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Constitutional Amendment Poll


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Originally posted by SkinsHokie Fan

A big part of the debate during the 1995 Congress was term limits. It is interesting that it never got to Clinton's desk

Well the Congressmen who were voting on it aren't going to vote themselves out of office by signing the bill..

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Originally posted by TODD

Well the Congressmen who were voting on it aren't going to vote themselves out of office by signing the bill..


him let me think about this if i sign the bill, i won't have this job, nah, next :D

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While not for any of these ammendments, I'd consider one to address congressional districting. I'd probably go aginst this one too though. States should just get beyond the partisan crap and make districts that make geographic sense (either use your counties where they fit, or use a stats program...no more of this 100 ft by 30 mile district junk just to assure reelection for Jim Bob the Dem or Republican who has had his job for the past 20 years.

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Amendment XXII

Section 1. No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President

How is that more important than say a Senator serving for 50 years? Or the same with a Congressperson??? They really have more power once they get to the top ranks.. They affect our economy Directly.

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Originally posted by Thiebear

Amendment XXII

Section 1. No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President

How is that more important than say a Senator serving for 50 years? Or the same with a Congressperson??? They really have more power once they get to the top ranks.. They affect our economy Directly.

are you trying to tell me a senator has more power then the president, you need some help

if you don't like them vote them out

sometimes it is not a bad thing, look at one of the great senators, whose named has now slipped my mind :laugh: southern guy, i think started a fight on the floor and was a great voice for so long, dam what was his name :doh:

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Originally posted by jbooma

So she is stupid because she doesn't want people speeding in neighborhood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Destino you need some help. Why don't you do some research on how many children have been killed when cars spped through crowded streets in highly residentual neighborhoods, you might be surprised.

If you go the speed limit your suspension would be fine, and if you don't like it find a new road :doh: I think you need to stop crying and think who has the "Me first" attitude, because it is you.

A speed hump per block = fine. 4 per block is unreasonable. The speed limit is 25mph, which is now impossible unless you really don't care how much damage your car takes. I don't think you understand how many of these frickin things they put in.

My main gripe however is that they hired some lame no name company to put them in. They of course didn't paint them or put signs up, so I hit one on a stretch where the speed limit is 35 and has no lamp posts. I spun out and hit a tree. I sent the stupid woman a letter thanking her for keeping me safe.

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Originally posted by Destino

A speed hump per block = fine. 4 per block is unreasonable. The speed limit is 25mph, which is now impossible unless you really don't care how much damage your car takes. I don't think you understand how many of these frickin things they put in.

My main gripe however is that they hired some lame no name company to put them in. They of course didn't paint them or put signs up, so I hit one on a stretch where the speed limit is 35 and has no lamp posts. I spun out and hit a tree. I sent the stupid woman a letter thanking her for keeping me safe.

so how fast and what were you doing when it happend :)

i can see why you are mad, the speed limit should have been changed, i have never heard of a 35 mph speed bump :laugh:

Do you live in Clarendon??

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Originally posted by Thiebear

are you trying to tell me a senator has more power then the president, you need some help...

Robert Byrd? I think he has sent more pork to WVA than Bush spent on IRAQ...

If it was Bryd big deal, you don't think the person to replace him would not do the same?? They do this to get relected and keep their people happy. If was a new person they would do it the same. What we need to do is make it harder for these types of bills to get passed.

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Originally posted by jbooma

If it was Bryd big deal, you don't think the person to replace him would not do the same?? They do this to get relected and keep their people happy. If was a new person they would do it the same. What we need to do is make it harder for these types of bills to get passed.

Point being you dont allow these people to turn the office into their own personal power broker house.. 4-6 terms max...

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Originally posted by Thiebear

are you trying to tell me a senator has more power then the president, you need some help...

Robert Byrd? I think he has sent more pork to WVA than Bush spent on IRAQ...

Now, now. I'm not certain that Byrd ever did anything worse than the folks who managed to spend federal tax dollars to make Tulsa a deepwater, oceangoing port.

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jbooma said:

As for language, that is the dumbest ideal I have ever heard. Are you afraid that in 50 years WE will be the minority. If that is the case then stop having just your 1.5 kids and have like 3 or 4

It has nothing to do with being worried about being in the minority in 50 years. At my current age plus 50 I doubt I will care much. It really has to do with making the country more efficient and fixing some issues that are only small issues now but could be huge issues in a couple of decades.

Every country should have a "lingua franca" in which business and education are done. The amount of money spent in places with very large minority populations to cater to their ignorance of the de facto language of the land is amazing.

Look, I am not trying to discriminate against anyone. Immigrants have made this country what it is today and I appreciate that. Like almost everyone here I am descended from immigrants (granted, it has been many generations for me). All I am saying is that if I intended to move to a new country I would make damn sure I knew enough of the official language to be productive there. We have no official language here. It needs to be fixed and personally I think it is important enough to put in the document that runs the joint.

jbooma said:

are you trying to tell me a senator has more power then the president, you need some help

LOL - yeah, I am saying just that. Our history is full of weak Presidents who, in reality, welded less power than a lot of Senators. It is also full of Senators who changed the course of history here. I am thinking of men like Daniel Webster, Henry Clay, John C Calhoun and more recently Joseph McCarthey. These men are all easily a large in the history of this country many of our Presidents and often welded power only dreamed of by the men in the White House.

Why do you think Congress was so quick to Amend the Constitution to limit the number of terms a President could have but has so steadfastly refused to limit themselves? The know the truth.

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I think I've mentioned before that reading the paper a couple months back i read that Hispanics will be the largest group of people in America in the year 2027.

All these official language dillemmas can be solved by one thing only........ A large scale race war.

Everyone in america will register as a fighter for their respective race, and a couple weeks later will have to kill as many people of opposing races with their bare hands as possible.

If this happens, it must be a hand to hand combat fight only.

The winning race can decide the fate of america.

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Originally posted by Neophyte

LOL - yeah, I am saying just that. Our history is full of weak Presidents who, in reality, welded less power than a lot of Senators. It is also full of Senators who changed the course of history here. I am thinking of men like Daniel Webster, Henry Clay, John C Calhoun and more recently Joseph McCarthey. These men are all easily a large in the history of this country many of our Presidents and often welded power only dreamed of by the men in the White House.

Why do you think Congress was so quick to Amend the Constitution to limit the number of terms a President could have but has so steadfastly refused to limit themselves? The know the truth.

If these congressmen and senators are so powerful then how many can you name??

We all know the presidents. You could also point that some presidents don't have a lot of power because of the senate and house, which is made up many not one :doh:

as one person the president has far more power then any of them

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Originally posted by Cskin

Question Destino... if we truly are an immigrant nation... the melting pot of the world... why is it that the first immigrants to this country were enthusiastic to learn the English language and meld into the culture of America while today's immigrants do not? They were thankful for the opportunties they were provided here in the new America... a chance to start over and have the freedom to pursue their happiness.

This is such a crock. You evidently don't know too many immigrants, or at least haven't visited many immigrant neighborhoods in your life.

First, my great grand parents from my mother side were both immigrants. There were four of them, they lived in this country a total of 250 years (80 years, 79 years, 61 years and 50 years) and not one of them spoke clear English. All of their kids did though. They were able to work their whole life, start business' and have large families (yep they each had 9 kids). They were ridiculed just as you are trashing on modern immigrants with the same callousness.

You see, it's the nationalities that change, not the desire to become an American citizen. Just because you buy into all the RW propaganda doesn't mean you have to try to force feed it down everyone elses throat.

Personally, I know/knew about 75 people who were first generation Americans and probably 90% of them do/did not read or right the language and very few spoke/speak it fluently. It's the same thing now, you just want to push the blame on an immigrant population because your family is settled down.

BTW, the reason we have such a leneint immigration laws is because of economic growth. You do realize that if you stopped immigration and the population became stagnant that our economy would stagnate as well do you?

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Originally posted by jbooma

If these congressmen and senators are so powerful then how many can you name??

Funny, I named 4 in my last post.

Originally posted by jbooma

We all know the presidents. You could also point that some presidents don't have a lot of power because of the senate and house, which is made up many not one :doh:

Just because someone does not have name recognition does not mean they do not have power and influence. Look at the list of the most powerful in Hollywood every year. Most of the top names are producers and studio execs who are not house hold names. Washington is the same way. Go back in history and ask such shining examples of the Presidency as Grant, Coolidge, Harding and Andrew Johnson if being the President made them the most powerful men in Washington. History says the answer is no.

Then look at some those who are considered examples of excellent Presidents and see what you find. Kennedy had to die to get his civil rights agenda passed. Woodrow Wilson died without the Senate ever ratifying the treaty that would have made the US a member of the League of Nations. Andrew Jackson was censured.

The truth is that the President is still only one man and still subject to the checks and balances of power built into the Constitution. A long serving Congressman or Senator can kill so much of what a President wants to do that it is not funny. I would submit that the Speaker of the House and Senate Majority Leader often have more power than the President does.

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Originally posted by chomerics

First, my great grand parents from my mother side were both immigrants. There were four of them, they lived in this country a total of 250 years (80 years, 79 years, 61 years and 50 years) and not one of them spoke clear English. All of their kids did though. They were able to work their whole life, start business' and have large families (yep they each had 9 kids). They were ridiculed just as you are trashing on modern immigrants with the same callousness.

However, I'd bet that not one of them marched in a protest, demanding that the public schools should teach their children in the language of "the old country".

I'd bet not one of them ever sued an employer for handing them an employment application that was written in English. Or demanded that the mere fact that they couldn't speak English shouldn't mean they can't answer the phones for the employer.

They all knew that the lack of English skills were hurting them in life, and didn't want their children to be held back the way the knew that they were. In fact, I'd bet that they flat-out demanded that their kids learn English as their first language.

They didn't claim that their new country was racist because the country didn't adapt to them.

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I voted for a balanced budget amendment, but I would want one with flexibility. I’m not sure an amendment is needed for this, but if spending continues to rise for another decade or two, you might be able to talk me into it. I guess there are situations when borrowing money makes sense, but I don’t like the way it is being done now.

As for the language amendment, I guess I could go either way. I don’t think that I would support it, but I don’t support forcing state and local governments to provide alternative language programs either.

I would like to see a “global” language either adopted or created though. It would seem to be a lot more efficient if everyone had the same 2nd language. At least then you could communicate, to some degree, no matter where you went.

As for term limits. I’m not going to tell anyone who they can or can’t vote for, so I don’t want anyone telling me who I can’t vote for. I don’t like the presidential term limit and I don’t even like age limits for elective office.

On gay marriage, I’m not going to tell two consenting adults that they can’t get married to the person they love.

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Upper Management in Congress whip and pressure the people below them to follow the SIDE that wants whatever...

Will it be totally fixed? Nope.. But at least they'll know the guy wont be there for 34 years... People will have to play better together because they arent lifetime repeats...

Kinda like the President ;)

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Originally posted by Larry

However, I'd bet that not one of them marched in a protest, demanding that the public schools should teach their children in the language of "the old country".

I'd bet not one of them ever sued an employer for handing them an employment application that was written in English. Or demanded that the mere fact that they couldn't speak English shouldn't mean they can't answer the phones for the employer.

They all knew that the lack of English skills were hurting them in life, and didn't want their children to be held back the way the knew that they were. In fact, I'd bet that they flat-out demanded that their kids learn English as their first language.

They didn't claim that their new country was racist because the country didn't adapt to them.

I totally agree with you Larry, but Cskins post was more about the "old country" immigrants coming to the US and adjusting to our culture, I was disagreeing with him on that point. Many of the old country immigrants came to America and never assimilated into our culture. They all stay in their own communities without the need to assimilate into the American culture. It's how you got the "little Italy" or Chinatown areas in your urban neighbourhoods.

As a matter of speaking, I don't think many hispanics think the country is racist because it isn't adapting to them. Although I don't have many hispanic friends, I do know a few of them and they are just as hard at working as anyone else. There is a loud minority in the hispanic communities, but this is the same with any racial or ethnic group, you can ALWAYS take a few out of the population and show how they are wacked or wrong. It's just that the whole population on new immigrants aren't looking for free handouts as many people protest.

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I didn't comment on the Hispanics work ethic... that's a given.

I have a problem with Hispanic immigrants coming to this country and caring little about learning the English language.... for the reason someone above mentioned... simplyfying things and making things more efficient. I have a problem with an illegal demanding, or suing, a school system in order to get their child taught in their native language.

I have a problem with Hispanics reaching our borders and being admitted into hospitals free of charge.. while Americans with no insurance are refused service.

I have a problem with Hispanics reaching our borders and immediately filing for federal benefits.... housing... food stamps.... healthcare... all on us taxpayer's dimes.

I have a problem with legislatures continuing to defend non-americans while giving their constituents who think otherwise the "eff you" gesture by means of their vote in Congress.

I have a problem with Illegal aliens getting amnesty after entering this country while millions of other immigrants wait on lists to become naturalized.

I have a problem with our govt. cheapening the very privledge to be a US citizen... or a naturalized one... by throwing open the borders and allowing illegals to pour into overburdened states.

I have a problem with politicians introducing legislation that provides law breaking illegals.... the illegals who broke a law the moment they stepped foot in this country and didn't follow proper US Immigration policies and procedures.... I have a problem with groups defending them.... wanting to give them driver's licenses.....and the disgusting suggestion of providing illegals the right to vote in US elections.

Finally, I have a problem with our govt... the one for the people by the people.... being ignored and the majority sentiment dismissed so the political parties can remain in power, gain power, or otherwise screw this country up.

Any questions?

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Additionally, on the issue of economic factors associated with immigration.... you 've got to do a bit better than that cho.

I'm all for immigrants taking jobs other Americans would generally ignore. It's called choice... freedom... a cornerstone of our country. If the immigrants want to fill these jobs... make more money than they've made in their lifetimes... more power to them.

They key is to monitor them and have the means to track them. That's called a "Guest Worker" program.... with stiff penalites for immigrants/illegals who break the law or otherwise ignore the mandates set upon them to work in this country.

Don't show up for your Guest worker hearing? Punted back to your home country.

Commit a felony and be convicted in US courts? Punted back to your home country.

Fail to pay taxes like most Americans? Punted back to your home country.

No ifs... ands... or buts. Copeche!!!!

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Originally posted by Cskin

I didn't comment on the Hispanics work ethic... that's a given.

Why don't you just say you don't like hispanics, it is a lot easier then typing all that other BS.

I know a lot more hispanics that have a better work ethic then whites or blacks, just because you see a few slacking doesn't mean all are like that. You probably don't even understand how different hispanics are in south america, central america, and spain.

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