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Constitutional Amendment Poll


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The proposed Constitutional Amendment to prohit gay/lesbian marriage failed miserably in the US Senate this week. Proponents of this Amendment promise to bring it up again next year in the new session. Like it is a life and death issue...

Here are few possibilities for Constitutional Amendments that I personally think make a lot more sense today and would go a long way toward benefiting the country more than this one (which I don't agree with at all).

1. An Amendment to offically impose term limits for Congressmen and Senators. Congress seemed to think that this was a good idea for the Presidency after FDR was elected by the people 4 times in a row. Now I think what is good for the goose is also good for the gander. It would go a long way toward killing special interests in this country.

2. An Amendment making English the official language of the country. I live in a state where this is becoming a real problem. Everywhere around me are those from other countries who expect me to learn their language to communicate with them. They expect my wife to learn their language to teach their children. If we were only talking about one other language I might be ok with it as I think it would be good for all Americans to speak some other lanaguage fluently. However, in my wife's classes this last year she had students born in some 23 different countries who spoke more than 23 different languages. She cannot learn that many different languages over the summer. Therefore the solution is to settle on one language of the land and expect all who live here to learn it.

3. An Amendment requiring a balanced budget. I know there is a lot of arguement about this and it is considered a bad idea by as many economists as those who consider it a good idea. What I do know is that the government is setting a terrible example for the American people with its "spend what we want and not what we have" mentality. If we need emergency loopholes for this one then fine, let's define them but lets get this spending under control.

Those are just for starters. I offer them as possible options for those who just have to alter the document by which this country has been governed for over 2 centuries.

Questions? Comments? Rash Political Statements?

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I consider myself to be fairly conservative, at least slightly to the right of center, but this is pathetic. Why are we worried about gay marriage? I don't remember them beheading anyone, or threatening to murder as many Americans as possible. Let the states handle it. Funny, aren't Republicans supposed to believe in more state autonomy?

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The conservative groups are upset with gay marriages for many reasons. First and foremost, it is against their religious beliefs. Second, the legality issues become "dicey" when one state allows it and another does not. Third, civil unions currently exist and are not as controversial. Fourth, gay marriages confer all new legal (plus taxation and benefit) rights to couples which will be "paid for" with government taxes. Fifth, these conservative groups believe that it drastically breaks down the concept and value of the traditional family. That is why an amendment was sought.

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Guest SkinsHokie Fan

A big part of the debate during the 1995 Congress was term limits. It is interesting that it never got to Clinton's desk

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No thanks.

Wow... Destino... you really went out on a limb there.

I'm shocked... truly shocked! A liberal not wanting term limits on Congress. Tough to keep the unions and special interest groups in the pockets of the Dems with term-limits

**Career politicians have ruined this country. Our forefathers envisioned people representing their states as a burden... a burden to bare for the good of the country. Now... it's a career to make millions while having no accoutability to the people.

You don't support English being the adopted language of the United States? I wonder why? It couldn't have anything to do with the burgeoning voter base of the Democrats that speak every other language but English.

**If you want to live in France, you must learn the French language. Want to live in Spain, better brush up on your Spanish. German... ditto... Russia... ditto. In the US.... nah.... the liberals in power will make living in the US easy on you by making the US establishment learn THEIR language.

Balanced Budget... you don't support that? Well... like someone else mentioned... it's more difficult to forecast a national federal budget than it is a state budget. I would, however, be in favor of spending limits. ... Pay as you go... new spending program must include same spending cut.

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Question Destino... if we truly are an immigrant nation... the melting pot of the world... why is it that the first immigrants to this country were enthusiastic to learn the English language and meld into the culture of America while today's immigrants do not? They were thankful for the opportunties they were provided here in the new America... a chance to start over and have the freedom to pursue their happiness.

I guess today's immigrants don't think of that as a blessing... a privledge. Today, since we're leaning over backwards to accomodate them... it's their RIGHT to be here!

Illegal immigration is the single greatest issue this country will face in the next 25 years. American culture as we know it will be erased from history because of a new population who could care less about America's heritage.

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i am liberal, I chose only no ammending, but I didnt see the 'official language' option. We need to make English our official language. I hate how everything is turning into Spanish here. I understand we are merely trying to help them, but my parents moved here from India in the early and late 70's, and learned English right off. Sure they still talk their native languages at gatherings, but at home we speak English as well, have been ever since 91 when I came back from a vacation to India to school and the teacher didnt understand what language I was speaking.

No offense to other immigrants, I know there are many who try and do know English, but there are many who dont, and I feel that if my family learned English when they came here right off, then other immigrants should as well.

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Mr. S., good for your parents. That's just it... coming to this country is not a right. When you get here, it is your responsibility to become familiar with the culture and obtain the skills needed to be a productive law-abiding US citizen. Illegal aliens from Mexico and Latin America could care less to learn the English language.... most everything they need to use for basic life is provided to them in Spanish.

And let's not get into the medical benefits issue. Americans being turned away from hospitals due to no health insurance while the federal govt. demands hospitals not turn away illegals. :doh: Hell... even the hospital paperwork is provided in Spanish.... clearly marked "FREE"

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Originally posted by Cskin

Wow... Destino... you really went out on a limb there. I'm shocked... truly shocked!


Originally posted by Cskin

A liberal not wanting term limits on Congress. Tough to keep the unions and special interest groups in the pockets of the Dems with term-limits.

I don’t think it’s tough to keep union support without term limits. They certainly have no reason to support your side of the political fence, because most conservatives don’t even want them to exist.

As for special interest groups I’ll say this. “Pot. Kettle. Black”

Originally posted by Cskin

**Career politicians have ruined this country. Our forefathers envisioned people representing their states as a burden... a burden to bare for the good of the country. Now... it's a career to make millions while having no accoutability to the people.

Were you a drama major in college?

Originally posted by Cskin

You don't support English being the adopted language of the United States? I wonder why? It couldn't have anything to do with the burgeoning voter base of the Democrats that speak every other language but English.

English already is the official language of the United States. Save your xenophobia for someone that isn’t sickened by it.

Originally posted by Cskin

**If you want to live in France, you must learn the French language. Want to live in Spain, better brush up on your Spanish. German... ditto... Russia... ditto. In the US.... nah.... the liberals in power will make living in the US easy on you by making the US establishment learn THEIR language.


Originally posted by Cskin

Balanced Budget... you don't support that? Well... like someone else mentioned... it's more difficult to forecast a national federal budget than it is a state budget. I would, however, be in favor of spending limits. ... Pay as you go... new spending program must include same spending cut.

That’s great.

Originally posted by Cskin

Question Destino... if we truly are an immigrant nation... the melting pot of the world... why is it that the first immigrants to this country were enthusiastic to learn the English language and meld into the culture of America while today's immigrants do not?

They were thankful for the opportunties they were provided here in the new America... a chance to start over and have the freedom to pursue their happiness.

Is that what they told you in history class? That’s nice. Nothing’s change expect that in Washington’s day educated men were expected to speak more then one language while today ignorance is praised as being patriotic.

And spare me the “they were thankful” good old days trash. They lived in ethnic neighborhoods just as we do now and their kids grew up American as apple pie, the same as they do now. This problem you seem to be so concerned about is imagined. A stupid lie told by conservative xenophobes.

Originally posted by Cskin

I guess today's immigrants don't think of that as a blessing... a privledge. Today, since we're leaning over backwards to accomodate them... it's their RIGHT to be here!

Illegal immigration is the single greatest issue this country will face in the next 25 years. American culture as we know it will be erased from history because of a new population who could care less about America's heritage.

Chicken Little, the sky isn’t falling.

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If all of life were that easy.... explained effortlessly in one liners devoid of any opinion and little fact.

Three words for you... "Shuck...juke.. jive"

followed closely by three more... "Ignore.. distract.... avoid"

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Originally posted by Destino

English already is the official language of the United States. Save your xenophobia for someone that isn’t sickened by it.

First of all, you're dead wrong. The US does NOT have an official language. Look it up. Secondly, wanting to have one national language is not xenophobic. Why don't you cut out the holier than thou attitude.

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Originally posted by troyster

First of all, you're dead wrong. The US does NOT have an official language. Look it up. Secondly, wanting to have one national language is not xenophobic. Why don't you cut out the holier than thou attitude.

Ah so then we all speak English because we just woke up one day and decided that was best. Nevermind the fact that the three branches of government conduct their business in English, that schools are instructed to teach English, that legal documents are filed in English.

This entire issue has been drummed up by politicians and racists. It's made its way into the mainstream and now peopel believe the hype. They preach that our culture will be lost and other idiotic chicken little theories. They believe fictional accounts of history in which immigrants came and eagerly learned the language out of love.....forgetting the racism that ran wild and free in earlier times which made people want to HIDE their background out of fear.

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Originally posted by luckydevil

of course it is

Why did you make me do this?

Xenophobia: Fear and hatred of strangers or foreigners or of anything that is strange or foreign.

I'm not frightened of foreigners and I don't hate them. I don't hate the spanish language and I'm not frightened of it either. Hell, I'm hispanic myself! Its much simpler for a country to have one official language. Notice I say official language, not only one language allowed.

Thanks for the baseless claim though.

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Save your xenophobia for someone that isn’t sickened by it.

Alright.. so you go to France... where they speak French I hear.... and you speak English. How quickly before you realize you have to learn French because the locals don't care to babysit you and play a game of charades.

Being bi-lingual is terrific... I spoke almost fluent French in high school and college. I wish now I'd taken spanish... i'd be getting more use of it. The thing is... if I go to Mexico or Spain.....Eureka... everything is written in Spanish. Conversely, those illegals coming to America and.... Eureka.... increasingly everything is written in both English and Spanish. Why learn the English language.... much less the culture?

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Originally posted by Cskin

Alright.. so you go to France... where they speak French I hear.... and you speak English. How quickly before you realize you have to learn French because the locals don't care to babysit you and play a game of charades.

You think people come here and don't want to learn the language? There are horror stories of people being here for a very long time and learning nothing but that's not the norm. Truth is many do understand English but their accent embarasses them. Many are learning it but it does require time and they've got no money for classes (which are mostly scams BTW).

I agree with you illegal immigration must be stopped. I have no problems with you there. It's dangerous to have wide open borders but too many business' thrive on illegal workers to believe that politicians will ever do anything about it.

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