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I gotta go Great Escape. Both movies were loaded with bad asses, but TGE's cast was just too strong. And speaking of memorable scores, Great Escape's was pretty strong too. It played every time Steve McQ got sent to the cooler LOL.

Usual Suspects or Reservoir Dogs

Usual Suspects

Hunt for Red October or Crimsom Tide

I gotta go Great Escape. Both movies were loaded with bad asses, but TGE's cast was just too strong. And speaking of memorable scores, Great Escape's was pretty strong too. It played every time Steve McQ got sent to the cooler LOL.

Usual Suspects or Reservoir Dogs

Usual Suspects

Hunt for Red October or Crimsom Tide

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I gotta go Great Escape.  Both movies were loaded with bad asses, but TGE's cast was just too strong.  And speaking of memorable scores, Great Escape's was pretty strong too.  It played every time Steve McQ got sent to the cooler LOL.

If hearing The Gael doesn't raise the hairs on your arm then you're no true Scotsman. Yeah the theme from TGE is one of the most iconic pieces of music in film. Magnificent 7 has an awesome theme too for that matter. Damn.

I'm about to have to go on a Steve McQueen movie binge again.

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Fight Club or Sixth Sense

Sixth Sense, I hated Fight Club......hated.

The Rock or Speed

Fight club for sure.

Gone in 60 seconds or Italian job

Italian Job

There's Something About Mary or The Hangover

This isnt even close for me, but I'm curious which way people go.

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The Rock or Speed


Speed for me easily, The Rock is very good and another fave of mine growing up, but Speed is sort of awesome and probably will never be matched in it's specific concept. 




The Goonies vs. Ferris Bueller's Day Off? (battle of youth getaways) 

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Good Morning Vietnam vs. Mrs. Doubtfire


GMV by a mile



The Rock or Speed

There's Something About Mary or The Hangover



Speed, not close.


 Mary (close).


The Goonies vs. Ferris Bueller's Day Off? (battle of youth getaways) 





Silence of the Lambs or Remains of the Day (Hopkins)

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Silence of the Lambs.

Special Three Way Battle Royal:

Up vs. Hurt Locker vs, Avatar - all three up for best picture in the same year.

Avatar, followed closely by Up, the Hurt Locker bringing up the rear as the most overrated movie in recent history.

I don't have any contributions. I just hated the damn Hurt Locker.

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Good one.  Gladiator for me.



Dark Crystal or The Labyrinth 


This got skipped, and my answer was immediately Labyrinth, but there are lots of blogs and discussion about this very topic. I think I only saw Dark Crystal once, but may watch it again just to see. 


Silence of the Lambs. 


Special Three Way Battle Royal:

Up vs. Hurt Locker vs, Avatar - all three up for best picture in the same year.


^^ Haha skinsfan. Agreed,Avatar. I thought Hurt Locker was overrated too. Didn't hate it, but man it was hyped up.




Big Fish or Pan's Labyrinth

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Avatar.  Hurt Locker was good, but it wasn't that good (imo).  Up was awesome.



Lethal Weapon or 48 Hours


Big Fish or Pan's Labyrinth


Pan's Labyrinth blew me away.  It was spectacular.  


Big Fish was good, though.  RIP tall dude



Clerks or Rushmore

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^^ Haha skinsfan. Agreed,Avatar. I thought Hurt Locker was overrated too. Didn't hate it, but man it was hyped up.


Big Fish or Pan's Labyrinth

See, I'd say all that about Avatar. lol. When Cameron said he was making 2 more, it didnt move me at all.

But Pan's Labryinth

Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol or Mission Impoosible: Rogue Nation

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Pan's Labyrinth


On to the great subtitled battle: (I will almost bet my favorite is not the one picked)

Life is Beautiful vs. Crouching Tiger



Crouching Tiger.   Life is Beautiful was terribly overrated, with an annoying actor making cutesie-pie sappy manipulative cuteness about the freaking Holocaust.  It's like it can't be criticized because it comes from the Holocaust.  Oh look at how hope can remain alive anywhere, even a deathcamp, no matter how stupid it seems.  Ugh.   


Psycho or Vertigo?

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Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol or Mission Impoosible: Rogue Nation

Both surprisingly excellent. This is a tough one. My usual criteria aren't working. Paula Patton is fine as hell, but so is Rebecca Ferguson. Stunts and action set pieces in both are awesome. Locations are great. Highly entertaining stories. Excellent performances from the whole cast. Love the chemistry between Simon Pegg and Tom Cruise.

I'll go with Rogue Nation. Ghost protocol was a little more memorable, but I have a thing for Rebecca Ferguson.

Crouching Tiger.   Life is Beautiful was terribly overrated, with an annoying actor making cutesie-pie sappy manipulative cuteness about the freaking Holocaust.  It's like it can't be criticized because it comes from the Holocaust.  Oh look at how hope can remain alive anywhere, even a deathcamp, no matter how stupid it seems.  Ugh.   


Psycho or Vertigo?

I will go with crouching tiger too, although I haven't seen Life Is Beautiful. I don't intend to. Doesn't sound like my kind of movie. I can't stand sappy/corny melodrama.

Vertigo. I think a majority would agree it's Hitch****'s finest film.

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