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The Leftovers

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still not sure of my feelings on the show


season 1 felt like a chore to get through at times, I have enjoyed season 2 more, but not enough to stick around if they get another season. 2 season in and I really don't care about any of characters, probably means the show isn't for me


the music is very well done

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I watch this show every week and am captivated by it. The odd thing is, I'm not exactly sure what captivates me. The acting is very good and the plot is a cool combination of being pretty far out there but just realistic enough not to give up on. 


I honestly have no idea if I'm watching science fiction, fantasy, or some extremely intelligent metaphor for something else, but I tune in each week to watch. 

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“In Cairo, Egypt, there is an ancient artifact… It’s in a museum now. They found it in the tomb of Amenhotep. Scholars call it the Wishing Cup. You need to acquire this cup. It’s more of a chalice actually. It’s going to be heavily guarded, but you need to get it any way you can because once you do… you need to fill it with your ___, Kevin, and then you need to drink it down — every last drop.”

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season 1 was a struggle and I didn't expect to remain interested for long in season 2.  I have been surprised.  The story lines are much better and easier to keep viewers engaged.  They also seem to finally be advancing a story that seemed to have no direction the first season.


If this continues, I do hope it's renewed.  There's a lot of potential with this one as they get to the part of whether people did disappear or not.

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Loved the season finale.

Thing about this show... let's say there really was a rapture and you witnessed it. How would you perceive the world as as a survivor or "leftover"? I'd doubt many things and probably wonder why I was not chosen.

My wife and I discussed the show tonight and I told her the most frustrating thing about the show is that I'm fairly invested in the characters. But I feel like there's never any closure on the big moments and unlike other shows, I feel like I never really learn what is going on. Dramatic changes lack any huge explanation. So many questions. And then it kinda hit me that perhaps that's what they want the audience to experience... as if you are a leftover as well.

It's a bizarre show and I'm definitely gonna stick around for the ride.

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Ellis, wife and I completely agree with you. As much as we are interested and hook, this show never delivers. We never get a SATISFYING answer....only more questions.

I'll be there for the season premiere nwxt season, with my eyes glued to the television. But much like LOST (Lindeloff), they leave us hanging all the time, which is exhausting.

Nora and Ericka had been killing it all season, but I thought the actor who plays John crushed it.

Loved the ending

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Loved the season finale.

Thing about this show... let's say there really was a rapture and you witnessed it. How would you perceive the world as as a survivor or "leftover"? I'd doubt many things and probably wonder why I was not chosen.

My wife and I discussed the show tonight and I told her the most frustrating thing about the show is that I'm fairly invested in the characters. But I feel like there's never any closure on the big moments and unlike other shows, I feel like I never really learn what is going on. Dramatic changes lack any huge explanation. So many questions. And then it kinda hit me that perhaps that's what they want the audience to experience... as if you are a leftover as well.

It's a bizarre show and I'm definitely gonna stick around for the ride.


That's what's authentic about it. We are dropped into a world through the eyes of normal people who don't really know how to answer some of these questions. In some shows like this, the audience gets a glimpse of someone who seems to know more than he/she should and you get answers that maybe the characters don't have. 


What I love about this show and makes it so fun to follow is the confusion and chaos that surrounds it. We see this as someone living day to day through something that may never be explained. 


Great post!

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This show seems pretentious to me. The first season was so out there, and most of it seemed so pointless, that I really struggled to even finish it. It was total **** at times. I've been watching the second season though, so I still get that feeling. What's the point? There's no overarching plot. It seems like just a bunch of one-off episodes, with no payoff coming after each one, or at the end of the season. This show is like masturbation without a climax, all under the guise of trying to be meaningful or pseudo-philosophical.


I've yet to watch the final 2 episodes. I'll probably watch them, but I feel like this show is going in the same direction as lost, which isn't really a good thing at all.

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If this continues, I do hope it's renewed.  There's a lot of potential with this one as they get to the part of whether people did disappear or not.

About that... I don't think we''ll ever get an answer for that part of the show. Expect it to be more like this season where there is an arc for those 10-12 episodes and we get some answers and closure to just that story but they're never going to say what happened to the people who departed.

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Wow, didn't realize the latest episode was the season finale.  And now recalling watching LOST, I guess I won't be surprised if they never reveal what truly happened and probably don't intend to.  


Well, hope it gets renewed, if not, there are worse ways it could have ended and at least some closure was given for the season.

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