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COD: Black Ops III

Dont Taze Me Bro

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My son (14 yrs) and I were talking about this last night. These maps are not sniper friendly, too few spots where you can set up without being in a high traffic zone. Every time we try to set for a real sniper position I get shot in the back. I imagine they'll release some larger long range maps as we move forward.


Your problem is youre playing the wrong game. If youre looking for bigger maps and good sniper positions get yourself BF4. You will not be disappointed. 

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Your problem is youre playing the wrong game. If youre looking for bigger maps and good sniper positions get yourself BF4. You will not be disappointed. 




Black Ops 3 has been a blast lately, now that I finally have the hang of it.  Wife and I had multiple games of 1st & 2nd place last night, obliterating Christmas noobs. 

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Nice, yea not ****ting on BLOPS. Not my cup of tea anymore but it does look like fun and i miss the days of wrecking all the kiddies on Christmas Break. lol


oh, i love BLOPS.  but you're right about BF4.  night and day between COD.  Blops is a much more "mature" game, a lot less tweens as there aren't any killstreaks LOL.  Both games are a blast for us.

Time for you and the wife to seriously look at Rainbow Six Siege bruh.  Straight up awesome.  


scared, bruh.  we have a hard time fitting in all 3 games we're currently playing as it is.  Maybe if/when it goes on sale in a few months.  I've seen the videos, it looks pretty solid.  a lot more realistic and strategic, which I can dig.  

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scared, bruh.  we have a hard time fitting in all 3 games we're currently playing as it is.  Maybe if/when it goes on sale in a few months.  I've seen the videos, it looks pretty solid.  a lot more realistic and strategic, which I can dig.  


I was scared that I would hate it or get tired of it real quick.  Not the case at all.  I'm addicted to it, haven't put in Battlefront, BO3 or Destiny since I bought it.  You and the wife being about that objective, it's 100% objective based.  


There is also a timer for each round and only 5 enemies, so you have to focus on the objective.  K/D ratio and W/L ratio don't even matter until you hit rank 20 and can unlocked ranked matches.  And you don't have to play those if you don't want to.  I'd imagine that it still wouldn't be much different simply because if you want to work on your K/D ratio, you have to kill and they are going to be defending one location.

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So T, you bounced from BO3?

Hmph, **** it then brah, I've been too swamped to even worry about it anyway. Without yall partyin' up, there's basically no reason to get it.


Nah, I'm just enjoying Rainbow Six Siege.  I haven't hopped on BO3 in a while though, but not because I don't like it anymore.  Been playing a lot of NBA2K16, Destiny, etc.  


I'd definitely hop in with you stroker, need to get back with chew too.

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I know it's hard with everyone's time zones, jobs, families, etc.  But we really should try and set one day during the week or one weekend day and time and have an ES night to team up and mic up.


So we can run together and own.  Some of the most fun I've had was last year in CoD AW, mic'in up with Goonie, Spring, MLS, etc. and running through folks.

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Sledgehammer or IW have the next game? Hate to look ahead, but I'm really interested in wtf they're going to do next. Have a feeling it'll be another future shooter.

I mean, if any of these developers go back in time a little, it'll be a breath of fresh air. Hit up Vietnam or Iraq 1.

**** man, remake COD4. Watch that **** sell more than the past 3 games. I'd bet a good chunk of change on it. COD 4.2. Spruce up the graphics, add new guns and maps, add some killstreaks, but include every map. Even Bloc. **** it. It's better than most of the maps they've been making apparently.

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Unfortunately.........it looks like it is going to be a sequel to Ghosts.  Which was horrible, imo.  I played it, thought it was ok.  But it has been my least favorite release.  


Found this:  http://www.gameskinny.com/0tmuz/what-could-call-of-duty-2016-possibly-be


Has some spoilers about the story line, which I don't give a **** about, but warning those that might.  They said a follow-up to Modern Warfare 3 is unlikely since they closed the loop on that story line.  Basically, the only way would be to completely reboot that story line starting fresh. 


They have also tossed out ideas of a remastered Modern Warfare release, but not as the new game.  Which would sell like **** if they did that, not sure why they are holding out this long.

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you need to run things like sentry guns and things that get kills for you in domination while you run and gun.

What are the controller set-ups (sensitivity) etc that folks use?

What equipment, scorestreaks etc are folks running?

I watch the videos on these things but just feel like I'm grasping at straws most times with my set up.

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Ok, I seriously don't get how you get a score like that.

Seriously....I want to know how to get a score like that.

Is it technique, controller set up, player loadout, pattern running, what?

Nothing special, really. Some people always put your numbers like that. I just like her play style because she tries so hard lol. She'd rather die trying to take the B flag than hang back, hit killstreaks, and lose.

Just happened to have a good game capping flags and she hit her sentry gun a bunch of times. We both run uav and counter so we get a ton of assist points as well.

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