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Huffpo: Explosive UFO Report In NYT Mentions 'Off-World Vehicles Not Made On This Earth'


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'Ten aliens have been captured' by humans, claims ex-US intelligence officer


Humans have captured at least ten aliens, according to a former US intelligence officer.


US Air Force veteran David Grusch, a former member of the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency and National Reconnaissance Office, claims ET "pilots" were seized after a number of UFO crashes on Earth running into "double digits".


Though there had been some "interactions" with humans, most aliens were a "variety" of biological "entities" of which boffins had no understanding of the "physiology at all".


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  • 4 weeks later...

UFO caught on camera hovering over Air Force 1 at LAX during Joe Biden's fundraising trip to Los Angeles


President Joe Biden’s December visit to Tinseltown for a campaign fundraiser caused such a hullaballoo even aliens may have wanted to see what all the fuss was about!


Planespotters caught a UFO on camera hovering above Air Force 1 in Los Angeles during Biden's December 10 trip, DailyMail.com can reveal.


The spherical white or silver object was filmed several times over LAX airport and spotted by multiple witnesses.




But at 10.18am while running their livestream for their popular YouTube channel LA Flights, they spotted a white sphere zooming across the screen.


Three minutes later the object appeared again flitting across the top right of the camera view as it trained on the KC-10.


The object appeared a third time at 11.08am directly over cameraman Joshua Solorzano.




Chris Cullari, a 37-year-old screenwriter from the Palms neighborhood of Los Angeles, saw what appeared to be the same object at around 12.30pm that day, while he was walking through Culver City to catch a train.


Movie director Robert Wood, 44, said he was walking his dog in North Hollywood between 12.30pm and 1pm when he saw a white sphere move across the sky and disappear out of sight behind some buildings.


‘It was a solid white spherical object, traveling north towards Burbank Airport,’ he told DailyMail.com.


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  • 1 month later...

Former Pentagon UFO Investigator Is Pissed Because Congress Believes In Conspiracy Theories


Sean Kirkpatrick was once the man in charge of a D.C.-backed agency tasked with investigating claims into unidentified anomalous phenomena, the new term for what most people still call UFOs. He stepped down from the position in December, and has now published a excoriating farewell letter in Scientific American detailing some of the reasons why.


So why did he stop hunting for UFOs on behalf of the American government? In short: Because congressional leaders believe in conspiracy theories with absolutely no substantial proof. “Our efforts were ultimately overwhelmed by sensational but unsupported claims that ignored contradictory evidence yet captured the attention of policy makers and the public, driving legislative battles and dominating the public narrative,” Kirkpatrick said in Scientific American.


The world has long been obsessed with strange lights in the skies and what it might mean for our place in the cosmos. The current craze around UFOs, now UAPs, began in 2017 when a research group backed by Blink-182 frontman Tom Delonge published videos of UFOs purportedly taken by U.S. Navy pilots. Years later, The New York Times reported on it and the Pentagon declassified the videos.


The videos were real, but it wasn’t clear that they showed aliens. After debate and furor, the Pentagon established the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) and put Kirkpatrick in charge of it. They’ve issued reports over the past few years that have routinely debunked the idea that the Earth has been visited by visitors from the stars. “AARO discovered a few things, and none were about aliens,” Kirkpatrick said in Scientific American.


According to Kirkpatrick, what the AARO discovered was a web of governmental leaders who believed in bizarre conspiracy theories and were willing to spend taxpayer dollars on it. He also succinctly laid out the UFOlogists view of the world. 


“The U.S. has been hiding and attempting to reverse engineer as many as 12 UAP/UFOs from as early as the 1960s and perhaps earlier,” he said. “This great cover-up and conspiracy failed to produce any salient results, and consequently the effort was abandoned to some private sector defense contractors to continue the work. Sometime later, the story continues, those private sector contractors wanted to bring the whole program back under U.S. government (USG) auspices. Apparently, the CIA stopped this supposed transfer back to the USG.”


It’s a paragraph that’s destined to be edited down and taken out of context by people who believe in a vast conspiracy about UFOs and the U.S. government. I can see a future where I read the same paragraph in a conspiracy blog with phrases like “the story continues” edited out and the critical context is excised. 


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Why would you not link directly to his letter? He just gave up $Millions in UFO grift money!




First, no record exists of any president or living DOD or intelligence community leader knowing about this alleged program, nor any congressional committee having such knowledge. This should speak volumes if this case were following typical procedure because it is inconceivable that a program of such import would not ever have been briefed to the 50 to 100 people at the top of the USG over the decades of its existence.



In 2009 then senator Harry Reid asked the secretary of defense (SECDEF) to set up a SAP (special access program) to protect the alleged UAP/UFO material that AATIP proponents believed the USG was hiding. The SECDEF declined to do so after a review by the Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence (OUSDI), and DIA concluded that not only did no such material exist, but taxpayer money was being inappropriately spent on paranormal research at Skinwalker Ranch in Utah. 



One of my last acts before retiring was to sign AARO’s Historical Record Report Volume 1, which is currently being prepared for delivery to Congress and the public. The report demonstrates that many of the circulating allegations described above derive from inadvertent or unauthorized disclosures of legitimate U.S. programs or related R&D that have nothing to do with extraterrestrial issues or technology. Some are misrepresentations, and some derive from pure, unsupported beliefs.


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2 hours ago, China said:


Alternate headline:


"Man resigns in righteous indignation because Congress would rather believe in conspiracy theories than listen to sound science.  Chuckles heard from evolutionary biologists, climatologists, virologists, immunologists, computer scientists, nuclear scientists, and **** it, pretty much the entire scientific community."

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7 minutes ago, Jabbyrwock said:


Alternate headline:


"Man resigns in righteous indignation because Congress would rather believe in conspiracy theories than listen to sound science.  Chuckles heard from evolutionary biologists, climatologists, virologists, immunologists, computer scientists, nuclear scientists, and **** it, pretty much the entire scientific community."


I think there's a limit to the length of headlines lol...would make a perfect subheading, though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Pilots describe 'bizarre' lights and 'triangles' over Canada in air traffic control audio


Early on Jan. 19, several pilots reported "multiple lights sometimes in a triangle formation(opens in a new tab)" high above the Canadian Prairies.


"I had a company aircraft over Thunder Bay suggest, he thinks it possibly could be satellites," an air traffic controller in Winnipeg told aviators around 4:45 am local time, according to audio obtained by CTVNews.ca. 


"I'm certainly no expert, but they're moving side-to-side and then going away from each other and then forming triangles," an Air Canada pilot from Seattle to Winnipeg replied while flying over Saskatchewan. "That doesn't really seem like they're in any type of orbit. But I mean, I'm no expert."


"Yeah, it's quite bizarre," a pilot on a nearby Flair Airlines flight from Vancouver to Toronto added. "There's around six of them just randomly in formation flying at a high altitude at 12 o'clock."


"Definitely not satellites," a pilot on a Morningstar Air Express cargo flight from Calgary to Toronto interjected. "It's unlike anything I've ever seen in the 15 years of night flying that I've done."


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  • 1 month later...

US military developing portable UFO detection kits as Pentagon says no evidence of alien tech found


The US military is developing portable UFO detection kits to collect better data on reports of sightings as the Pentagon says there is no evidence of alien technology found in any government investigation.


The new portable detection kits, consisting of an array of sensors that fit inside a protective case, are currently being tested at a range in Texas, said Timothy Phillips, the acting director of AARO, the Pentagon’s All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office, which was set up in 2022 to catalog and investigate reports of unknown objects.


“If we have a national security site and there are objects being reported that [are] within restricted airspace or within a maritime range or within the proximity of one of our spaceships, we need to understand what that is,” Phillips told reporters Wednesday. “And so that’s why we’re developing sensor capability that we can deploy in reaction to reports.”


The sensor and detection system is called Gremlin, Phillips said, and his office is looking to deploy it to a site with many reports of UAPs, or unidentified anomalous phenomena, which is the Pentagon’s term for what are commonly referred to as UFOs.


But none of the reports reviewed or previous government investigations found extra-terrestrial technology or alien life.


“All investigative efforts, at all levels of classification, concluded that most sightings were ordinary objects and phenomena and the result of misidentification,” according to AARO’s newly released Historical Record Report.


The AARO office looked at US government investigations and efforts related to UFOs dating back to 1945. But these reports did not contain any evidence of the US possessing alien bodies or technology.


Some of the reported sightings of UFOs were people who unknowingly witnessed the testing or use of classified US technology. For example, the claims of seeing alien spacecraft near Roswell, New Mexico, in the late-1940s were consistent with a balloon launched under a classified program called Project Mogul.


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US admiral claims 'non-human civilisation’ is operating tech 'beyond laws of physics'


A former US Navy admiral who had access to secret internal files and documents says he’s “totally convinced” that the earth is being visited by a non-human technological civilisation, that appears to be at least partly based in the Earth’s oceans.


Retired Rear Admiral Tim Gallaudet told podcaster Kristian Harloff: “I'm totally convinced that we're experiencing a non-human higher intelligence.


“There’s non-human intelligence all around in the ocean, especially when you look at marine mammals like whales, but this is non-human higher intelligence. They possess craft that can do things we can’t explain, with technology we can't explain, and with laws of physics that are not what we know them to be.”


Admiral Gallaudet says he became convinced that some form of non-human, probably extraterrestrial, intelligence was active in and around the Earth’s oceans after seeing a pre-release copy of the infamous “Go Fast” video dating from 2015: “I saw the ‘Go Fast’ video before it was released. I received it on a secret network and that just convinced me that we weren't alone.”


Despite a recent official US government announcement denying that there had been any contact between the US military and extraterrestrials, Admiral Gallaudet says he remains certain that there are secrets that need to be revealed.


He said: “I am completely convinced because I know the people who were in the government programs, the legacy programs that oversaw both the crash retrieval and the analysis of UAP data so I’m very confident in these people – former intelligence and former DOD people – and we are working as a team behind the scenes to advance a controlled disclosure [of UFO secrets].”


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UFO caught on camera? Flight passenger captures shocking photo over LaGuardia Airport


A flight passenger saw a mysterious object while flying over LaGuardia Airport in Queens, New York. On Wednesday, Michelle Reyes told News Nation that she spotted a “flying cylinder” out of her plane window. “The first thing I did was email the FAA to let them know what I saw,” she said. Though she didn't get a reply, Reyes confessed that the incident was “a little nerve-wracking” for her.




“Maybe it was a safety hazard, but unfortunately I haven’t heard back from them, they didn’t acknowledge my email,” Reyes continued, adding that another flyer also saw the object. “It’s a little nerve-wracking that someone else saw what I saw,” she said.


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Another alleged UFO has been spotted in New York City -- if you buy this blink-and-you'll-miss-it footage, that is ... which looks eerily similar to other sightings of late.


Check out this video obtained by TMZ ... which lasts no more than a nanosecond, but where an unidentified object whizzes across a clear blue sky during a Blue Angels demonstration in Long Island last Friday.



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  • 2 weeks later...

This is another article based on the claims of the former Admiral Tim Gallaudet:




So i don't really believe in intelligent extra terrestrial life, but do find the videos and reports of these objects performing maneuvers that violate known laws of aerodynamics to be fascinating.


My kid asked me about a month ago what i thought about the existence of intelligent alien life on other planets.  My answer was the exact opposite of the Drake equation. 


(1) So we know that intelligent life exists on at least one planet, and there are ~ 200 billion star systems in our galaxy alone.


(2) So let's assume that of those 200 billion, there's an earthlike planet (i.e. goldilocks zone with water and conditions for life as we know it), orbiting 1 out of 100. That takes us down to 2 billion star systems.


(3) So out of those 2 billion, lets assume there's at least 10 planets that have evolved intelligent life. After all, the thinking is that if the conditions are right, life will emerge, and then it's just a matter of time before it becomes "intelligent" on the level of human life.


(4) So pretty conservative- 10 other planets in our galaxy with intelligent life, but....


(5) There's also 2 trillion galaxies in the universe. So, let's now say that there's 20 trillion planets in the universe that have evolved intelligent life.


(6) The universe is about 14 billion years old.  Earth is about 4 billion years old.  Stars began form about 100 million years after the big bang, then planets began form at least 13 billion years ago.  So let's say that of those 20 trillion planets with intelligent life, about 1 out of 10 has had intelligent life for at least 10,000 years longer than Earth has. 


(7) That leaves 200 billion planets with intelligent life that has existed at least 10,000 years longer than on Earth.  And we know from Earth that technology tends to accelerate (from Wooden Gliders with piston engines to supersonic flight in 50 years, to the moon in 65 years, to the outer rims of the solar system with voyager).


(8) Don't you think of those 200 billion planet with vastly more advanced technology, at least 1 civilization would have found a way to make its existence clear to the inhabitants of Earth? I know a bunch of them may not want to do that, but I'm really just talking about maybe a few out of 200 billion here....


Guys, Earth truly is unique.


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Here's an analysis of the time/distance that some of the UAPs from the recently "confirmed," videos could travel.  Fascinating stuff, apparently its all about how fast these craft can accelerate (g-force) that dictates how quickly they could reach our planet from another star system. Some are in range based on the observations of these crafts.





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