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Right here ****es!





Tom Brady 



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I'm indifferent on Cam. Don't hate em, but don't like him much either.


Much prefer him doing his "Superman" pose rather than the dancing. The pose was short and simple, and had lasting power. Next year he'll have to switch to whatever dumb fad dance is the new "craze". 


I mean dabbing didn't even last a full football year. Towards the end of the year, jogging in place seemed to take over touching your nose to your elbow. Lol

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I don't like the Panthers (cuz I used to live in NC) but I hope to hell Carolina wins. 


I just want to see self-righteous assholes pissed off


How are the Panthers players self-righteous assholes?  Living in Charlotte, I can to a degree see why one may not want the Panthers to succeed based on how some of their fans act.  


I used to be that way, but they haven't been bad at all the past few seasons, including being 15-1.  At least in my experiences.  I never hated their team though, no reason to.  

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How are the Panthers players self-righteous assholes?  Living in Charlotte, I can to a degree see why one may not want the Panthers to succeed based on how some of their fans act.  


I used to be that way, but they haven't been bad at all the past few seasons, including being 15-1.  At least in my experiences.  I never hated their team though, no reason to.  


No, I mean the hollier than thou assholes like UnWise Mike, Florio, the old woman from TN, and other internet tough guys who hate Cam because he dances. 


I want to see them pissed because it's funny. 

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I think it is fair to say two things here:


1) lots of people dislike Cam Newton who are not racists, just culturally opposed to what they view as showboating 

(especially when it is done by other teams - YOU LIKE THAT is fine because it's MY guy and MY team)


2) Cam Newton really, really, REALLY pisses off those who are racists and in those cases it is precisely because they are racists



both of these things can be true, at the same time 

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I think it is fair to say two things here:

1) lots of people dislike Cam Newton who are not racists, just culturally opposed to what they view as showboating

(especially when it is done by other teams - YOU LIKE THAT is fine because it's MY guy and MY team)

2) Cam Newton really, really, REALLY pisses off those who are racists and in those cases it is precisely because they are racists

both of these things can be true, at the same time

But we can't stop until we decide which percentage of #1 are actually subconsciously racist .

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Cam is the future of the QB position - a mobile QB that can pass the ball and run without having to worry too much about injury.

Gonna have to respectfully disagree. Newton is a one of a kind guy. How often is the biggest guy on the team the quarterback? What is he like 6’5”, 250 lbs at quarterback!? A QB like Newton is the exception, not the norm. He is so unique, so unusual I have a hard time saying guys like him are the future especially when we have only seen one guy like him and recently seen defenses adjust to the run option.
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Also, I'd kill to be Panthers fan right now. Looks like so much fun.

My GF's entire extended family is from the small town in South Carolina that Jerry Richardson is from. All Clemson alums. All Panthers fans. Been a hell of a football season for them. I watched as many Panthers games as I could with her brother, and he's been on cloud nine. Can't believe what he's seen from the team. I envy that experience, especially since I am too young to really remember and appreciate the Redskins SB seasons.

Her dad remembers Jerry Richardson in the Spartanburg Rotary Club talking about how he was going to bring an NFL team to the region in the late 80's or early 90's. And everyone was just thinking that was crazy. Must be incredible to see the franchise progress from that point to a 17-1 season and a chance to win the SB.

Also I'm envious for the personal reasons that they drafted a bunch of my prospect man crushes, and those picks have ended up working out for them. Luke Kuechly and Kawann Short in particular. Shaq Thompson and Kelvin Benjamin. Star Lotuleilei. Guys I wish we had been able to draft.

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You only hate the Yankees, Lakers, Cowboys, Steelers because they win.

No, it’s really their fan bases. Know any Yankees, Lakers, Cowboys, Steelers fans? Those ****ers are almost all insufferable.

He's really a clean cut guy. Doesn't smoke or drink. Doesn't even cuss.

Hey - good post. I’m no prude. I feel as if cursing helps me express myself sometimes. The camera caught Newton cussing like folks do during the Seahawks game and quickly cut away.
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No, it’s really their fan bases. Know any Yankees, Lakers, Cowboys, Steelers fans? Those ****ers are almost all insufferable.




Well, in reality winning brings on bandwagoners.  More importantly, it makes people who root for other teams view your support and celebrations differently


Golden State Warriors fans generally were viewed as among the best, most loyal and most knowledgeable fans in the NBA, eternally supporting a perennial loser.   Then the Warriors suddenly started winning, and within a year we are viewed as insufferable douches by most fans of other teams.  


In reality, the overwhelming majority of us haven't really changed at all, other than the fact that we have a lot more to celebrate than we used to.  

But we can't stop until we decide which percentage of #1 are actually subconsciously racist .



Other than you, I'm not sure...   :P



that's a joke, son

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While I'm sure many people dislike Cam for logical reasons like the ones stated in this post, if you simply spend a little bit of time on social media then you will see the racial elements to the hatred.

The comments section on Facebook at times looks like the dialogue from a Klan rally.

Think about it like this, if you're black and live around/socialize with mostly blacks, and your primary exposure to white people is in the office and what you see on social media --- its not hard to imagine why the hatred appears racially motivated. The comment section on social media is like the wild, wild west where Johnny from the job feels liberated to say what he really thinks.

I think the people that say there's no racial component to this are either in denial or living in a bubble. It's not even disguised half the time. Some of it's overt, some of its coded, and some of its unintentional, but still there.

I know a lot of people were bent outta shape that Aikman referred to Cam as "a RB playing QB". I don't think Aikman meant anything by it, but I get why that rubbed people the wrong way.

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Hey - good post. I’m no prude. I feel as if cursing helps me express myself sometimes. The camera caught Newton cussing like folks do during the Seahawks game and quickly cut away.

Good catch. Though I think pretty much everyone becomes different during the heat of play. I heard he's normally old school and uses ma'am and sir and doesn't cuss in his everyday conversation. That is extremely clean cut to me, as I find that most people around my age cuss pretty casually in their daily interactions, even in the office. I think he had a conservative upbringing as the son of a pastor from Atlanta, and that his conservative personal demeanor has helped endear himself to a particularly conservative team and fan base.

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I think the people that say there's no racial component to this are either in denial or living in a bubble. It's not even disguised half the time. Some of it's overt, some of its coded, and some of its unintentional, but still there.

I know a lot of people were bent outta shape that Aikman referred to Cam as "a RB playing QB". I don't think Aikman meant anything by it, but I get why that rubbed people the wrong way.

Can you show it to me? Overt would mean very obvious, and easily found.

there would have to be some columns, some actual sportswriters or talkers somewhere who do something other than further a notion by saying it exists? 

Given how many watchdogs there are out there ready to use youtube to prove pretty much any point..  there should be some examples that people who do believe there is racism are using for proof.


But in your example, if Aikman meant nothing by a comment like that, then the people getting rubbed the wrong way are the ones who need to adjust the attitude. They need to listen to what is said in what context instead of assigning it to what they consider a slight.

(I heard his comment, too.. and i didn't get the usual black QB = running back type analogy that used to persist.. and watching Newton throw lasers around the field in between those runs should be more than well enough to clobber that notion to death. If i recall, the run he made to get the comment wasn't much .. maybe five or 6 yards, but he piled over a linebacker like he was a sack of taters. :D,, i laughed.)



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