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AP - Police: Explosion in Nashville believed to be “intentional”


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The Nashville bomber signed over two houses to an entertainment executive living in California who previously worked in Knoxville, Tenneesee.


The woman is named Michelle Swing.  She is the artist development director at AEG Presents in Los Angeles.




According to reports, Warner gave Swing a $160,000 house via a quit claim in January 2019 in the Nashville neighborhood of Antioch, located 12 miles from downtown. Then, on November 25, Warner gave Swing another Antioch house worth $249,999 via quit claim.


It has not yet been revealed what the connection was between the 63-year-old Warner and Swing, who worked in Knoxville, Tennessee at AC Entertainment as a marketing coordinator from May 2011 to May 2012. The agency handles the Bonnaroo Music and Arts Festival, among other properties.


Swing moved on to become a senior project manager at Vendini (now known as AudienceView Select), a technology ticketing agency in San Francisco. She joined ticket seller StubHub in February 2016, lasting until September 2018 as a partnership and business development manager in San Francisco.

She then joined AEG in Los Angeles in October 2018.


She was quoted as saying “I’ve been told to direct everything else to the FBI” and declined to disclose whether she had ever met Warner or if she had any family links to him. She also denied knowledge of having the homes signed over to her.



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Nashville bomber's bizarre writings reveal belief in aliens and lizard people


A man who knew Christmas bomber Anthony Warner got a disturbing surprise in his mailbox on New Year's Day when he received a package from the bomber.


The non-descript package was postmarked December 23rd, two days before investigators say Warner killed himself in the bombing.


Sources tell NewsChannel 5 Investigates that Warner mailed similar packages to other individuals.


The package, which contained at least nine typed pages and two Samsung thumb drives, was immediately turned over to the FBI.


The envelope does not have a return address, but the rambling pages inside left no doubt it was from Warner.


"Hey Dude," the cover letter starts, "You will never believe what I found in the park."


"The knowledge I have gained is immeasurable. I now understand everything, and I mean everything from who/what we really are, to what the known universe really is."


The cover letter was signed by "Julio," a name Warner's friends say he often used when sending them e-mails.


A source tells NewsChannel 5 Investigates that Warner also had a dog named Julio.


The letter urged the friend to watch some internet videos he included on two Samsung thumb drives.


On another page Warner wrote about 9-11 conspiracy theories, ending with the statement "The moon landing and 9-11 have so many anomalies they are hard to count."


Warner later wrote that "September 2011 was supposed to be the end game for the planet," because that is when he believed that aliens and UFO's began launching attacks on earth.


He wrote that the media was covering up those attacks.


But Warner's writings grow even more bizarre when he wrote about reptilians and lizard people that he believed control the earth and had tweaked human DNA.


Click on the link for the full article

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On 1/3/2021 at 6:12 PM, Destino said:

I knew lizard people would pop up eventually.  You can’t go this far into conspiracy theories without it circling back to aliens and lizard people.  


1 hour ago, China said:


A conspiracy theorist believing in lizard people is investigated by Chief Drake?


You can't make things like that up!

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Like QAnon's Capitol rioters, the Nashville bomber's lizard people theory is deadly serious


The deadly Capitol siege was fueled by far-out conspiracy theorists, including Ashli Babbitt, a QAnon supporter fatally shot by police as she tried to breach a barricaded doorway. Meanwhile, federal investigators are still looking into the belief system of Anthony Quinn Warner, who made statements about a conspiracy of lizard people taking over the planet before the explosion that damaged 41 buildings and injured three people in Nashville, Tennessee, on Christmas Day.


Many are scratching their heads. Why are people embracing such bizarre ideas?


The notion of shape-shifting, blood-sucking reptilian humanoids invading Earth to control the human race sounds like a cheesy sci-fi plot. But it's actually a very old trope with disturbing links to anti-immigrant and anti-Semitic hostilities dating to the 19th century.


Bonkers? Sure. Harmless? Definitely not.


Law enforcement sources say Warner's writings indicate his interest in a number of conspiracy theories — including the lizard people takeover. He may even have had a pastime of hunting such aliens in the park. Before the blast, Warner sent packages to friends filled with material expounding on his bizarre worldview. They included a letter that began "Hey Dude, You will never believe what I found in the park."


Click on the link for the full article

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