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Reagan on the $10 bill ??


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Wow, would'nt that drive the Reagan haters insane?? I don't think it will happen but who knows.

Reagan the new face of the $10 bill?

Published report says conservatives will push for image of 40th president to grace $10 bill or dime.

June 8, 2004: 7:34 AM EDT

NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - Ronald Reagan's face could soon adorn the $10 bill or half the dimes minted in the country, if fans of the late president get their way, according to a published report.

USA Today reported Tuesday that Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., plans to sponsor legislation to have Reagan replace Alexander Hamilton, the nation's first treasury secretary, on the $10 bill. The proposal has the support of Ronald Reagan Legacy Project, which is headed by Grover Norquist, an influential conservative activist.

The paper says Democrats in Congress are not a ready to embrace the idea, though none would come out opposed to the idea in the wake of Reagan's death Saturday.

The decision about who is on currency is up to the secretary of treasury. A spokeswoman for current Treasury Secretary John Snow said any discussion of putting Reagan on the bill is "premature." But the paper quotes Norquist as saying that he has already had discussions with Snow and senior White House staff about the idea and found no opposition.

If Reagan is not put on the $10, an alternate proposal is to have half the nation's dimes carry Reagan's face, with the other half continuing to honor Franklin D. Roosevelt. The idea of removing Roosevelt from the dime altogether in favor of Reagan had enough opposition, even from Nancy Reagan, to be dropped, the paper said.

One person opposing removing Hamilton from the $10 bill is Ron Chenow, author of an acclaimed biography of the revolutionary war hero and founding father. He told USA Today that he believed Reagan would have objected to the snub of Hamilton.

"Hamilton was the prophet of the capitalist system that Ronald Reagan so admired," he said


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I don't see a reason why two guys can't both have a bill.

Respect the old design and have a new one also.

However, I would put him on an alternate $50...and still have Grant on some.

On that note, I think its time we give some love to the Presidents of the 20th Century on these bills.

$1. Only Washington

$5. Lincoln and FDR

$10 Hamilton and Teddy

$20 Jackson and Kennedy

$50 Grant and Reagan

$100 Just Franklin

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Originally posted by Rock-Bufford

I don't see a reason why two guys can't both have a bill.

Respect the old design and have a new one also.

However, I would put him on an alternate $50...and still have Grant on some.

On that note, I think its time we give some love to the Presidents of the 20th Century on these bills.

$1. Only Washington

$5. Lincoln and FDR

$10 Hamilton and Teddy

$20 Jackson and Kennedy

$50 Grant and Reagan

$100 Just Franklin

That would never happen, because it would be easier to create counterfeit bills.

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I fit in to the Reagan hater group, and this wouldn't really bother me. Hell, he has everything else. So why not? I just propose that they put a famous line of his in the place of "In God We Trust", like say maybe: "Not for 'Welfare Queens'", or "Made with Trees that Pollute" or something of that nature. :)

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Originally posted by jbooma

Or just bring back the $2 dollar bill and put him on that.

I'd be down with that.

With prices the way they are today. Almost nothing is under $1 anymore.....except those dumb long distance ads on TV. A $2 might survive today.

....alright, give Lincoln his own. Move FDR to the $10 and Teddy to the $100 with Benny

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I'm not a Reagan guy............and I understand the point about letting future generations judge.

However, for FDR, Teddy, Kennedy...etc. We are the future Generation. You've got to start somewhere. They don't introduce a 5 new bills at once. Start a process now....slowly. Every few years. By the time you get to Reagan, another 10-20 years will have passed.

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Originally posted by Kilmer17

I dont like the idea at all.

Not now. Let the next generation make that judgement.

I agree. I think Reagan was a great president, particularly for that time with what was going on in the world, however, I don't think you should make a decision like that in haste because of his passing. Give it time.

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I've made this prediction to a couple friends and co-workers ... I'll make it here too:

Within the next few years, someone in Congress will put forth a bill to put Ronald Reagan's likeness on Mt. Rushmore. It will be met with equal parts derision and support, be in the public eye for a few months, then die in committee somewhere.

But the seed will have been planted.


And by the way, that is a prediction only, not a judgment. Please don't take it as an opening to rant either for or against the idea.

For the record, personally I would be against it. Not enough time has passed to put this man's legacy into the kind of historical context I believe would be appropriate to even consider such a thing.

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phishhead, I feel you on your post. lol, very funny, And also Rock, I agree with your post, we already have our money for this generation, so let the next generation decide who the great presidents were and honor them by coining money with their image.

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Are there enough coins and bills to go around? $2 dollar bills have been tried twice, and never caught on. They are impractical.

Or at least perceived that way.

Dollar coins have been tried many times, and never caught on. For some reason, people like whole dollars that fold. Coins in your pocket just doesn't feel the same. And what would strippers do, put little purses on their garters? After a while the weight of the coins would bring them down.


Changing the faces on the coins and bills is not a bad idea, but it has not been done since the Kennedy Half-dollar.

And it would be devisive. The faces on the money now are so far in the past that few, if any, political retractors remain (with the possible exception of the Kennedy half - there may be some detractors out there somewhere).

When was the last time you heard anyone have political problems with Hamilton or Franklin?

I say, for now at least, leave the faces on the money alone. Find some other way to honor Reagan if you must.

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Originally posted by Woofer Magoo

Dollar coins have been tried many times, and never caught on. For some reason, people like whole dollars that fold. Coins in your pocket just doesn't feel the same. And what would strippers do, put little purses on their garters? After a while the weight of the coins would bring them down.

How about get rid of $1 bills entirely and move to $1 coins only. Then add $2 bills as the lowest denomination bill. The strippers would love it because they would be getting $2 a pop instead of $1.

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