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Entering a new phase on the board -- READ NOW.


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My name is Art. I have something in common with Buddha, Om, Die Hard and Blade. I have the ability to ban you. I don't always like to do it. I usually reserve banning for people who simply tell lies. But, I'm turning over a new leaf.

I'm not going to post for a whole week. During that week ALL I'm going to do is read. And ban people. Over and over and over. By the dozens. Who am I going to ban you ask? Well, if you ask you are probably one of them.

In addition to my finger on the ban button, Buddha, Om, Die Hard and Blade will be enjoying the same freedom. In the last year we've increased from 1,000 registered members to over 7,000. It's time to sort the wheat from the chaff.

There will be temporary bans and permanent bans. Which will depend on us.

So, after the time stamp on this post, here are some precious rules to adhere to.

If you post a fake post on this board, you are no longer getting the clown. You're getting banned. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. If you have 9,000 posts on this board and you post a fake post, you're gone. If you have 1 post on this board, you're gone. Bye.

It could be a temporary ban, or, it could be that Die Hard hasn't gotten laid in a week and has decided to take out his sexual frustrations on you. I use Die Hard as an example because the rest of us never have to go a week without, and Die Hard will protest that he doesn't either, so, it's funny :).

I don't like to play the administrative heavy here. I like to debate and insult and argue with all of you. But, for the next week, I'm not saying a word except "That's _____" with a count as I remove many of you from the equation.

When the week is done if this board is back to normal, well, I'll say hi again and turn the moderating back to you. You've had fair warning.


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Originally posted by Art

It could be a temporary ban, or, it could be that Die Hard hasn't gotten laid in a week and has decided to take out his sexual frustrations on you. I use Die Hard as an example because the rest of us never have to go a week without, and Die Hard will protest that he doesn't either, so, it's funny :).

Now I thought a leader is not supposed to react from emotions :laugh:

Art maybe you should pin this to the top so everyone sees it.

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I have a serious request.

We should ban the people who have half-naked babes in their sigs. Not that there's anything wrong with that - look at my name for cripes sake. I'm a Daily Babe regular.

It's just that I have to constantly look over my shoulder when I am reading this stuff at work. Not the Daily Babe but the stuff on FedEx Field. I can't read a thread about Mark Brunell without scrolling down and seeing some a pic of some chick barely covering her nips.

I know I am reading about Mark Brunell but to the passer-by it looks like I am checking out smut. So can we either ban those people or institute some kind of rule where folks who fall under this category must change their sigs in a week's time or else?


A concerned porn star

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Originally posted by Dirk Diggler


I have a serious request.

We should ban the people who have half-naked babes in their sigs. Not that there's anything wrong with that - look at my name for cripes sake. I'm a Daily Babe regular.

It's just that I have to constantly look over my shoulder when I am reading this stuff at work. Not the Daily Babe but the stuff on FedEx Field. I can't read a thread about Mark Brunell without scrolling down and seeing some a pic of some chick barely covering her nips.

I know I am reading about Mark Brunell but to the passer-by it looks like I am checking out smut. So can we either ban those people or institute some kind of rule where folks who fall under this category must change their sigs in a week's time or else?


A concerned porn star


So can we ban people who don't want to see the half naked chicks we put in our sigs:silly:

We go to alot of trouble to find these almost indecent pictures, post them in our sigs and this is the thanks we get??????:rotflmao:

No serioulsy, if this is a big problem for alot of yous at work, my employers have never cared, and you still want to see the "harmless" sigs, then I'd be happily reluctant to change my sig to a half-naked smurf.


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Originally posted by Dirk Diggler


I have a serious request.

We should ban the people who have half-naked babes in their sigs. Not that there's anything wrong with that - look at my name for cripes sake. I'm a Daily Babe regular.

It's just that I have to constantly look over my shoulder when I am reading this stuff at work. Not the Daily Babe but the stuff on FedEx Field. I can't read a thread about Mark Brunell without scrolling down and seeing some a pic of some chick barely covering her nips.

I know I am reading about Mark Brunell but to the passer-by it looks like I am checking out smut. So can we either ban those people or institute some kind of rule where folks who fall under this category must change their sigs in a week's time or else?


A concerned porn star

You can turn off sig pics in your control panel. You know that, right?

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Originally posted by Hitman56

Can we add a temporary ban to people who spell players' names wrong? (apparently they have the technology to post, just not to look up the player's names)

The first thread I started was before the season started last year and I asked if anyone thought that the way Bailey's contract was being negotiated if it would effect his play. But I mispelled his name. I said "Baily"

I'm a gonner now, I guess. :laugh:

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Who am I going to ban you ask? Well, if you ask you are probably one of them.

Hmmmm... sounds like me.

..here are some precious rules to adhere to.

If you post a fake post on this board, you are no longer getting the clown. You're getting banned... You've had fair warning.

So let's get this straight: you're banning people for fake posts, and that's it?

You said "rules", not "rule". Are there other banning offenses, or just the capricious whims of a self-important blowhard? As multiple-time victim of banishment, I think some clarity is in order.

Are you still banning for lies? For example, if I muse aloud that Ramsey might be happier in Miami because he's from the South, does that qualify as a lie because I don't have two or more sources willing to comment on the record that Ramsey is, indeed, from the South?

And what about fake posts? What if I post something written by Pastabelly that we all know is total bulls****? Does that count as a fake post? What if I take a quote and change a couple words like substituting "Pool Boy" for "Cerrato"? Is that a fake post? What if I make up something from whole cloth, like "I just heard that the Skins are trading Gardner" and it turns out to be true?

What about heresy? What if I say that Joe Gibbs, at his current age and in his current health, and so far removed from the game, might not ever be as good as he was?

What about your personal favorite: "lies" (distinct from actual lies). I mean pointing out that you said the Skins have good depth on the DL, won't have many changes to the roster this offseason, or that Rod Jones is a great player? Are those banning offenses or not?

It's the offseason, Art. Lighten up. Imagine how quiet it would be around here if all these Chicken Littles weren't running around pulling their Brunell feathers out.

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