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Pet peeves.


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I hate two things with a pasion.

1. People who have a conversation about sports in general they are completly off, especially when i talk to girls they something stupid like "Kobe got a lot of goals for The 76ers, did the sixers win b/c Kobe had alot of goals!" That drives me insane when you dont know anything about sports and you think you do.

2. People who have lazy eye and cross eyed. I told a kid that i hated it so he did it on purpose. So i threw up on him and he had to wear his gym clothes the whole day in school b/c his normal clothes were disgusting.

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And hear eye thought that I was the only won who was confused.

It mite knot bee blond anymore butt it was four most of my life. Of course now it's more brown and gray. Or is that, grey?

Well said. :laugh: :laugh:


and people that look down on

walmart shoppers :rolleyes: :doh:

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Or is it Wal-Mart?



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I hate two things with a pasion.

1. People who have a conversation about sports in general they are completly off, especially when i talk to girls they something stupid like "Kobe got a lot of goals for The 76ers, did the sixers win b/c Kobe had alot of goals!" That drives me insane when you dont know anything about sports and you think you do.

EA, if girls are talking to you about sports, it usually means that they like you :ladiesman

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I hate two things with a pasion.

2. People who have lazy eye and cross eyed. I told a kid that i hated it so he did it on purpose. So i threw up on him and he had to wear his gym clothes the whole day in school b/c his normal clothes were disgusting.


I burst out laughing when I read this...and I'm not even sure I get what happened.

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My pet peeves are:


*Breathing too loud

*Eating too loud (smacking)

*Leaving your shoes in the middle of the door

*Biting your nails

*Men leaving the toilet seat up

*Popping chewing gum all loud

*Dragging your feet when you walk

*Being in Wal Mart, Target, etc and you're on your cell phone and you're talking loud enough the damn store can hear you

*People who have Nextel and will be on their walkie talkie and get mad when people are looking at them crazy

*People who yell when they talk and you're sitting right beside them

*Drinking all of the soda, milk, juice and leaving that lil corner dime size amount in the bottle and sticking it back in the ice box (yeah i said it...I'm country as hell)

*When you're watching a movie that you've never seen adn someone comes in and starts telling you what's about to happen word for word

*Being in the movies and there's either a crying baby or some of these immature teenagers are getting up walking in and out, on the cell phone and having sex in the theater

*Being in the car and a song is on that you like and the other person decides they wanna change it

*People who borrow money and dont pay it back but always come back for more

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-Not being able to reverse-lookup telemarketers 800 numbers when I'm on the DNC registry

-Not leaving a message when calling someone

-Tailgaters (on the highway, not happy party folk)

-Having to explain what is going on to a person when they walk in during the middle of a movie, and then they keep asking questions till the end

-Anyone who talks on a cellphone while driving

-People who cut in line

-People who leave the bathroom floor soaking wet after a shower

-Paying for caller-id only to see "Private Caller", "Out of Area", "Name/Number Unavailable"

-Not chewing with your mouth closed

-Healthy drivers parking in handicapped spots with no decal or tag

-Not using the "Search" feature

-People who think their time is more important than your's

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1. People who hate reality tv (:silly: Some of you haters should watch The Amazing Race - best show on tv, no exaggeration)

2. Cruddy grammar/spelling

3. Self-righteous adults

4. Immature children/teens that validate the self-righteous attitudes of some adults

5. Aggressive drivers (thanks for taking the fun out of learning to drive!)

6. Bigots

7. People who comment on politics or sports without really knowing what they're talking about, thus making unfounded statements

Edit: Wal Mart sucks.

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My pet peeves are:


*Breathing too loud

*Eating too loud (smacking)

*Leaving your shoes in the middle of the door

*Biting your nails

*Men leaving the toilet seat up

*Popping chewing gum all loud

*Dragging your feet when you walk

*Being in Wal Mart, Target, etc and you're on your cell phone and you're talking loud enough the damn store can hear you

*People who have Nextel and will be on their walkie talkie and get mad when people are looking at them crazy

*People who yell when they talk and you're sitting right beside them

*Drinking all of the soda, milk, juice and leaving that lil corner dime size amount in the bottle and sticking it back in the ice box (yeah i said it...I'm country as hell)

*When you're watching a movie that you've never seen adn someone comes in and starts telling you what's about to happen word for word

*Being in the movies and there's either a crying baby or some of these immature teenagers are getting up walking in and out, on the cell phone and having sex in the theater

*Being in the car and a song is on that you like and the other person decides they wanna change it

*People who borrow money and dont pay it back but always come back for more

Are you still single?
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I also hate when I'm in church and it's always either during prayer/altar call or when they're doing communion and the music is real low that a baby starts screaming and the parents act like they cant politely escort their child out the church. Another thing is when kids are acting out in the store (always Wal Mart for some reason) and the ghetto ass parents just stand there, yelling and cursing and all that jazz.

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I also hate run amok kids in supermarkets, however, I have devised a plan.

Whenever a parent allows their undisciplined child to run around inside a supermarket, I zero in on them and 'accidently' have the child run flat out in to my trolley. Works best when trolly is almost full. 'Hey, it's not my fault you can't control your child.'

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I also hate run amok kids in supermarkets, however, I have devised a plan.

Whenever a parent allows their undisciplined child to run around inside a supermarket, I zero in on them and 'accidently' have the child run flat out in to my trolley. Works best when trolly is almost full. 'Hey, it's not my fault you can't control your child.'

the parents are who should be nailed...

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I also hate run amok kids in supermarkets, however, I have devised a plan.

Whenever a parent allows their undisciplined child to run around inside a supermarket, I zero in on them and 'accidently' have the child run flat out in to my trolley. Works best when trolly is almost full. 'Hey, it's not my fault you can't control your child.'

:laugh: sounds like a good plan to me

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-Not being able to reverse-lookup telemarketers 800 numbers when I'm on the DNC registry

-Not leaving a message when calling someone

-People who cut in line

-People who leave the bathroom floor soaking wet after a shower


I sure do hate telemarketers. They try to make you feel so guilty for not being interested.

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When youre watching a show you like, but someone else has the controller. Every commercial they feel the need to check on some other show, and youre sitting there afraid that they wont turn back in time.

Oh MAN! My brother!!

AND THE WORST: When it is a Redskins game, and they switch it at commercials and at halftime to some dumb-*** movie we've both seen 100 times, and miss 1:45 of the third quarter!!!

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