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Dipping Tobacco

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I dip. Have ever since the Army. Getting to 15 years now. Combination of running all the time (I got bad lungs, birth problem) and not being able to smoke out in the field (see that Battle of the Bulge "Band of Brothers" scene where dude lights up a cigarette in the woods and German artillery immediately zeroes in on his cherry and lights them the **** up). So yeah, it's what I've done for awhile now.

It's a disgusting habit and I need to quit (gf gives me a lot of ****) but eh. Everyone on both sides of the family smokes. Got multiple family members that worked in the coal mines. So on and so forth. Not a single case of cancer anywhere. So I'm not worried about that (that's what I tell myself anyway). I do worry about my teeth because of can stain them and fast. But I got my waterpik and my whitening and my gum mouth wash. They're not as white as I'd like but I'm not bleeding, my breath doesn't stink or anything like that. So whatever.

As far as brands go, I've tried everything and every flavor. From upper lip snus to pouches to classic. Im sorry but most of the flavors make me nauseous. I stick with straight. Long cut. As far as brand, I was all Skoal forever. I was going on a trip and need a roll and they were out of Skoal straight so I just got Copenhagen. Haven't switched back. I notice no difference and it's like a dollar cheaper. Works for me.

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Never tried Beechnut, just Red Man.



Never tried Mail Pouch either, but I think they've got the best Americana ads on barns everywhere...




I usually went with Levi Garret,but all that spitting was too much work......better to dip and gut it.


plus ya can eat with it in.

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I remember back in high school there was an old drug store/pharmacy in Georgetown we used to go to and buy snuff.  The real stuff, powdered tobacco that you would snort.  Good stuff.  No spitting.


my babysitters (great grand sisters) used that ....one try was enough for me  :lol:

of course since they both lived over 100 it might contain preservatives

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Because I care about you assholes there's been a lot of advertising for a chew alternative. It's minty. Not sure what it's called.

Had a roommate that left red solo cups filled with spit laying around. It was one of the most vile and disgusting things I've ever seen. He wasn't my roommate very long.

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That's advertised by Randy White I believe. Smokey Mountain snuff.  Never tried it.
I'll dip when I'm fishing because there are usually no women around and it keeps my hands free.  Plain old Cope.  Long cut tears my gums up and the minty stuff burns.
Could never dip in everyday life because there are too many situations where it is really inappropriate and those are the very same stressful occasions that bring on the need for nicotine.
I've been off the cigs for almost three years now.  Vape on!  But only when no one is watching to see me use that goofy, dildo looking thing.

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I dipped and chewed while I was playing baseball in college. I quit at the end of each season. After dipping daily for 3-5 months, I never had a problem quitting. Never understood the "addiction". Not saying it isn't real, just saying I never felt compelled to continue.

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Still do occasionally.  It can be relaxing.  


I remember when Skoal Bandits came out.  I was 16.  They were giving tins out everywhere.  You see a rep and they would give you 2-3 tins. Half the guys in High School dipped, and about 90% of Baseball and Football players.  Different times.

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I used to do skoal pouches pretty regularly. But I found that when I wasn’t in certain environments, I didn’t crave it. But in those environments, it was almost impossible to resist the urge. These were my college days, so that included: Golf, video games, long drives … and I found my habit continued when those activities kept on well after college. Fortunately my wife hates the stuff, and there’s really no way I could ever full-time do it … she knows it happens when I’m golfing, especially with certain friends I have done it with in the past. But otherwise there’s not urge … but as soon as I pick up a golf club my brain goes “Where is it?!” I can’t tell you the last time I dipped and got a buzz. But then again, I did pouches 2 or 3 at a time, but I guess that level of nicotine is much lower. Either way, the habit wasn’t buzz-driven … but habit driven. I would avoid it at all costs.

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Because I care about you assholes there's been a lot of advertising for a chew alternative. It's minty. Not sure what it's called.

lots of alternatives out there: http://www.killthecan.org/your-quit/smokeless-alternatives/. i used smokey mountain to get me through the first month or two. using the fake stuff helps because it satisfies your oral fixation while still not providing nicotine. for me, i was fighting the addition (nicotine) and the habit (oral fixation, situational stimulus- like JMS's golfing) separately. it was easy to stop the fake stuff after the nic addiction was tamed (and never beaten). i used a crap ton of sunflower seeds too.

there are some people that can pick it up and put it down, but most cannot. there's more nicotine in a can of dip than in a pack of cigarettes, and more nicotine equals more likely to be addicted. the good thing is that dipping isn't as socially acceptable as smoking, so the societal peer pressure can help folks quit (unless they're in a field where dipping is fine or easy). the best advice is to not start dipping.

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Tried Kayak Grape today. Only Grape flavored dip I can find. A Pennsylvania brand called Seneca makes a Grape flavor as well, but they are only found in a few states.

At $1.39 a can, it's a value brand, clearly, and I will mix it with a can of Copenhagen Snuff I bought on Sunday that I can't really get into the "fine cut" aspect of it.

Also tried Copenhagen Mint today for the first time and if you like a good burn, that's your can!

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