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Justice League Movie


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Sorry if there's another thread, looked but didn't see it.

Went in with low expectations because the bad reviews and I'm not going to lie, it reinforces my view that movie critics are idiots and many people form their view of a movie based on the opinions of idiots. Ultimately everyone has their own tastes and movies are not always going to resonate with everyone but I try not to over think movies. I either like them or I don't. This one I liked.


I thought the movie was awesome. Lots of laugh out loud moments but it wasn't overdone. Most of the comedy moments caught me by surprise. I wasn't sure about the Flash and Cyborg, but ended up really liking them. Also liked the backstory, it made Aquaman make more sense.  Love Ben Aflack as Batman, not a fan of him at all, but I think he does a great job as batman during this time period.  Wonderwoman was wonderful.. :D  Superman was great as well.  Good story, good set up for next movie.

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I haven't decided on this movie.. looks like too much posing, and not enough light.

Eventually, i'm sure i will watch it, but I am not so sure on Aquaman, who i do not at all see as what the previews portray as a bit of a smartass.

He's a king.




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superhero movies are better than Lethal Weapon, by a mile.... but it is annoying that this **** always comes in waves.   15 movies about an asteroid hitting the world, one year, and then 37 movies about a brooding teen vampire the next year.   The over-supply of superhero movies diminishes them as a group (and the writers get less interesting, and more formulaic the more there are)... but individually, they are still cool.    


It  IS irritating to me that critics will never rate movies within their genre.   They ALL feel the need to give thumbs up for the 47th rendition of Jane Austen or any of the Brontes... and pan EVERY super hero/horror/action movie.   if you hate the genre in general... then just don't go to those movies.   

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1 hour ago, zoony said:

Really tired of Avenger and assorted superheroe movies.  Weve traded action movies like Die Hard and Lethal Weapon for an endless parade of Tony Stark


Although the new spiderman was enjoyable lol


To be honest, "Middle aged guy shoots up everybody has kind of run it's course, at least in generic terms. I guess every era brings something a little different to the table

1 hour ago, Bang said:

He's a king.





And he's Aquaman...

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I fell asleep about halfway through.  Woke up with about 30 minutes left.  Didn't like the parts I saw.  


The tone veers from overly ponderous and self-important to jokey/meta/light humor.  The humor/dialog isn't nearly as clever or consistent as the marvel movies, and the ponderous stuff just feels like punishment.


Blah.  Don't bother.  

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