous fans of the Rocky movies probably wouldn't be taken well by Enrico Fermi, either, but it was a joke. There are far dreadful more things in this world and country we need to worry about.


I agree with you. But all he did was make a comment, which is his right. Where I think he made a mistake was in not contacting someone here if he had a problem with it. That's a mistake on his part.

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Originally posted by ntotoro

Got a feeling it was the latter. I obviously don't know the guy, but JB doesn't seem to me to be the kind of guy to get his panties ruffled over a cartoon. No one cared when Eddie Murphy was joking about white people during his standup routines (or any other black comics, for that matter) and I think this is the same. I actually think this is even less so than the comic routines, to be honest.


I is politically correct to make fun of whites. I can't think of one black comic that doesn't. Only Latinos can make fun of blacks. I wish someone could explain to me why it is ok for George Lopez to use the "N" word in his act.

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