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Constitutional Amendment Poll


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Originally posted by Destino

Ah so then we all speak English because we just woke up one day and decided that was best. Nevermind the fact that the three branches of government conduct their business in English, that schools are instructed to teach English, that legal documents are filed in English.....nevermind all that let's just listen to your hysteria instead.

The problem is folks like you have a problem with encountering another language. For some reason, certainly not xenophobia, it makes you angry simply to be exposed to it. That irrational reaction must be based in love and tolerance of course. Afterall it's not enough that the business of the nation be conducted in English and that schools and Universities all teach it or in it, no no what matters are laws stopping banks from realizing the competitive advantages of providing a second language on the ATM screen. That is a plague that must be dealt with because it's so so so bad to have that extra click.

How's that for holier then thou?

The US does not have an official language. Of course we have one language we use the MOST, every country in the world has a language that is used by more people. I'm impressed you were able to pick up on that. My post about the language on the ATMs was half serious. Like I really pound my fists on the ATM everytime I get money out. No, one second doesn't make a difference, but I'm still allowed to have pet peeves right? I'm hispanic and I have family members who are fluent in Spanish. I just think that the US should have an OFFICIAL language. Lots of countries do. But for some reason in your bleeding liberal head, this makes me a xenophobic monster. You love to rip people for not accepting other cultures or points of view, but you do the same thing when I say I would prefer a national language. That's MY point of view. Just because I don't agree with you, it doesn't make me not-PC or whatever problem you think I have.

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I'm not frightened of foreigners and I don't hate them. I don't hate the spanish language and I'm not frightened of it either. Hell, I'm hispanic myself! Its much simpler for a country to have one official language. Notice I say official language, not only one language allowed.

Troyster... it's revisionist history. Destino is implying that the immigrants of yesteryear didn't learn the english language... they huddled in their sweaty masses in neighborhoods and spoke nothing but their native language. He's implying they weren't grateful to be here, avoiding the oppression...persecution.. and economic struggles of their own native lands, and weren't open-minded enough to believe learning the US ADOPTED language would be useful in persuing happiness and becoming successful.

I'll bet he also believes US History books are fine containing only a paragraph detailing Abraham Lincoln... ***Uneccessary and apology forthcoming***

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Alright.. so you go to France... where they speak French I hear.... and you speak English. How quickly before you realize you have to learn French because the locals don't care to babysit you and play a game of charades.

It's a fair point( and I agree with it)

I believe the advocation of this type of legislation(make English the "official" language) will ultimately lead to an infringement of private property rights.

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You think people come here and don't want to learn the language? There are horror stories of people being here for a very long time and learning nothing but that's not the norm. Truth is many do understand English but their accent embarasses them. Many are learning it but it does require time and they've got no money for classes (which are mostly scams BTW).

Aaaahh...common ground. I didn't say "every last one of the illegal aliens" avoids the english language... but I'd bet a month's salary a majority of them have learning the English language far down on their priority list.

Accents and embarassment? Since when? When I travel to the Caribbean... where they speak Portuguese and Dutch among other languages... I'm a complete buffoon down there. But I'm not embarrassed.... I just think they must understand I'm not from there and that whatever phrases I do pick up.... the ones to help me get around and show respect and appreciation.... that they must appreciate me for trying. My Virginia draw just butchers Spanish/Dutch/Portugese.

The point is I try.... however bad.... and continue to peripherally learn a bit more in order to better understand and accomodate my clients. I'd like to see illegals do that here.... and have the govt. not cater and coddle them so that they are forced to learn English.....even simple phrases to help us better communicate with each other.

A few months ago I helped a woman change a tire on 64 in Newport News. She was spanish... a complete wreck emotionally. She was talking to me in Spanish... me to her in English... and neither understood a word the other was trying to say. I changed her tire and gave her my cell phone to call someone.... and we never EVER understood a word each other were saying. I looked at the tags on her car... expired by a year and half. Been there that long and can't understand a word of english? Please.

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I believe the advocation of this type of legislation(make English the "official" language) will ultimately lead to an infringement of private property rights.

I can see that Lucky... good point! Maybe adopted language... or language of the masses... blah..blah..blah.

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Originally posted by Destino

This entire issue has been drummed up by politicians and racists. It's made its way into the mainstream and now peopel believe the hype. They preach that our culture will be lost and other idiotic chicken little theories. They believe fictional accounts of history in which immigrants came and eagerly learned the language out of love.....forgetting the racism that ran wild and free in earlier times which made people want to HIDE their background out of fear.

Ah yes, this issue is just drummed up by politicians. Like my wife who is a public school teacher by day but really an evil politician by night. Give me a break, man.

She has problems daily in her classroom due to immigrant children thrust into the system without even basic language skills. Parents expect her to be able to teach in the childs native tongue rather her native tongue. Even worse is that there are multiple nationalities in the class at once. American kids with Mexican, Sudanese and Bosnian, just to name three that come to mind right off, where the immigrants don't even understand "Hello".

She teaches in the Dallas school district and the Superintendent just resigned yesterday. Before the ink was dry on his resignation letter the local Hispanic leaders were demanding that the next Superintendent be bi-lingual. That it was their "right" to have someone who could speak their language in that job because there were so many of them in Dallas.

Easy for you to dismiss this as something created by politicians and racists living in and around DC (I lived there for 18 years and most of my family still lives there and I am assuming you live there) but it is an issue for a lot of the rest of the country. All it takes here for a state constitutional amendment is to get it on the ballet in November. I can see Spanish being the official state language of Texas in the not to distant future and that bothers me.

It should bother all Americans.

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She teaches in the Dallas school district and the Superintendent just resigned yesterday. Before the ink was dry on his resignation letter the local Hispanic leaders were demanding that the next Superintendent be bi-lingual. That it was their "right" to have someone who could speak their language in that job because there were so many of them in Dallas.

The first time an American speaking parent at a PTA or school board meeting suggests that these immigrant kids should learn the english language because they are in America and the "adopted" language in America is English.... that parent is going to get an earful of "RACIST!!!" among other unpleasant names thrown their way. To demand that foreigners learn the english language in order to attend American public schools so they can be taught along with the other kids is... well.... Racist! Go figure!

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Originally posted by Neophyte

Ah yes, this issue is just drummed up by politicians. Like my wife who is a public school teacher by day but really an evil politician by night. Give me a break, man.

She has problems daily in her classroom due to immigrant children thrust into the system without even basic language skills. Parents expect her to be able to teach in the childs native tongue rather her native tongue. Even worse is that there are multiple nationalities in the class at once. American kids with Mexican, Sudanese and Bosnian, just to name three that come to mind right off, where the immigrants don't even understand "Hello".

Two things popped right into my head after reading this.....

1 -- I won't give you a break

2 -- Of course CHILDREN are going to lack in language skills that is why we have ESL programs. Because it's understood that kids MUST be in school and kids that are just arriving to the country don't know the language yet.

3 -- How insane is it for you to think children will arrive knowing English if they aren't from an English country. That's not even remotely possible. You may as well ask for them to sh!t gold.

Originally posted by Neophyte

She teaches in the Dallas school district and the Superintendent just resigned yesterday. Before the ink was dry on his resignation letter the local Hispanic leaders were demanding that the next Superintendent be bi-lingual. That it was their "right" to have someone who could speak their language in that job because there were so many of them in Dallas.

Where I live some stupid b!tch decided it was a good idea to put speed humps everywhere so her stupid kids could play in the street at the expense of my cars suspension system which has now had it's life shortened. Welcome to America people ask for dumb crap all the time. If people were more involved then they wouldn't get it unless they had the numbers to deserve it.

Originally posted by Neophyte

Easy for you to dismiss this as something created by politicians and racists living in and around DC (I lived there for 18 years and most of my family still lives there and I am assuming you live there) but it is an issue for a lot of the rest of the country. All it takes here for a state constitutional amendment is to get it on the ballet in November. I can see Spanish being the official state language of Texas in the not to distant future and that bothers me.

It should bother all Americans.

1-- My statement of polticians and racists was aimed at the "we are losing our culture" idiocy. I stand by that.

2 -- If your state is letting too many hispanics into the state that isn't my problem. The border needs to be sealed on that we agree.

3 -- What are the population figures in Texas of English speakers vs non? If this issue matters you should have already done your homework so enlighten me. BTW - don't assume all hispanics don't speak english, as the person writing this does and wouldnt' want spanish as the official language of any state.

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Actually, what bothers me about this poll is that, aparantly, at least among the people on this board, 76% of the people aren't happy with the Constitution the way it is.

Most likely due to the continued liberal interpretation of the Constitution that has allowed the federal govt. to leap from it's box.... "put it's left foot in... put it's left foot out... put it's left foot in.... and shake it all about" our US Taxpayer rear-ends.

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Originally posted by Cskin

The first time an American speaking parent at a PTA or school board meeting suggests that these immigrant kids should learn the english language because they are in America and the "adopted" language in America is English.... that parent is going to get an earful of "RACIST!!!" among other unpleasant names thrown their way. To demand that foreigners learn the english language in order to attend American public schools so they can be taught along with the other kids is... well.... Racist! Go figure!

OK what happened to ESL? I was in ESL as a kid isn't it suddenly gone?

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Don't Amend Anything Right Now.

whoops, didn't see that option.

Actually, what bothers me about this poll is that, aparantly, at least among the people on this board, 76% of the people aren't happy with the Constitution the way it is.

The constitution died a long time ago. Sigh

Cskin is right

Leftist judges killed it. Conservatives have only recently joined the bandwagon.

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Originally posted by Cskin

Wow... Destino... you really went out on a limb there.

I'm shocked... truly shocked! A liberal not wanting term limits on Congress. Tough to keep the unions and special interest groups in the pockets of the Dems with term-limits

Why so shocked? I don't believe there should be a limitation either.

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Originally posted by Destino

OK what happened to ESL? I was in ESL as a kid isn't it suddenly gone?

LOL - it is still around but now days it is handled in a mainstream fashion meaning that those who can't speak English are put in classes with those who can and expected to keep up. The end result is that the teachers, who often do not speak the native tongue of the student in question, are left spending a disproportionant amount of time on a minority and the whole class suffers.

I am not saying not to teach them English. I am not even expecting them know English when they get here. I am saying that we need to make English the official language and make learning it a requirement. Then, when they get there, make the requirement the first thing we do with them. Intensive English training before mainstreaming. That is all.

Originally posted by Destino

What are the population figures in Texas of English speakers vs non? If this issue matters you should have already done your homework so enlighten me. BTW - don't assume all hispanics don't speak english, as the person writing this does and wouldnt' want spanish as the official language of any state.

First off, I am not assuming all Hispanics don't speak English. Nor am I assuming that they all speak Spanish. Give me a little credit. The leader of the local Hispanic population made his demand for a bi-lingual Super in English. Go figure.

I don't have numbers for English only vs Non-English only but I have some numbers that speak to this.

White Persons in TX make up 52.4% of the population. Hispanics make up 32.0%. Foreign born persons make up some 13.9% of the population. 31.2% of the population report that English is not the language spoken at home. These numbers are form the 2000 census. I don't have the numbers for Dallas specifically but have read recently that the White population and Hispanic population are almost even with the Black population being about half of the first two.

BTW, I would not have brought up the official language of the state thought if I had not heard it mentioned here by Hispanics.

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Originally posted by Neophyte

LOL - it is still around but now days it is handled in a mainstream fashion meaning that those who can't speak English are put in classes with those who can and expected to keep up.

That's unacceptable! If I didn't have a ESL class I'd have been wasting my time in school. I picked up the lingo in under a year with careful instruction, left to my own devices I would have simply become depressed. Children do need help, adults can cope children aren't mature enough to handle such hostile conditions.

Originally posted by Neophyte

BTW, I would not have brought up the official language of the state thought if I had not heard it mentioned here by Hispanics.

If anyone tries to change the official language or add spanish to it, I'll fly down to Texas and march around with you in protest. That also is completely unacceptable.

I think the problem is too many are getting in the country and the natural second generation transformation isn't given proper time to occur. Too many new comers at once is bad news.

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OK, I think that whoever tore the Constitution in the first place should be the one to mend it.

And where were the guards during all this? Weren't they on duty? Were they out smoking or something? Or smoking something :bong:?

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Originally posted by Destino

Where I live some stupid b!tch decided it was a good idea to put speed humps everywhere so her stupid kids could play in the street at the expense of my cars suspension system which has now had it's life shortened. Welcome to America people ask for dumb crap all the time. If people were more involved then they wouldn't get it unless they had the numbers to deserve it.

That is typical of America these days. The "me first" attitude typified by those drivers who stop in the middle of the road to switch lanes.

Their thought process is "I want what I want and I don't care who suffers as long as I get it. I made a stupid mistake and didn't switch lanes when I could, but I don't want to face the consquences and make a slight detour to get where I am going. No way. Instead I will force everyone to sit and wait until I get over."

What ever happened to manners?

:evil: :evil: :evil:

I better stop talking about this before I go insane with rage.

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Originally posted by Lothar of the Hill People

That is typical of America these days. The "me first" attitude typified by those drivers who stop in the middle of the road to switch lanes.

Their thought process is "I want what I want and I don't care who suffers as long as I get it. I made a stupid mistake and didn't switch lanes when I could, but I don't want to face the consquences and make a slight detour to get where I am going. No way. Instead I will force everyone to sit and wait until I get over."

Actually, I'm convinced that the thought process of the vast majority of those drivers is: "I've been driving this road for 10 years, and I know darned well that the right lane ends 1/2 mile up ahead, and so does everybody else. (Which is why almost everybody else is in the left lane, stopped, waiting for their turn to get past the bottleneck.) But, I'm important, so I'm not going to get in line and wait my turn. I'm going to go up to the front of the line, and then push my way into to left lane untill somebody decides to let me in the front of the line rather than cause a deliberate 'accident'."

It doesn't bother them that the reason the left lane is stopped, is because of people who're too important to wait in line with everybody else. They're reasoning stopps at "By doing things this way, I'm saying myself ten minutes.", and never even gets to "And I'm also costing every single person in that line ten seconds."

I used to commute on I-95 to the Pentagon, and to this day I'm convinced that the people I saw who'd get in the "Exit Only" lanes, then drive to the very exit ramp, then push into the main road (then go to the next "Exit Only" lane, and do the same thing), have been driving that way every single day, for years. (And, they're doing it because, they've been doing it for five years, and have never received a ticket, so why not?)

And, I'm convinced, the people who do that are one of the (if not the) reason that traffic is backed up on I-95 in the first place.

Here endith the rant. I feel much better, now.

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Some of your are funny :laugh:

For those that want a balanced a budget check out your state see how that is working out :doh:

As for language, that is the dumbest ideal I have ever heard. Are you afraid that in 50 years WE will be the minority. If that is the case then stop having just your 1.5 kids and have like 3 or 4 :doh:

Hate to break to you no one is 100% of anything anymore :D You think there is discrimination now wait till you try to pass such a bill, everyone would be outraged.

The people that come here from other countries know they need to learn the language to make it here. I also say to some of you that knowing 2 or 3 languages might help you find a better job :doh:

I do feel sorry for the future of this country after reading this thread. :(

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Originally posted by Destino

Where I live some stupid b!tch decided it was a good idea to put speed humps everywhere so her stupid kids could play in the street at the expense of my cars suspension system which has now had it's life shortened. Welcome to America people ask for dumb crap all the time. If people were more involved then they wouldn't get it unless they had the numbers to deserve it.

So she is stupid because she doesn't want people speeding in neighborhood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Destino you need some help. Why don't you do some research on how many children have been killed when cars spped through crowded streets in highly residentual neighborhoods, you might be surprised.

If you go the speed limit your suspension would be fine, and if you don't like it find a new road :doh: I think you need to stop crying and think who has the "Me first" attitude, because it is you.

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