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Parents hosting teen drinking parties


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I don't think I will host any drinking parties in my household. I will let them hang out at my house and if some drinking happens under my nose then so be it. But I will not openly condone it. A sip of wine at the holidays is fine by me.

Now I understand that they'll drink, much like my wife and I did as teenagers. They can do that anywhere else they want. Just don't drive drunk and don't get in a car with someone who has had a drink. I don't care what time it is, call me and I'll pick you up. It's not worth the risk.

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Should have told people to sign their kids ages to their posts, although I can almost predict ages based on parent expectations espoused.


I used to think my kids would never be embarrassed of me....then my sweet, sweet then-12 y/o daughter told me I could just drop her off at the front of the school for the dance.  When I told her I wanted to walk her to the door (knowing what she was thinking), she got a horrified look on her face like I was going to walk up there in tighty-whities and picking my nose. 

Now I understand that they'll drink, much like my wife and I did as teenagers. They can do that anywhere else they want. Just don't drive drunk and don't get in a car with someone who has had a drink. I don't care what time it is, call me and I'll pick you up. It's not worth the risk.


The issue (of drinking somewhere else) is you have 0 control over it.  And...the inebriation obviously affects decision making, hence the concern about doing something very dumb (like riding with someone who "seemed" ok to go get Taco Bell).

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Early on in high school(around 14 or 15) my parents and the friends of my parents were much more restrictive about alcohol, which of course in turn, motivated us to acquire alcohol via other means; namely, garage hopping. We eventually got caught and i was arrested, though the family very kindly, didn't press charges. Once we turned 18 and were in college, parents were far more lenient and operated more on a "dont ask, don't tell" policy- they didn't want to know how we acquired the alcohol, but if we wanted to drink, just do not drive.  

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The problem is the expectation that just because you host a drinking party, that your kid will only drink around you. You will never have complete control over what your child does.


that was certainly not my expectation, the lack of control away was the driver :)

instilling selfcontrol and conditions such as responsibility for their friends was......no one likes just enough rope to hang themselves, 

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My friend's dad threw her a party like this back in the day and bought her a keg.  After the kids drank themselves crazy, acted like idiots, and stumbled all over the place talking about how drunk they were, he informed everyone that it was non-alcoholic beer.  I wasn't there, but I imagine it was pretty funny.


My parents gave me the leeway to stay over somewhere if I had been drinking.  They didn't care, just wanted the phone call.  


They did that in a Freaks & Geeks episode also. Funny stuff.

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When I grew up, alcohol wasn't a big deal, it was in our house. I was allowed to have a taste and I grew up where it wasn't taboo. I never drank on my own until I was over 21.  Even to this day, I really don't drink much because I just don't think it tastes all that great.

When my brother came along, my parents were in their religious phase and alcohol wasn't allowed. So of course, my brother wanted to do everything he wasn't supposed to do.  So I actually would rent a hotel room and I'd have my brother and 2 other friends in and I'd buy the alcohol. I didn't really drink, I just watched out for them. They had fun, nothing got out of hand and all was ok. 

I would rather do that than have my brother out drinking on his own and getting into a car accident.

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