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Your Top stories of 2019 & the 2010's and Your 2020 & 2020's Predictions


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Well, there's 9 days left in 2019 and the decade of the 2010's.


What do you think were the Top stories of 2019 & what do think where the Top stories of the 2010's decade?


In 10 days it will be 2020 and the start of the 2020's decade.


Your Predictions for 2020 & any Predictions for the upcoming 2020's decade?


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Top Stories of the 2010's Decade 

1. Passing of Obamacare

2. Same Sex Marriage Legalized

3. Mass Shootings

4. Me Too movement

5. DACA/Immigration

6. Black Lives Matter

7. Opioid Crisis

8. Election of Donald Trump

9. Russian Interference in 2016 election

10. Edward Snowden

11. Syrian Civil War & Refugee Crisis

12. Killing of Osama Bin Linden

13. Ebola Outbreak

14. Russian's annexation of Crimea

15. Rise of ISIS

16. Brexit


Top Stories of 2019 

1. Mass Shootings

2. Climate Change- Greta Thunberg

3. Immigration- US Prison Camps

4. 2020 Democratic Presidential Race

5. Impeachment of Donald Trump

6. The Mueller Investigation Ending & the Mueller Report

7. Hong Kong Protests

8. Trade War

9. Julian Assange arrested.


I need to think on any predictions for 2020 or the next decade.

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How well do you remember the 2010s?


Do you remember the big events that kept us glued to our screens throughout the years, or have you tossed those memories into the ever-nearing void of despair? It’s time to test your knowledge on the past decade. Take all six of our decade-end quizzes to test your memory in each category. Once you finish a quiz, you can move on to the next, or choose your areas of expertise from the tabs above. Good luck!


Click on the link for more




11 out of 12 on the US news quiz

9 out of 12 on the world news quiz

8 out of 12 on the entertainment quiz

9 out of 12 on the business & tech quiz

11 out of 12 on the sports quiz

5 out of 12 on the culture quiz


I guess I'm an uncultured swine.  :) 



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100 photos that defined the decade


Just a few..click on the link for more.




A bird is covered in oil at Louisiana's East Grand Terre Island in June 2010. Two months earlier, an explosion occurred aboard the Deepwater Horizon, a BP-contracted oil rig stationed in the Gulf of Mexico.



A wave approaches Miyako, Japan, after a 9.1 magnitude earthquake occurred in March 2011. The earthquake caused a tsunami with 30-foot waves that damaged several nuclear reactors in the area.




US President Barack Obama and members of his national security team monitor the Navy SEALs raid that killed Osama bin Laden in May 2011. "Fourteen people crammed into the room, the President sitting in a folding chair on the corner of the table's head," said CNN's Peter Bergen as he relived the bin Laden raid five years later. "They sat in this room until the SEALs returned to Afghanistan."



Children are escorted out of Sandy Hook Elementary School after a mass shooting occurred at the school in Newtown, Connecticut, in December 2012.



Smoke and flames rise from the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris in April 2019.



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On 12/22/2019 at 10:41 PM, China said:

100 photos that defined the decade


Just a few..click on the link for more.




A bird is covered in oil at Louisiana's East Grand Terre Island in June 2010. Two months earlier, an explosion occurred aboard the Deepwater Horizon, a BP-contracted oil rig stationed in the Gulf of Mexico.



A wave approaches Miyako, Japan, after a 9.1 magnitude earthquake occurred in March 2011. The earthquake caused a tsunami with 30-foot waves that damaged several nuclear reactors in the area.




US President Barack Obama and members of his national security team monitor the Navy SEALs raid that killed Osama bin Laden in May 2011. "Fourteen people crammed into the room, the President sitting in a folding chair on the corner of the table's head," said CNN's Peter Bergen as he relived the bin Laden raid five years later. "They sat in this room until the SEALs returned to Afghanistan."



Children are escorted out of Sandy Hook Elementary School after a mass shooting occurred at the school in Newtown, Connecticut, in December 2012.



Smoke and flames rise from the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris in April 2019.




These photos should be required viewing by all Americans. 

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2 hours ago, Rdskns2000 said:

Does that mean Jerry swapped franchises?

Nope. The Redskins will be purchased by Jeff Bezos. It’s not all good news. He will change the name to The Washington Amazon’s. Our logo will be a wetallic faux armor W and our color scheme will be red, blue, and gold. 

Training camp will be renamed Paradise Island. 

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Happy New Year!  Less than 8 hours until 2020, time for some 2020 Predictions.


My 2020 Predictions 

1.  Trump will not be convicted in the Senate impeachment trial.  It will be a 53-47 vote but the ticker here is that at least 2 Dems will vote not to convict and 2 Repubs will vote to convict.

2. Biden and Sanders are the favorite for the Dem nomination but I have no clue who will win the nomination. It won't matter, the winner will not have full support of all the potential Democratic voters.

3. Trump dumps Pence and puts Nikki Haley on the ticket.

4. The GOP's last gasp.  Trump wins the electoral college again & loses popular vote by 5 million. The House flips barely to the GOP. The Senate is only a 51-49 GOP majority.

5. The Supreme Court comes close to overturning Obamacare & banning abortion. 

6. Trump has the U.S. in some new military conflict, in part to help with his polls numbers.

7. Ravens win Superbowl. Lakers win NBA Championship. Capitols win Stanley Cup. Yankees win World Series. Redskins win 10 games and NFC East and win a playoff game.

8. We lose the 95 year old Jimmy Carter this year.

9. A major earthquake finally hits California. Not the big one but a pretty devastating one. Trump does little to help California.


My Predictions for 2020's Decade 

1.  The 2 years of the full GOP control again, are the darkest in American history.  This time around, they pass some of the most right wing legislation in American history.

2.  The long awaited next recession occurs in 2021.  It ends up being a Depression as things collapse left and right.  Trump & the GOP are unable to turn things around.

3.  RBG dies early in Trump's 2nd term. The new right justice results in the overturning of Obamacare and the banning of abortion by Summer of 2022.

4.  In the 2022 midterms, progressives rise to power.  Even more historic than 2018. The Dems win back the House and the Senate. Dems wins majority in state legislatures and majority of state governorships.

5. In 2023, Trump is impeached again and this time removed from office. Nikki Haley becomes the 46th President.

6. 2024 sees even more progressive victories.  A progressive Democratic in the Warren/Sanders mold wins election. The Dems win even more power. The younger voters who rose up in 2022, rise up even more in 2024.  You finally see that shift in direction.

7. The rest of decade; you see a shift to progressive policies and you finally see action taken on immigration, healthcare, climate change, etc...

8. 2028- AOC is on the Democratic ticket.

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2020 predictions:


Trump loses the election to Bernie Sanders. White supremacists make threats but nothing happens.


Capitals win another Stanley Cup.


2020s decade predictions:


Another pseudo-celebrity runs for and wins the Presidential election.


Ovechkin breaks Gretzky's goals record.


Juan Soto becomes the first ever $500 Million player in sports.


The NFL will have a MASSIVE strike, one that will result in games not being played.


NCAA agrees to letting athletes get paid.


MLB umps are completely replaced by machines.



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