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COD: Black Ops III

Dont Taze Me Bro

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I'm down.  I've got that sight that glows red for baddies, blue for good guys.  hopefully that will help me with team killing LOL


I don't have the reaction skills that you hardcore guys do.  somebody comes around the corner, 9 times outta 10 iI'm blasting.  I'm not sure how you guys manage to do well in Hardcore.  With no minimap, not knowing where the friendlies are, how to you turn corners, see movement, and NOT immediately shoot?  Can somebody answer that for me?  LOL


for me, that tenth of a second it takes me to see if it's a bad guy or not, i'm dead.

Do you have the player names over their head?  I know you can turn that off in settings, I leave it on and look at the names, red names are enemies, blue names are friendlies.  Just like that scope, which I used and did not prefer it, but I can see value in it for hardcore.


I find myself just anticipating what direction they will be coming from.  And in modes like TDM and KC, after I get going a certain path and get a kill or two, I will turn round 180 and make sure nobody spawned behind me, sometimes will run back the way I came cause the game is funny like that lol.

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Hardcore domination and KC are now in the playlist. Was trying to run with Goonie last night, and he noticed they were added in.

Oh snappy snapperson. There will be blood.

Thinkin in a couple weeks I'll get my first taste of this game.

Think I'm gonna agree with Chew though, not looking forward to flying around and the wall running ****. Know it will get me killed many 'o time. Never know though, I've been wrong before when judging stuff before playing the game.

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finally starting to get the hang of it.  had my best game so far last night, went 32-15 with 12 captures.  wife had 10 captures.  next closest person had 4.  :(  Come on, guys.  Play the objectives!


I'm going positive or even k/d just about every game now.  The goal is to get my k/d back to 1.00.  Those 4-26 games from the first few days are really gonna hurt lol.


How could I forget!  I have disabled my hardwired LAN connection, which is extrememly fast.  I now run off the wireless connection which is much slower.  The lag issues are so much better now.  Not sure if it was lag compensation or what, but I experienced unplayable lag the first few days when using our very fast hardwired conenction.  somebody explain that bull**** lol

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Capturing in Dom isn't a real good sign of how well you play objectives. It either means you keep losing B, or you're switching back and forth between A and C a lot, which is sloppy and risky. A person with no captures and a ton of defends could've been defending B while moving around quickly. I'd go **** like 4 caps and 15 defends. One game I went 0 caps and 25 defends, all the defends were from defending B. I played that game in front of my COD-playing girlfriend just to prove a point. She'd end up with 10 caps and I'd be like you're capping A and C!

Not that you should never do that, and high cap numbers are great, I love you guys who do that, but it's not a tell-all stat as far as going for objectives.

Capping the HQ in Headquarters, planting and defusing bombs in Demo, even capping B in Dom. Those are the objs that matter.

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yeah, the spawn flips are all over.  i'm adjusting back to COD life, but the battlefield in me still wants to go balls to the wall B.  i finally took your advice and just chilled, ADS at doorways leading to B (after we have it) and just kind of patrolling an area.  been hitting killstreaks 2-3 times a game.  


I just hate standing still.  as soon as I spawn, i sprint towards objectives and will die over and over again trying to take them.  Battlefield that's not a problem, but in COD that just feeds enemy killstreaks lol.


I actually like demo more than dom, but avoid it like the plague unless i'm in a party.  too easy to get spawn-gaped in Demo if you're team blows.  spawns never move lol.

my COD-playing girlfriend 


B)  :wub:

  A person with no captures and a ton of defends could've been defending B while moving around quickly. I'd go **** like 4 caps and 15 defends.  


that's the difference between very good, patient players like you, and stubborn, teetering on average/below average players like me :)

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yeah, I can't wait to unlock Ghost.  the UAV spam is real.

Was eating fools alive in HC domination last night.  




hit me up if you see me on, bro.  you too, Tazinski.  haven't rocked with a full party of ES'ers yet.  Does Doc still have the game?

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that's the difference between very good, patient players like you, and stubborn, teetering on average/below average players like me :)

Nah. 32-15? I'd be straight with that score. I've gone 4-17 after months of playing COD religiously. I just get hit with some kryptonite and crap the bed. It happens to the best mofos out there. The best. Man, remember that map Kowloon? Blops1 map where you're on rooftops at night? I started 0-12 on one game, my girl was beasting, she was first place out of everybody, and I rage quit us out of there.

I'm single.

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Was eating fools alive in HC domination last night.  


After my mini meltdown over the camping.


The stars aligned and I was beasting.

LOL I love your meltdowns broski.  Cause I know I let y'all mofos listen to mine from time to time.

yeah, I can't wait to unlock Ghost.  the UAV spam is real.


hit me up if you see me on, bro.  you too, Tazinski.  haven't rocked with a full party of ES'ers yet.  Does Doc still have the game?

I sent you a message last night when you an the wife were playing.  It wouldn't let me join y'all.  Also, it ****ed me and Goonie over, we kept trying to join each others party and it kept saying it was joinable, then you hit join and it said it was full.  


Treyarch needs to get their ****ing **** together.  I played with Doc Tuesday and Wednesday.  He Redboxed it I think, so he may have kept it longer.  

Damn you Fallout 4 and Chew's peer pressure to buy it.  I feel bad not playing it, be playing BO3 and in the back of my mind is, "I gotta avenge my wife's death and find my son" :P


Then next week I have to rid the galaxy of evil Rebel scum for the Empire.

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I appreciate the modesty and all, Brother LongStrke....but...you're Private Pyle.  the soul crusher.  i used to show my wife your Blops 1 nuketown videos in the BO1 thread and we'd watch them together and get all tingly.  COD Porn.  

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I appreciate the modesty and all, Brother LongStrke....but...you're Private Pyle. the soul crusher. i used to show my wife your Blops 1 nuketown videos in the BO1 thread and we'd watch them together and get all tingly. COD Porn.

Ahahahahaha. I love you man. I want to play so bad. Definitely looking forward to it. You all go get your Fallout 4 on so you're not burned out from this game when I finally show up.

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 I sent you a message last night when you an the wife were playing.  It wouldn't let me join y'all.  Also, it ****ed me and Goonie over, we kept trying to join each others party and it kept saying it was joinable, then you hit join and it said it was full.  


 Damn you Fallout 4 and Chew's peer pressure to buy it.  I feel bad not playing it, be playing BO3 and in the back of my mind is, "I gotta avenge my wife's death and find my son" :P


Then next week I have to rid the galaxy of evil Rebel scum for the Empire.


Took me and the wife like 5 times before we could join each other.  party system is dfeinitely a little jacked still.  I'm down tonight fer sure.


The struggle to balance FO4 and BO3 is real.  But I've been doing a pretty good job so far.  And like you said, Star Wars next week will screw up the balance even more.  Good problem to have, though.  ;)

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I don't get why Activision or EA don't let people rent dedicated servers at a monthly subscription where they can control game types, etc. Counterstrike has been doing this for years.

They could make so much money off of something like this.

I tried to rent one on BF4 for a month, never got any activity.  I agree, it would be a $$$ maker for them, so you would think they would do it, but it also means they have to have enough server space to accommodate player rented servers, which is more $$$ for them. 


My guess is they most likely make more money by not doing it in the long run.  But I have nothing to base that off of, other than speculation and gut.

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Played my first round of hardcore domination. NEVER again lol. Not my cup of tea. Can't stand that style of play. The game I was in, multiple people on BOTH teams had zero captures. They immediately went to the outskirts of the map and camped. Bunch of big killstreaks for both teams coming in all game, maybe 3 or 4 out of 12 played the objective. I went 7-25 with 8 captures, next closest player in the game had 4 caps.

I'll deal with the extra bullets to kill in core, thank you very much lol.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay, I'm starting to get good. Wife and i are boasting lately. Got my k/d and w/l over 1.00 after digging a deep hole lol

36-9 last night with 13 caps. Wife had 11 caps. Next closest player had 6 caps. And those aren't cheap "spawn flip" caps, those are B caps during the game.


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I find the biggest problem for me is playing with an underpowered weapon, just to unlock the perks.  Like the second pistol.  I love that thing, so I pretty much ran with it as my only weapon to unlock duel wield, then after doing so, dont run it anymore lol


Problem = horrible matches with sub 1.0 k/d



Games been out long enough now, whats the favorite/best/overpowered setups y'all have found?  Game is pretty balanced this time around, nothing really stands out as super beast like in the past.


Just tried out the razorback (sub) last night, I like it.  Sheiva is pretty fun, has a FAL feel to it (from BO2), but I keep forgetting its semi-auto.


Also like the Weevil.  Don't have all the attachments yet for any of the above mentioned though.  Tried using shotguns for the first time yesterday and man, if you are having a bad k/d game, it can bring you back fast.  


I have been running KC in hardcore a lot lately, and it's nothing busting around sprinting and popping one shot kills.  Haymaker is my favorite, then is Argus for the range.  Never tried the first two.  Almost feels not fair at times, especially if you use the Argus and have some good mods on it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

30-12 is my best game so far. Tried sniping and I just suck at it.

My son (14 yrs) and I were talking about this last night. These maps are not sniper friendly, too few spots where you can set up without being in a high traffic zone. Every time we try to set for a real sniper position I get shot in the back. I imagine they'll release some larger long range maps as we move forward.


Playing now on XBoxOne we just upgraded from the PS3

Our first COD game was AW and we like it a lot and we were crushing on there. BOIII plays a LOT like AW. I'm still not sure about the special abilities because I LOVE LOVE LOVE the UAV with the marker upgrade in AW and I don't think that's available in BOIII.

BTW, if you're playing Dom and aren't using the guy with the gravity spikes then you're insane. There is no other way to clear the circle, got my first triple kill that way.

Also, the time allowed between kills to qualify for a multi-kill badge is much longer than AW.

Right now we are working hardpoint to learn the maps and get used to the different routes.

A couple of the maps have frustratingly big kill zones like the winter one with the church. In domination the B circle is a lot like the B in AW full on kill zone, very difficult to capture and hold.

TDM is still "shot in the back mode"

Escort the stupid slow ass robot is dumb and I hate it, but my son thinks it's fun.

Right now we're leveling our gear, but so far it seems pretty cool.

I give it a B, but man I miss my exo-suit!!!!



XBoxOne user REMAXimusBGT

No mics yet but soon.

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