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Your Predictions...Next Revolutionary Inventions/Achievements


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From Om:

Problem is ... in general, human beings do not think beyond their own lifetimes, or perhaps those of their children. We're remarkably short-sighted in that way. Seriously, how many of us ever really lend any serious thought to what the world might look like in 50 years ... a hundred ... two hundred ... a thousand ... and then, what we might oughta be doing about it?

I was thinking, in light of all the inventions that revolutionized the world in the last century (e.g., automobiles, planes, antibiotics, TV, computers), what do you think will be some of the next inventions/achievments that will revolutionize society in the next century?

I think gene therapy will provide humans the ability to regrow tissues/organs and cure various diseases (although cancer will still be problematic as there are so many kinds).

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I like Code's idea...Bigger and Better!

I agree....it'll be in the Gene's.

Eventually we'll get into Steam Cell research and along with some of the bad people see.....a lot of good will come from it. I imagine some people on this board will benefit from it in their lifetimes.

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Along the lines of gene therapy, organs/limbs/spines etc. grown in labs to replace any damaged body parts, made from one's own DNA, therefore eliminating the need for dangerous immuno-suppressants.

Smart cars that drive themselves once you plug in a destination.

Interestingly, I think ours is the only age where our predictions of the technological future tend to overestimate what we'll accomplish. In the 70s, it was a common belief that by now we'd have colonies on the moon and tourist flights to the moon would be in place.

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What I’m currently working on in my basement laboratory:

1) A liquid application that gets sprayed on asphalt that reacts to ice and snow by warming up just enough to melt and evaporate it as it accumulates. No more slick roads, no more urban and suburban paralysis by traffic nightmare, no more huge piles of plowed snow along the roadside, no more floods due to melt run-off. Oh, and as every urban center north of the Equator is going to want this, riches beyond the dreams of avarice for the man who patents the formula.

2) The Personal Web Chip. Tiny implant in the cerebral cortex that allows the user thought-activated instant access to the web. Someone asks you who was President of Honduras in 1845, you blink, and say, “dude ... Trinidad Cabañas. What’s wrong with your brainchip?”

3) The In-utero Empathy Booster. Every baby born to the human race will be measured pre-birth for the isolated empathy gene. Those found lacking will be genetically altered to bring them to acceptable levels. Impossible? Frighteningly Orwellian? Of course. Absolutely. But, if it ever comes to pass, also the end of prejudice, violence, war ... and the beginning of what future historians would mark as the Great Human Renaissance.

That’s enough for now. I don’t want anyone stealing any of my better ideas. :)

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Originally posted by riggo-toni

In the 70s, it was a common belief that by now we'd have colonies on the moon and tourist flights to the moon would be in place.

Maybe the drugs had something to do with that :laugh:

Then again how do we know they don't exist :D

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Originally posted by Om

What I’m currently working on in my basement laboratory:

3) The Personal Web Chip. Tiny implant in the cerebral cortex that allows the user thought-activated instant access to the web. Someone asks you who was President of Honduras in 1845, you blink, and say, “duh ... Trinidad Cabañas. What’s wrong with your brainchip, dude?”

No thanks. Imagine getting a virus in your brainchip or people accessing your brain via your chip.

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Think big, China. You can't not go to the moon because you're afraid the cheese might be bad. :)


By the way ... this one isn't really mine. Any complaints should be directed to Mr. Arthur C. Clarke.

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I think it would be cool to incorporate more of technology into sports, like a strike zone that is generated by a computer, or a chip in the hockey puck that tells you when it crosses the plane of the goal. The same kind of thing could be done for Football with first downs, touchdowns, etc.

Also, I would like to see the Mods create my Kiper avatar. :)


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Originally posted by Om

Think big, China. You can't not go to the moon because you're afraid the cheese might be bad. :)


By the way ... this one isn't really mine. Any complaints should be directed to Mr. Arthur C. Clarke.

I'll try. I was thinking it would make for good sci-fi though. Imagine people become dependent on them and an EMP occurs, then you have a bunch of people wandering around like lost children.

Edit: Sort of like last year when we had the hurricane and were without power for 8 days, alot of people don't know what to do when there is no TV, internet, phones, etc.

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Really I think the thing that would probably be the most revolutionary advance of say the next 50 (if they can even perfect it in that time frame) some odd years will be superconductors......most notable mass production of superconductors into everyday life. The enviromental and economic inpacts would probably be mind blowing.....even to the point of scary.

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Originally posted by Johnny 'Luscious' Punani

A fully fuctional sex robot...

Also. if there was would you use it?

Dude, I'm curious, did you intentionally omit the "n" in your spelling of functional, cuz that's pretty funny if you did :notworthy

Would I use it.... Well, what does it look like? I'm not banging any robot that looks like Roseanne Barr.... :puke:

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In all seriousness, here are some the areas we may breakthrough.

1. Genetics- unlocking DNA was a tremendous step, almost along the lines of Newton inventing Calculus, or Einstein and Relativity. Stem cells also can be found under this heading. I don't know if I will see it, but we will be able to grow new body parts one day.

2. Renewable Energy- We won't be able to achive cold fusion in my lifetime, but renewable energy will make tremendous strides. Cape Cod is planning on a 450 MW wind farm off the coast. . . Ocean tidal extraction, a lot of unharnessed power there (The Bay of Fundy has a 50ft. tide). . .Solar energy 3000W/m² is a shiite load of power.

3. Nanotechnology- Strides are being made there every day and we have already developed MEMS (although a lot bigger than nanotechnology, still on a micron scale)

4. Computers linking within the body. OM, I agree with you, I think we will be able to link ourselves to the net one day. Going a step further, I also believe we will someday be able to store our brain on a hard disk and "switch" bodies. I think we will be able to download our identity to a new host body when we reach a certain age.

5. String theory/Unification theory I think we aren't that far away from a unification theory and this will allow tremendous breakthroughs in physics and our understanding of the universe.

6. Space Travel- I think tourism will drive the way to cheap space travel. I think we will set up a base on the moon and use the base as a launching point to outer space. The moon base is probably 50 years away, but possibly quicked depending on how fast the space tourism industry takes hold.

Just a few of my thoughts. I also have a bunch of "ideas" about little quirky inventions, but I haven't developed anything yet, just a pipe dream as of right now (a 3-D TV is one of my ideas.)

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All these ideas are well and good but I want to know when the hell will we get those "holo-deck" rooms like they had in star trek? You know the ones that you go inside and everything is black with orange grids until you insert whatever movie/game and whammo you are in the movie/game.

That would be so damn cool.

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