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Analyst James Brown fires shot at Extremeskins.com


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Originally posted by cowboykilla

After James Brown's comments on the cartoon, the Poston's replied: "Oh, we didn't even look at that "

We know FOR A FACT that, if the Postons said this, then they are FLAT OUT LYING! ESPN's Outside the Lines did a story on the Postons and even showed footage of one of the Postons watching the cartoon AND LAUGHING!

These guys deserve ALL of the negative pub that they get.

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Originally posted by afparent

I is politically correct to make fun of whites. I can't think of one black comic that doesn't. Only Latinos can make fun of blacks. I wish someone could explain to me why it is ok for George Lopez to use the "N" word in his act.

Perhaps on TV thats the case, but if you head down to the Improv you'd see that whites take plenty of shots at blacks as well, and everyone takes it for what it is, humor. Sadly we have nuts that make money off premature cries of racism like Jessie Jackson and that's most likely why the perception of one way street racial comedy exists.

BTW - Am I the only one that loves the Improv? I never hear anyone mention it.

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Originally posted by Destino

Perhaps on TV thats the case, but if you head down to the Improv you'd see that whites take plenty of shots at blacks as well, and everyone takes it for what it is, humor. Sadly we have nuts that make money off premature cries of racism like Jessie Jackson and that's most likely why the perception of one way street racial comedy exists.

BTW - Am I the only one that loves the Improv? I never hear anyone mention it.

That is actually my point. You aren't going to get big if you are white and use racial jokes. It won't be on TV.

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Originally posted by Blade

We know FOR A FACT that, if the Postons said this, then they are FLAT OUT LYING! ESPN's Outside the Lines did a story on the Postons and even showed footage of one of the Postons watching the cartoon AND LAUGHING!

These guys deserve ALL of the negative pub that they get.


I just saw the cartoon for the first time.....I went into it trying to find the racist points in it, but I couldn't find one? The cartoon was trying to depict them as greedy as*holes, not ghetto? I guess it's in the eye of the beholder?

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Would it be possible to post a link so we can all look at it again?

If Kevin's paraphrasing is accurate...

Paraphrasing what he said just now on his show from Sporting News Radio. That he was on Extremesomething.com(didn't want to mention the Skins) and saw the most vile cartoon depicting the Postons in the worse possible racial stereotypes for blacks.

I'm not sure he's calling anyplace or anyone racist. When I first saw it my reaction was similar to Henry's and I can understand how someone viewing that one cartoon in isolation could get that impression. If you don't realize Bang makes fun of everything and everyone in his cartoons just hearing the voices and seeing the mannerisms in that one cartoon could give a false impression IMO.

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JB always have been neutral with alot of things, never really leaning to the left nor the right towards alot of issues, you see that alot on the FOX pregame stuff. This is a first for him really making a big deal out of nothing. I didnt know The postons was representing him as well. Well Bang I think you got a good idea what your next Cartoon should be on.. ;)

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It was the voices Bang used for Carl and Kevin. He used "jive" talk for their vernacular which is probably fitting, but these guys are from Michigan and probably don't sound like that. The Postons are garbage and by JB having them on shows where he's coming from. Many people consider JB an "Uncle Tom" for his style of talking and dress. Not to mention he's not a professional athlete. JB has to say stuff like that to keep any of the little "street cred" he has. JB is being politically correct in other words. Way to go Bang.

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Y'all honestly can't see how that could be considered racist? I finally watched that a few minutes ago to see what everyone was talking about and I can definitely see how it could be considered racist. I actually find it kind of funny that everyone who posted priorly could not find a single thing racist about it. I understand that it's a fellow Skins fan making the cartoon and that it's hosted by this site, but I can't believe that that blinded every single person. Not even just a majority but everyone that's posted in this thread.

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Originally posted by atlhawksfan

Y'all honestly can't see how that could be considered racist? I finally watched that a few minutes ago to see what everyone was talking about and I can definitely see how it could be considered racist. I actually find it kind of funny that everyone who posted priorly could not find a single thing racist about it. I understand that it's a fellow Skins fan making the cartoon and that it's hosted by this site, but I can't believe that that blinded every single person. Not even just a majority but everyone that's posted in this thread.

I'm guessing he has me on ignore. :)

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Originally posted by atlhawksfan

Y'all honestly can't see how that could be considered racist? I finally watched that a few minutes ago to see what everyone was talking about and I can definitely see how it could be considered racist. I actually find it kind of funny that everyone who posted priorly could not find a single thing racist about it. I understand that it's a fellow Skins fan making the cartoon and that it's hosted by this site, but I can't believe that that blinded every single person. Not even just a majority but everyone that's posted in this thread.

So is it racist when Bang has a white cartoon talk like a redneck?

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Originally posted by DUSTINMFOX


I just saw the cartoon for the first time.....I went into it trying to find the racist points in it, but I couldn't find one? The cartoon was trying to depict them as greedy as*holes, not ghetto? I guess it's in the eye of the beholder?

In no way was that cartoon, or any of Bangs cartoons (that I've seen), RAcist. Unfortantly in this society that we live in, if you say something against somebody of a different color then your racist. This is a bad sign for our society.

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Comprehension 101...

JB didn't say it was racist... just that it was a bad (typical) stereotyping of black people...

He has the right to feel the way he does (being a black professional and having to deal with the negative stereotypes like those depicted in the cartoon...he is bound to be more sensitive than either you or I)... for those not black you will NEVER understand... and wont bother trying to explain how something you might find okay could be insensitive...

I will bet you anything that BANG did not know or have ever heard the Poston's speak or even know what they look like prior to making his cartoon...(he based his cartoon on the stereotype of black people not on any factual evidence...)

On anther note, JB should understand it is a cartoon... it is supposed to be funny ...and it is funny...

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Originally posted by atlhawksfan

Y'all honestly can't see how that could be considered racist? I finally watched that a few minutes ago to see what everyone was talking about and I can definitely see how it could be considered racist. I actually find it kind of funny that everyone who posted priorly could not find a single thing racist about it. I understand that it's a fellow Skins fan making the cartoon and that it's hosted by this site, but I can't believe that that blinded every single person. Not even just a majority but everyone that's posted in this thread.

Do you even know what the word "racist" means? Go look it up, then apply your apparently NEW knowledge with what you saw. There's not a SINGLE thing racist about the cartoon. But, that only comes from knowledge as to the meaning of the word.

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To repeat: The voices Bang made up for Carl and Kevin are "jive talk" or ebonics. That is the only "racist" thing that can be attributed to the cartoon. It does use stereotyping to achieve this, which is not politically correct. I think we have an issue of politically correct versus racist and that probably depends on the skin color of the beholder's eye. I'm caucasian.

Also note the "racist" depiction of the general manager Davis. He has a secretary named "Rose" and is as "white" as you can get. That could be considered stereotyping as well.

The only criticism of Bang that is valid at all is he is not politically correct. Judging by the use of the word "s**t" and "happy ending" he obviously wasn't aiming for children.

Unfortunately, my two very young daughters love Bang's cartoons because they crawl up in my lap when I run them sometimes. I had a hard time explaining Garcia and his hampster to them. I was afraid of what they's say to their elementary school teachers. (I'm a bad parent aren't I.)

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M-W.com's definition:

Main Entry: rac·ism

Pronunciation: 'rA-"si-z&m also -"shi-

Function: noun

1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

2 : racial prejudice or discrimination

Seemed racist to me, read the definition yourself and then get back to me. I'm not accusing Bang of being a racist individual just acknowledging that the cartoon could be considered racist.

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I just watched the cartoon. The white guy was given what would be called a "stereotype" nerdy, white guy-voice. The Postons were given what would be called "stereotype", "ghetto", black-guy voices.

I'm not calling anyone a racist, but that cartoon DEFINITELY used stereotyping to portray all speaking characters. I support Bang's cartoons and his freedom of speech but I cannot BELIEVE that NONE of you think racial stereotyping was used (on both sides.) It WAS. CLEARLY.

Sorry, guys. I'm not trying to be a a$$ or anything. Just calling what I see.

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I think atlhawksfan has some good points here. This issue is probably going to be viewed differently depending on the color of your skin. I'm caucasian and conservative, but am pretty liberal on race issues. This could be viewed as racist for the use of "jive talk" voices. That is all.

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Originally posted by Art

Do you even know what the word "racist" means? Go look it up, then apply your apparently NEW knowledge with what you saw. There's not a SINGLE thing racist about the cartoon. But, that only comes from knowledge as to the meaning of the word.

All words have connotations that go beyond what Merriam-Webster decides. Let's not hide behind a dictionary.

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