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Pet peeves.


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What exactly sets you off? I for one can't stand traffic and feeling like grease in the machine. What the hell is the point? Ever ask yourself that question? Do you really believe you're that important in the grand scheme of things or are you just a replacable cog? Rat race or fruition?

We don't communicate anymore. We plant our a$$es on the couch and in front of computers to conversate. Why? Conveniance? Have we become such a pathetic society that we regress into the dungeon of comfort to "wind down"? What happened to interaction with your neighbors? What happened to becoming involved? We simply don't have the time anymore. our work schedules demand most of our lives, and whatever is left over is relegated to the family.

Grease in the machine. That's my #1 pet peeve. We oil it, therfore it will run. I'ts quite disturbing to see where society has been heading. Unfortunately, there's nothing groundbreaking on the horizon to stem this trend.

"All in all it's just a-nother brick in the wall".

No, I'm not a liberal. I'm simply stating the facts of what is and has been transpiring in the American society for many years.

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Originally posted by phanatic

What exactly sets you off? I for one can't stand traffic and feeling like grease in the machine. What the hell is the point? Ever ask yourself that question? Do you really believe you're that important in the grand scheme of things or are you just a replacable cog? Rat race or fruition?

We don't communicate anymore. We plant our a$$es on the couch and in front of computers to conversate. Why? Conveniance? Have we become such a pathetic society that we regress into the dungeon of comfort to "wind down"? What happened to interaction with your neighbors? What happened to becoming involved? We simply don't have the time anymore. our work schedules demand most of our lives, and whatever is left over is relegated to the family.

Grease in the machine. That's my #1 pet peeve. We oil it, therfore it will run. I'ts quite disturbing to see where society has been heading. Unfortunately, there's nothing groundbreaking on the horizon to stem this trend.

"All in all it's just a-nother brick in the wall".

No, I'm not a liberal. I'm simply stating the facts of what is and has been transpiring in the American society for many years.

The downfall of family values which began in the "latch key" kid days. Now, in order to have a family (at least in my neck of the woods) both parents have to work. They have children, yet they fail to parent them correctl. This is because of inner turmoil and feeling like their neglecting the child by not raising their kids, and parenting properly. They then fail to discipline their kids and allow them to run rampant because of their inner feelings of neglect. When the kids misbehave, they're diagnosed with ADD and are put on riddlin, the quick fix, instead of looking at the way they're actually parenting the kids.

Where I live, the average house costs $350K and rest is around 2K/month. Most people don't make enough to afford the house, but if they do, both parents work. Of all my friends with kids, only one stays at home.

Part of it also is the belief that being a homemaker is either bad, or viewed as not reaching your full potential. This spawned from the ERA movement and picked up steam as time went on. i don't think it's necessarily right, I still feel like the most important professions are the ones that effect our children, teachers mostly, but with society the way it is, even teachers are underpaid.

My real pet peave is when your driving on a one lane road and somebody cuts you off. I'm talking about breaks screeching, heart pumping cut off. They then proceede to go 10 miles below the speed limit for the next 20 miles. :mad:

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I get your post, Chomerics. The problem I have with your premise is that we WILLINGLY subject ourselves to this in order to "keep up with the Jones's". Have we turned into a generation of yuppie wannabes? This topic could be stretched into three or four threads so I am going to stop here.

I'm just sick of the rediculous rat race. I'm tired of watching my trade and college educated skills being handed over to untrained and uneducated individuals in order to save a buck, hence the rat race. How mant times must an individual reinvent himself in order to beat the tidle wave of job outsourcing as well as the trade sector being saturated with cheap and easy SEMI-LEGAL labor?

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My pet peeves:

1. Exposed bloody things in the bathroom trashcan.

2. People stopping by without calling first.

3. Cars changing lanes without signaling.

4. When you're at Starbuck's, twenty feet from the counter and someone yells "can I start you an espresso drink" (expecting you to yell your answer across the restaurant).

5. When, after being in a McDonalds for two seconds, someone asks "May I take your order" (I need time to think, man)

6. Commercials. Especially the copycat ones.

7. When musicians release 'best of' cd's with one song that isn't on any of their albums. So even though I've been loyal and bought seven of their frickin' albums, I have to get the 'best of' for that one song. Thanks a lot, a-hole.

8. When musicians rip off old songs.

9. Penis enlargement ads in my email box.

10. Anything having to do with the Cowboys.

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...some more:

11. Two words: Carrot Top.

12. When people walk their dogs and don't scoop their sh*t.

13. When I step in the stuff.

14. Poetry readings.

15. Pop unders.

16. People who don't listen when you talk to them (you can see them thinking of what they're going to say next, but never expounding upon what you just said or asking a follow-up question).

17. People who talk about money.

18. The media convicting people on television before they have gotten a trial.

19. Litter. Anywhere. And this includes cigarette butts. It's uglifying our country.

20. Modern Cell Phone Etiquette.

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Originally posted by Disco Dave

I hate it when women breast feed in public (especially in restaurantes) You know if you look like Pam Anderson then it's OK , But most women that do that are usually haggs.

That's right! I should've had that at number one! I hate it even more when people change their babies' diapers in public. F'ing sick.

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Originally posted by Ignatius J.

when you are walking directly toward someone and they attemp to move out of your way by moving to THIER left. Not cool. this is america, we travel on the right.

Just curious. Is 'Ignatius J.' as in Ignatius J. Reilly from a Confederacy of Dunces? Damn funny book.

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Where I live, the average house costs $350K and rest is around 2K/month. Most people don't make enough to afford the house, but if they do, both parents work. Of all my friends with kids, only one stays at home.

Around here that will only get you a townhouse. You need at least 500K for a single family.

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1. people who mis-pronouncing my name

2. people who think I am an Arab

3. People who think I am a muslim

4. people who think Iran is an Arab country

5. people who blame Clinton for EVERYTHING

6. dog crap in my path

7. anyone who does not clean up said dog crap

8. La Cross fans

9. WWF/WCW or any wrestling fans

10. anyone who says kill 'em now let God sort 'em out

11. relgious people

12. people who don't donate blood because they are scared of needles

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Originally posted by chomerics

My real pet peave is when your driving on a one lane road and somebody cuts you off. I'm talking about breaks screeching, heart pumping cut off. They then proceede to go 10 miles below the speed limit for the next 20 miles. :mad:

Finally, finally, finally, something we can agree on !!!

I hate that too. If your going to cut in front of me you'd better get the f*&k going and not go 2 miles an hour.

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Originally posted by jhayunga

Where I live, the average house costs $350K and rest is around 2K/month. Most people don't make enough to afford the house, but if they do, both parents work. Of all my friends with kids, only one stays at home.

Around here that will only get you a townhouse. You need at least 500K for a single family.

It's your fault for living there, if you want to keep more of your money just move to a cheaper area instead of living a lifestyle you can't afford.

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I agree with alot of points here. I'm very on board with the lack of discipline in children. I'd also like to add over-coddling as one of my irritations. Quit teaching your kids how to walk all over you.

One of my biggest peeves though would have to be "close talkers". If you are 6 inches from my face during a conversation, do I really have to tell you that this is way the F too close? Drunk close talkers are much worse.

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To add to the above:

- Frivolous lawsuits.

- Chewing loudly and/or with one's mouth open.

- Yelling at children in public.

- Stupid drivers, including those who: drive slowly on the left side of the road; constantly change speeds on the highway; talk on the cellphone while not paying attention; don't obey merge rules.

- Trucks that cut you off before an up-hill climb.

- People that don't listen, and always seem ready to speak while you are speaking.

- Arrogance.

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7. When musicians release 'best of' cd's with one song that isn't on any of their albums. So even though I've been loyal and bought seven of their frickin' albums, I have to get the 'best of' for that one song. Thanks a lot, a-hole.

MP3's can sometimes make this moot. :D

Pet Peeve:

Commercials for businesses like IBM where they try to act cool and slick, like where the women wear these horn-rimmed glasses to look "professional" and the men always have snappy comments. Then there is the lowkey keyboard music in the background that is supposed to sound playful.

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