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Originally posted by GoSkins

Am I banned? Ok....this posted....WHEW! :twitch:

Heck, I was banned and my offending post is still here. Guess I need to use a more definitive smiley in the future. It just makes me a little uneasy having to watch my step and proof my posts before submitting them to make sure they offend the least number of people...

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It would appear fortunate that we have the mods that we do. If left to many of the posters on Extreme, it seems that half the board would be banned. By each other. :silly: Let's hope that those that Art refered to in the opening post are smart enough to get it. Assuming they got the "must read" part.

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Originally posted by Park City Skins

Let's hope that those that Art refered to in the opening post are smart enough to get it. Assuming they got the "must read" part.


There's at least four already gone & at least one has been warned. I guess that not everyone got it.:doh:

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In lieu of a temporary ban, perhaps you should create a "time out" forum and restrict offenders to posting only there. They could reflect on their misdeeds, grovel for reinstatement, whatever :) If they still show an inability to "get it" after a reasonable period, out they go.

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Some of the new posters are leftover gator fans who joined. Also, since this site was featured in local DC news; that probably brought on even some more users. Also, some have probably joined since Gibbs came back.

Since fake posts are banned; what will the moderators do on April Fools Day?

Would be nice to see a sane board again.

Since I've missed most of the hubbub of the past week; I'll just wait to it gets cleaned up. Just couldn't keep up.

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Originally posted by Zen-like Todd

Art will be banning all midgets, liberals, people who don't like smoked meats, barbeque, people who aren't from Minnesota, and all people by the name of jbooma. :laugh:

don't forget midget gnomes


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Originally posted by Parlett316 TBanks fan lol

There should be a listing of people that get banned and a small reason why you banned them.

1. Banned - Trolling

2. Banned2 - False news report

3. Banned3 - Monumental idiot

And add a 4th one to this list:

4. Banned4 - Anyone who posts ANYTHING from ProFootballTalk.com

I vow that from this point on, I will no longer post any of their mess

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