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COD: Black Ops III

Dont Taze Me Bro

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Hey I am still on, will be on around 1100pm EST tonite, lets party up,

Best weapons so far SMGs in hardcore

Get the VMP + grip+quickdraw + extended barrel .......money in the bank...Will get nerfed soon anyways

Everyone loves the Kuda, but I actually prefer the Pharo, one bad ass burst SMG....reminds me of the type 95.

Then KN444, the Kuda then XR-2 with rapid fire (see no difference though) and finally the Shieva with rapid fire.

Getting close to unlocking dead silence which is a must since everyone is currently sound whoring ....

I agree with this very sluggish feeling

Are you back in ps4 or still on Xbox?

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I don't like core, takes too many bullets. Game feels like black ops 2 to me, I don't care for it. Hit detection still seems off to me.


So i guess you ****es ar egonna give me no choice but to play hardcore?  I'll try it, I guess.  Just know that, when Taze is one kill away from his Hellstorm and I shoot him by accident when he comes around the corner, I'm backing out of the game

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Peer pressure is a ****, get your ole caramel lookin ass on and let's kill some kids.


I thought you'd never ask  :wub:


you guys play any hardcore demolition?  I'm an objectives guy, never been a fan of TDM or KC.  But i'll play whatever you guys play.   Wife isn't too thrilled about the idea of hardcore, but she'll come around. ;)

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You on now tazy?

I'm hopping on in a minute bruh.  Just got off work at 6pm.


Gotta coordinate with Goonie on when we are playing our Madden League game, NFC Championship and my boy coming off of auto-pilot, thought I was gonna sail easily into the Super Bowl cause my previous two opponents had to go auto-pilot.


Dropped 50 and 58 in my two playoff games.  Gonna drop 50 on Goonie too......YOU LIKE THAT?!?!

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It's sad how fruity this game is. We've gone from strategic warfare of sniping and stealth to running on walls and futuristic BS.


I completely agree.  Leave the jet packs and wall-running to the "sci-fi" shooters like Titanfall, Killzone, Halo, etc. I don't get why developers felt the need to change things up so much.  It's not like Call of Duty ever struggles to sell games and they had to switch it up to attract more buyers.  If it ain't broke, don't fix it.  


Hell, I'm even okay with them keeping all the special abilities, but the jet pack **** and wall running....come on, dawg.  I really hope they go back to a more traditional COD feel next year.  


But then again, Battlefield 5 drops next fall...that might be a special game.

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Hardcore domination and KC are now in the playlist.  Was trying to run with Goonie last night, and he noticed they were added in.  


I'm down.  I've got that sight that glows red for baddies, blue for good guys.  hopefully that will help me with team killing LOL


I don't have the reaction skills that you hardcore guys do.  somebody comes around the corner, 9 times outta 10 iI'm blasting.  I'm not sure how you guys manage to do well in Hardcore.  With no minimap, not knowing where the friendlies are, how to you turn corners, see movement, and NOT immediately shoot?  Can somebody answer that for me?  LOL


for me, that tenth of a second it takes me to see if it's a bad guy or not, i'm dead.

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