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Pet peeves.


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Originally posted by Disco Dave

I hate it when women breast feed in public (especially in restaurantes) You know if you look like Pam Anderson then it's OK , But most women that do that are usually haggs.

Where are they suppose to go? Sit on a toilet and breastfeed in the bathroom? I suppose you prefer a loudly crying infant? If you don't like it, don't look! Most women are pretty protective about who sees their breasts and make an effort to "cover up" while breast feeding. You don't have kids do you?

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Reality Television. All of it.


As far as the 'cog in the machine' lamentation goes, I have to comment:

I like being a cog. I like greasing the machine. Without us bricks there'd be no wall. I think a lot of people spend too much time trying to 'make their mark' in the world. Stand out from the crowd and be a special, unique, totally different person from everyone else. Why? How does that make someone happier? Marketing in this country is always pushing us to party with silicone-enhanced twins, snowboard off of cliffs or use our SUVs to out-corner charging Rhino's in the Sahvanna. Well, to be honest I have no desire to do any of that stuff.

I don't like most of the world, and I have no desire to run it. There's something to be said for having enough to eat, a warm place to sleep, surrounding yourself with cool people and watching cable. :) I guess what I'm saying is I think a lot of the stress in our lives, in fact, MOST of it, is self induced. Life's too short. At the end of the day, the wise man will realize that 90% of the crap that goes on in life really doesn't matter. Really. And there's nothing wrong with that.

If you want to change something in your life, by all mean do it. Anyone who thinks he spends too much time with computers and TVs is free to throw them out the window. But if you LIKE logging on and plugging in, that's ok too. Life doesn't have to be a Nike commercial. That's only what Nike wants you to believe. :)

Anyway, sorry to preach, I really just meant to ***** about reality tv. :)

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People that talk loudly on cell phones.

People that talk on the phone while they are driving.

Mobile phone commercials.

Actually, pretty much anything that involves mobile phones I find annoying. :)

This new craze in advertising where all the young women are fantastic hotties and all the men are LOSERS. It doesn't matter what's being advertised. This seems to be a common theme. One in particular that I can't stand is the Wendy's commercial where the chickie licks the mayo off the guy's cheek. I don't care how hot the babe is, that is absolutely disgusting, and does not make me want to get anything with mayonaise on it ... ever again.

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1. Laziness

1. Stupidity and ignorance

2. Stupid people having children.

3. Genuinely hateful, intolerant and disrespectful people

4. Organized religion

5. Unflushed tiolets.

6. People who don't change the roll of toilet paper.

6. People who don't respond to emails within 24-48 hours.

7. Obnoxious Cowboy and Eagles fans (ie. trolls)

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Originally posted by Henry

...One in particular that I can't stand is the Wendy's commercial where the chickie licks the mayo off the guy's cheek. I don't care how hot the babe is, that is absolutely disgusting, and does not make me want to get anything with mayonaise on it ... ever again.

Bingo, that's the one! The latest trend right now is people licking or wiping sauce off of other people's faces. There are at least three right now.

The trend that really pisses me off has been around for almost two years. It's the "flashforward" commercials. Best Buy, Hertz, Expedia, the list goes on. It's the one where someone says something, and then the other person imagines it as this elaborate scene, and then retreats to the old familiar, "maybe we shouldn't" line. Either there is one uncreative Ad firm out there doing them all, or there are several uncreative ad firms ripping eachother off. Either way, those commericals cost tens of millions of dollars and none of them are any different from eachother.

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People who always say......."I have done that"..or "I knew that" to no matter WHAT you say you just did or just found out. No matter what it is, they have done it, said it, knew it, felt it, read it, etc. The ONE UP MANSHIP person irritates me.


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Originally posted by Blondie

People who always say......."I have done that"..or "I knew that" to no matter WHAT you say you just did or just found out. No matter what it is, they have done it, said it, knew it, felt it, read it, etc. The ONE UP MANSHIP person irritates me.


I know someone like that......


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Let's see...

1. Smokers.

2. People with bad breath that insist on getting up in your face to talk to you.

3. People that write checks in line at the store, especially ones that wait until they get a total to START writing the check.


5. Neighbors that let their dogs run loose.

6. Friends with dogs that let them jump all over you.

7. Coworkers that stand in your doorway with coffee in hand, jawing away first thing in the morning because THEY need to warm up before starting work.

8. Weak, generic office coffee (speaking of coffee).

9. Drivers that try to move me out of the fast lane by tailgating.

10. Politicians

11. Angry atheists

12. Angry religious people

13. Gay bashers

14. Bad parents (especially ones that don't restrain their kids in cars or leave them unattended in cars)

15. Militant vegans

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Originally posted by Disco Dave

More Complete,

Sorry, I must have struck a nerve. Maybe feed the child before going out to eat, or stay home. No, I don't have kids but if I did. They will not be going out to eat until they can eat food.

Wow that is ignorant! You are in for a RUDE awakening one day!


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*Repeat threads


*People who use all caps

*Slow drivers period

*People who stand on the left side of escalators (stupid tourists!)

*I know it's warm out now, and summer fashion is in full swing. This means for the ladies less is covered up. That's cool and all, but if you're...you know...overweight....I know it's "in" to show a little belly, but come on....:obvious: That's not sexy. No one wants to see that, for real.

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