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The Trump Riot Aftermath (Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes found guilty of seditious conspiracy. Proud Boys join the club)

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1 hour ago, hail2skins said:

Allahpundit on the increased frustration on the left towards Biden:




I'm not sure anyone really wants to admit that Biden was only elected to get Trump the **** outta there.  I mean, that's why I voted for him...not because I thought it was a good idea to have someone that old appointed to the highest office in the land and not because I thought his best days were ahead of him.  And before anyone objects to agism or perceptions on his mental faculties going, first, I really don't care what you have to say.  Second, no one can tell me that someone who was born in 1942 is in great shape to do anything, maybe outside of taking a few laps around the retirement community,  a match or two of Pickleball and giving their grandkids a bunch of sugar and handing them back to their parents. 


He's so old that he was born a full 5 years before Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier in MLB.  

Edited by Spaceman Spiff
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1 minute ago, The Evil Genius said:


Ffs. You think?


Well I'm not the one who dragged a random gif of Bob Barker into the discussion about Biden.


Anyway, let's get this train back on track.  I'm looking forward to what Sarah Matthews has to say in her testimony.  IMO, I don't really begrudge anyone who worked in the Trump administration, be it Sarah Mathews, Cassidy Hutchinson or anyone else, especially if they're younger and looking to get their foot in the door in politics.  I mean, the soul-selling starts early, I wouldn't be surprised if there were a lot of staffers who were there just to put their time in, maybe make a name for themselves somehow and get the next gig and try to turn a blind eye to things they saw and heard.  


I'm not sure if that makes them bad people or not, IMO, it just makes them people who are doing what they feel they need to do in order to get ahead in their career.  Which is sad, but whatever.  


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14 minutes ago, Spaceman Spiff said:


I'm not sure if that makes them bad people


It does. I mean that's some Adolf Eichmann type ****. Just following orders to advance my own personal career goals. 😬


If one is looking to hire a person that worked in the Trump WH they need to seriously consider expanding their search. Not the best people I'd say. 


Cassidy Hutchinson didn’t show up to a Congressional Hearing all fine and tansome for no reason. Book and movie deal incoming at the least. Most of these people have no problem speaking up once it's incredibly advantageous to do so.

Edited by Captain Wiggles
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30 minutes ago, Spaceman Spiff said:

I'm not sure anyone really wants to admit that Biden was only elected to get Trump the **** outta there.  I mean, that's why I voted for him...not because I thought it was a good idea to have someone that old appointed to the highest office in the land and not because I thought his best days were ahead of him.  And before anyone objects to agism or perceptions on his mental faculties going, first, I really don't care what you have to say.  Second, no one can tell me that someone who was born in 1942 is in great shape to do anything, maybe outside of taking a few laps around the retirement community,  a match or two of Pickleball and giving their grandkids a bunch of sugar and handing them back to their parents.

With respect to wishes in your latest post to get the thread back on track to the 1/6 stuff, and if my question should be moved to another thread, so be it. But as of right now, putting your prediction hats on, what scenario gives the Dems the best chance in 2024? Lets assume inflation is down to around 2-3 percent by mid-2024. Choices:


1) an 82-year old Biden running for reelection

2) Kamala Harris as sitting president, having taken over for Biden in early 2023

3) Gavin Newsom, who beats Harris in a primary after Biden pulls an LBJ and says he will serve the rest of term, but won't seek reelection


The GOP opponent is Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis.

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Just now, hail2skins said:

With respect to wishes in your latest post to get the thread back on track to the 1/6 stuff, and if my question should be moved to another thread, so be it. But as of right now, putting your prediction hats on, what scenario gives the Dems the best chance in 2024? Lets assume inflation is down to around 2-3 percent by mid-2024. Choices:


1) an 82-year old Biden running for reelection

2) Kamala Harris as sitting president, having taken over for Biden in early 2023

3) Gavin Newsom, who beats Harris in a primary after Biden pulls an LBJ and says he will serve the rest of term, but won't seek reelection


The GOP opponent is Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis.

Donald Trump.


No dem is beating Desantis.

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14 minutes ago, Spaceman Spiff said:

I'm not sure if that makes them bad people or not, IMO, it just makes them people who are doing what they feel they need to do in order to get ahead in their career.  Which is sad, but whatever.  

to me it’s simply about context. 

I don’t fault the people that clean their offices. 

I do fault the lawyer that brainstormed this whole thing up


Everyone in between - depends on what they did and when. And it’s everyone’s place to have their own standards, I’m certainly not going to argue over it with anyone. But that’s how I see it. 

I also hate this idea that simply being a conservative makes you bad. Maybe that’s cause in many ways I am conservative, and I have a hard time thinking I’m a bad person (surprise surprise!)


but I think there’s plenty of wiggle room to simply have differing opinions on different aspects of politics/policy,  and that not make you a bad person. 

the thing I loath the most about the extremism (on both sides) is their constant thought that other people are bad people simply for having a different opinion than them. 

2 minutes ago, BatteredFanSyndrome said:



No dem is beating Desantis.

I don’t subscribe to absolutes or at least try to avoid it whenever possible. 

but I think this is closer to truth than many here are willing to believe at the moment. 

And as aside: I cannot shake the idea the dems will push Harris through, and I personally can’t think of a GOP candidate she’d actually beat. But we also have no idea who the candidates will be, and it rarely shakes out how we see it this far out. 

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Conservative policies are not "bad" per se (I think they are, but I am one persln), but conservatives take it to the extreme with their governance style. 


Government shut downs.


Look at what McConnell is threatening with USICA Act.


Let's block the other party from a SCOTUS seat due to "election" but rush a SCOTUS seat for their guy.  


Argue for "states rights" yet willing to eviscerate it for their policy (ie. national abortion ban). 


Hate LGBTQ people so much you attack corporations who support them. 


Defend the police at all costs, no questions asked... heck, not just them but random vigilantes who murder African American teenagers.




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Not much about the current Republican party and certainly the MAGA base resembles Conservatism as that word his been defined over the past 50 years.


I also find the "Biden is in mental decline" stuff to be extremely lazy and not backed up by much, typical of an attack that was started by Trump.  He's not fiery, he's not a great orator, he's not a genius.  He wasn't any of those things when he was 40 either. 

Edited by PleaseBlitz
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12 minutes ago, Captain Wiggles said:


It does. I mean that's some Adolf Eichmann type ****. Just following orders to advance my own personal career goals. 😬


If one is looking to hire a person that worked in the Trump WH they need to seriously consider expanding their search. Not the best people I'd say. 


Cassidy Hutchinson didn’t show up to a Congressional Hearing all fine and tansome for no reason. Book and movie deal incoming at the least. Most of these people have no problem speaking up once it's incredibly advantageous to do so.


Well there's a big difference between being in your 20s and trying to get your foot in the door in politics and then engineering the Holocaust.  **** man, everyone made mistakes in their 20s and everyone has made mistakes in their career.  


But yes, Cassidy Hutchinson, fine and tansome for sure :) And yes, she's going to cash in on this.  But as I said, the soul-selling starts early.  These are politicians and people in politics...they're selling their souls one way or another.  These are people who are essentially on the market and open to the highest bidder.  It's to be expected.  



7 minutes ago, hail2skins said:

With respect to wishes in your latest post to get the thread back on track to the 1/6 stuff, and if my question should be moved to another thread, so be it. But as of right now, putting your prediction hats on, what scenario gives the Dems the best chance in 2024? Lets assume inflation is down to around 2-3 percent by mid-2024. Choices:


1) an 82-year old Biden running for reelection

2) Kamala Harris as sitting president, having taken over for Biden in early 2023

3) Gavin Newsom, who beats Harris in a primary after Biden pulls an LBJ and says he will serve the rest of term, but won't seek reelection


The GOP opponent is Donald Trump or Ron DeSantis.



I suppose Newsom, only because the first two options are pretty bad.  But there's still time between now and then, a lot can happen.


The christian conservatives are going to hammer away on Newsom's affair he had back in the 2000s.  And if Trump Jr. doesn't put out a "Hit Em Up" cover with Kim Guilfoyle twerking in the background, I'll be shocked.  And the christian conservatives, mind you, would loooooove that video.


None of that should mean he's unqualified to be president but he'd be going against the Republicans and they love a mudfight. 


5 minutes ago, tshile said:

to me it’s simply about context. 

I don’t fault the people that clean their offices. 

I do fault the lawyer that brainstormed this whole thing up


Everyone in between - depends on what they did and when. And it’s everyone’s place to have their own standards, I’m certainly not going to argue over it with anyone. But that’s how I see it. 

I also hate this idea that simply being a conservative makes you bad. Maybe that’s cause in many ways I am conservative, and I have a hard time thinking I’m a bad person (surprise surprise!)


but I think there’s plenty of wiggle room to simply have differing opinions on different aspects of politics/policy,  and that not make you a bad person. 



I agree with all of this.  I don't blame the staffers in their 20s, but there's plenty of blame to go around for the more senior officials.  


And yes, I hate the idea that being a conservative makes you bad.  But we're in the mic-drop era where everyone on twitter wants to land a knockout punch.  And it's just easier to paint with a broad brush and ignore any nuance because it's all about likes and followers.  


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Until the abortion ruling, the general consensus was people were pushing back against the progressive agenda. 

im certainly not qualified to say how true that is, etc. 


But if I were running progressive politics strategy - I would be spending a lot of time trying to figure that one out. How do you keep things moving in the direction you want - without alienating moderates willing to consider voting for you, but also not alienating the bloc of progressives willing to stay home (or worse, vote for the other side) if they don’t feel they are getting enough of what they want


I think it starts with how progressives discuss policy. I’ve learned *a lot* from progressives. They point out a lot of problems no one else is looking into. I’ve learned so much about economics and social issues from them. 

but man if listening to them talk politics isn’t obnoxious and off putting many of times. 

i realize I’ve changed a bit through my posting career, and that has helped with the way many of you interact with me, but there’s still the occasional “god damnit we’ve been arguing politics for 10 years together and you’re gonna talk to me like I’m *that* kind of person?”


(The irony of that last bit is not lost on me, if you were wondering)


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14 minutes ago, Spaceman Spiff said:


Well there's a big difference between being in your 20s and trying to get your foot in the door in politics and then engineering the Holocaust.  **** man, everyone made mistakes in their 20s and everyone has made mistakes in their career.  


If the insurrection was successful then Cassidy would still be just another cog in the wheel of fascism. 🤷‍♂️

Edited by Captain Wiggles
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