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Poll: Does the Entertainment Industry have a negative impact on our society?

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Originally posted by BDBuddy23

yes and no.

I think reality tv has gone way to far. And it'll be hard to get rid of it becuase it's so CHEAP to produce.

I agree, and you know who the father of reality t.v. is? Jerry Springer. Man do we need to get that show off of the air! Even journalists who used to somewhat be respectable like Maury Povich have now been forced to "jerryize" their shows. Now when you watch Maury all you see is some teenage girl on the show to find out who her "baby daddy" is. Ridiculous.

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Yepper, it and a bunch of other things... let me put my teeth in the cup next to me for a sec...

Hopefully when my kids are of age their graduation gift will go with their accomplishments and not the double D's that seem prevalent today....

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I voted yes. I was struggling between that and the "somewhat, when combined with other problems" option. I mean when I was growing up there was violent movies and "evil" rock music, but these things were never used as excuses for commiting violent acts like they are today. (Note: I do think movies and music push the envelope a LOT more today than they did 20 years ago). We were able to watch/listen to those things and separate reality from fiction. Sometimes I think the entertainment industry has become a scapegoat for bad parenting.

That said, I kinda lean toward the influence being negative. With everyone pushing the envelope further I think it does lead to a decay in morals, behavior, etc.

Did you see the commercial for the latest reality TV show (on ABC I believe) called WIFESWAP. They didn't show any previews but I can only imagine what this one will be like...

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I think it has a huge impact.

I was shocked to hear about the new Nicole Kidman movie coming out soon where she falls in love with a 10 year old boy. Whats the purpose behind a movie like that? I live in Tulsa, OK which is a very conservative city and state and reports are that no theatre will be showing the film here. I hope they stick to it.

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Originally posted by 5Arrington6

I think it has a huge impact.

I was shocked to hear about the new Nicole Kidman movie coming out soon where she falls in love with a 10 year old boy. Whats the purpose behind a movie like that? I live in Tulsa, OK which is a very conservative city and state and reports are that no theatre will be showing the film here. I hope they stick to it.

Art immitates life, stories like that have been in the headlines lately.

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Nah. Without entertainment we'd all be real cranky.

Is the entertainment industry perfect? No. But having an imperfect one is a lot better for society than not having one at all.

By the way, I just read this on Netscape. Might make you all with daughters feel a little better about the world today. :)


Girls Pushing for Modest Fashion Options


REDMOND, Wash. (AP) - During a recent shopping trip to Nordstrom, 11-year-old Ella Gunderson became frustrated with all the low-cut hip-huggers and skintight tops. So she wrote to the Seattle-based chain's executives to complain. The industry has been getting the message: A more modest look is in, fashion experts say.

The shy, bespectacled redhead has since become an instant media darling, appearing on national television over the past two weeks to promote modest fashions instead of the saucy looks popularized by the likes of Britney Spears.

``We like to call this new girl Miss Modesty,'' said Gigi Solif Schanen, fashion editor at Seventeen magazine. ``It's such a different feeling but still very pretty and feminine and sexy. It's just a little more covered up.''

Shoppers are starting to see higher waistlines and lower hemlines, and tweeds, fitted blazers and layers are expected to be big this fall, Schanen said.

``It's kind of like a sexy take on a librarian,'' she said. ``I think people are tired of seeing so much skin and want to leave a little more to the imagination.''

The Web sites ModestApparelUSA.com and ModestByDesign.com - where the slogan is ``Clothing your father would be proud of'' - report that sales have skyrocketed over the past 18 months.

Many youngsters are frustrated by the profusion of racy teenage clothing, according to Buzz Marketing, a New Jersey-based firm that compiles feedback from teen advisers.

``There is just sensory overload. Kids are going to say enough already,'' said Buzz's 24-year-old chief executive, Tina Wells. ``The next big trend I see is kids are going to look like monks.''

In 2002, a group of Arizona teens submitted a petition to the Phoenix division of the Dillard's department store chain asking for more modest clothes. The chain began carrying more conservative styles.

Nordstrom spokeswoman Deniz Anders said the company has been hearing for about two years from customers who want more modest looks, and Nordstrom tries to carry a broad array of styles in its stores.

The arrival of the modest look is good news for Ella, who last week participated in a sold-out ``Pure Fashion'' show in Bellevue with 37 other girls belonging to a Roman Catholic youth organization.

Ella, who paraded down the catwalk in a long-sleeved pink top and a shiny pink skirt, hopes the fashion show - and her letter - will prompt some change.

``There can be more than one look,'' the Redmond youngster said in an interview while wearing a loose Pure Fashion T-shirt, jeans and hot pink flip-flops. ``Everybody should have lots of choices.''

On the Net:

Wholesome Wear: http://www.wholesomewear.com

ModestApparelUSA: http://www.modestapparelusa.com

Modest By Design: http://www.modestbydesign.com

Nordstrom: http://www.nordstrom.com

06/02/04 22:58

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I mean, anything taken in excess could be harmful. Obviously you don't want to leave it up to FOX to raise your children. We, as a society, tend to look for exuses for our own short comings. We play the blame game...'Beavis and Butthead made me do it.' 'Ozzy, made my son commit suicide!' Please.

When you boil it all down, there is no good exuse for not stepping up and excepting responsibility for yourself, and the way your raise your kids. But if your the sort of person who looks for exuses, there are plenty to be found. Just dont expect me to buy into it.

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Originally posted by SkinsNut73

Did you see the commercial for the latest reality TV show (on ABC I believe) called WIFESWAP. They didn't show any previews but I can only imagine what this one will be like...

I saw a promo for it and it looks like it is supposed to be two wives swapping families so that they can get the other 'bumbling' husband and 'quirky' kids to shape up around the house. Looked dumb to me. And I hope that was ALL that this is supposed to be... :rolleyes:

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Sure, it can have a negative impact. But sometimes we seem to forget that the entertainment industry only sells what people buy. Entertainment is all about the dollar. If we all demanded Leave It To Beaver reruns, that's what we'd get, right?

But instead, it seems we're going through a phase where the thing that really gets us going is watching those who are worse off than we are to make ourselves feel better. You could fit anything from Springer to the dating shows like Fifth Wheel to reality shows to Dr. Phil in there. Either the people are dumber and uglier than we are, or... if they're better looking, then at least they're more shallow and petty, more immoral, or more totally screwed up than we are, which makes us feel pretty good as people, I guess.

So that's what sells.

Maybe the industry pushes that which is the least good for us, but so do McDonald's and Kentucky Fried Chicken. If you blame the entertainment industry for the way things are, then you'll have to blame the food industry for the obesity problem.

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i think the entertainment industry has the potential for having a negative impact because it is a huge part of everyone's life. What we see on TV and hear on the Radio has such a profound influence on all of us, but even more so on the weak minded. The Media having this strong persuasive power over so many people at the same time has a responsibility to the people, much larger then simple entertainment. unfortunately the industry has no moral code and does not recognize that responsibilty. they are blinded by dollars, so they in turn blind the people with hype, and dictate social stereotypes, promote propaganda, and pimp talentless frauds. that is why i don't watch television much, other then espn, and sports, to keep my mind free of the influences that corporate america wants to brainwash all of us with. "buy this it will help you be accepted", "look at this little girl shake her ass, but statutory rape is bad, mmmmkay." "Tough guys with guns are cool", and "the real world is about taking great trips with people and fun jobs with complete a$$holes". free your mind!!!

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Yes, Hollywood, TV, the news, all of that has a negative effect on people if they allow it to.

But you can't "legislate" against it because that would be communism, right?

I think people have to take responsibility for their own actions, choices and lives and can't keep blaming others for thier misfortunes or what ever the case may be. Sure, the movies and Tv have lots of sex and violence, but if you spend time with your kids and bring them up right, YOU will have more of an impact on your kids than TV or Movies.

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Did you see the commercial for the latest reality TV show (on ABC I believe) called WIFESWAP. They didn't show any previews but I can only imagine what this one will be like...
Originally posted by jenmdixon

I saw a promo for it and it looks like it is supposed to be two wives swapping families so that they can get the other 'bumbling' husband and 'quirky' kids to shape up around the house. Looked dumb to me. And I hope that was ALL that this is supposed to be... :rolleyes:

Thanks for clearing that up Jen....

All I heard was the name of the show and immediately my mind went right into the gutter...

...so you see, the entertainment industry has corrupted my mind :laugh:

...at least we still have innocent people like you who think normal :D

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Originally posted by G-Train

I agree, and you know who the father of reality t.v. is? Jerry Springer.

I think the OJ case is and COPS is what sparked reality tv.

What is scary though is this new show on ABC in the fall called "Desperate Housewives" that is a catchy title

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Originally posted by G-Train

The "graduation boob gift" :) thread got me thinking. How many of you think that the Entertainment Industry has a negative impact on our society? If you do, what specifically, and why.

Actually, I think it's the other way around. Society impacts the Entertainment industry & they just mock what they see, hear, or experience for themselves. No, this isn't always the case, but some movies have taken directly from real events or speculation about what transpired to create real events & are considered a "bad influence". Natural Born Killers is a good example here. The whole movie is a farce of what CAN happen when 2 people from very dysfunctional & violent families come together. Is it based on reality? No, not by any stretch of the imagination. But, it does illustrate how these kinds of people can spin out of control in many different ways. And the references to the story were placed at the end of the movie. Real life events. So, I think that the Entertainment industry derives it's content from society. Society, in turn, gets it's drive from entertainment & it's just one big vicious cycle.

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