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OK State's Marcus Smart Shoved Some Guy


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She is not white.  She is most definitely a black woman.


Doesn't mean jack, she was closer to the man than the kid was when he heard whatever he heard.  She had no reaction.

Not that it REALLY matters, but since you're so adamant in posting this, I feel like I must respond.




This is NOT an African-American woman.  Her hair is the main giveaway.  Being African-American myself, I should know. She could maybe be mixed with African traits, but she is not 100% black.  She actually looks Hawaiian/Samoan to me.

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A couple of things.


The commentator said "He's lost his composure a few times this season and it's cost his team."


Is this fan going around trolling this players every game?


Do we know something racist was said or is that what's been put out?


Now... I don't know either of these to dudes.  But for those of you talking about "how can a fan do yadda yadda yadda?" I promise you... if I could say something to a player who is playing against the Redskins and get him thrown out of the game and ensure the Redskins win, I promise you I do it 16 out of 16 times.  So long as my son isn't with me.

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Of all people, Stephen A Smith was pretty much spot on.


1. The player has to be suspended. Even if you can 100% understand what he did (which was minor), you can't physically go after fans.


2. Someone needs to really investigate that dude.


My opinion: The player's reaction 1) looked like it was provoked and 2) he immediately said he heard what that guy called him. The player might be a hot head based on this and the chair kicking incident, but if some dude's yelling racial epithets at him, he should get a little bit of a pass. You have to suspend because you can't tolerate players going into stands, but you also can't tolerate ignorant a-holes yelling terrible things at college players.

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A couple of things.

The commentator said "He's lost his composure a few times this season and it's cost his team."

Is this fan going around trolling this players every game?

Do we know something racist was said or is that what's been put out?

Now... I don't know either of these to dudes. But for those of you talking about "how can a fan do yadda yadda yadda?" I promise you... if I could say something to a player who is playing against the Redskins and get him thrown out of the game and ensure the Redskins win, I promise you I do it 16 out of 16 times. So long as my son isn't with me.

If you said what this fan supposedly said you likely wouldn't be around to see the finish, because some black fan near you would probably beat your ass.
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Now... I don't know either of these to dudes. But for those of you talking about "how can a fan do yadda yadda yadda?" I promise you... if I could say something to a player who is playing against the Redskins and get him thrown out of the game and ensure the Redskins win, I promise you I do it 16 out of 16 times. So long as my son isn't with me.

So you'd be a racist prick so a football team could win a game? OK.

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Apparently he said "go back to Africa."


Smart should be suspended but as a black dude myself, I'd would have dropped him. That's bull****.


And you know it had to be something serious. Smart is a top player in the country, I'm sure he's heard crazy **** his whole career. 


I will never understand how fans can chant racist **** in sports like football and basketball when most of the players on your "team" are black. The iggles fans are notorious for this

She is not white.  She is most definitely a black woman.


Doesn't mean jack, she was closer to the man than the kid was when he heard whatever he heard.  She had no reaction.

Captain contrarian at it again I see...


Smart was wrong but I really doubt the dude just said, "HEY MARCUS YOU SUCK!"

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Captain contrarian at it again I see...


Smart was wrong but I really doubt the dude just said, "HEY MARCUS YOU SUCK!"


Apparently he called him a piece of crap.  Not go back to africa.


And a contrarian?  Simply pointing out that there was what appeared to be a female with some black heritage behind him and there was no apparent outrage from her.

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Apparently he called him a piece of crap.  Not go back to africa.


And a contrarian?  Simply pointing out that there was what appeared to be a female with some black heritage behind him and there was no apparent outrage from her.

Apparently he called him a piece of crap, not go back to Africa?


According to whom?


Mr. Orr?

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Apparently he called him a piece of crap, not go back to Africa?


According to whom?


Mr. Orr?

Do you mean to imply that a person would tell a college kid to go back to Africa and then not own up to it afterwards? I highly doubt it. I'm sure everyone who wants to be considered a 'superfan' would want to be associated with that statement...

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What's funny to me is how people are expecting Smart to be more mature than a man who is probably 55+. 


I'll put it like this....I'll always give props to someone for being the bigger man in walking away from a moron spewing racial slurs...but, I'll also NEVER condemn them from popping them in the jaw if that same slure is what it took to get them to their breaking point. 


Paying for a ticket doesn't give you any right to cross the line with your trash talk.  **** like this grinds my gears to no end.  Fans need to be held more accountable. 


I'm siding with Smart here. 




If all Orr said was that Smart was a piece of "crap," then he would have fessed up to it.  What he said was obviously something that was OD. 

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So you'd be a racist prick so a football team could win a game? OK.


Did he say something racist?


I haven't seen anything other than rumors that he said something racist.

If you said what this fan supposedly said you likely wouldn't be around to see the finish, because some black fan near you would probably beat your ass.


Is it confirmed that the dude said something racist?


Because this kid obviously has anger control problems.


That's all I'm saying.


The kid's anger issues are documented and on film.


No one knows what the fan said other than the fan, the kid, and those around them.


Apparently he said "go back to Africa."


Smart should be suspended but as a black dude myself, I'd would have dropped him. That's bull****.


And you know it had to be something serious. Smart is a top player in the country, I'm sure he's heard crazy **** his whole career. 


I will never understand how fans can chant racist **** in sports like football and basketball when most of the players on your "team" are black. The iggles fans are notorious for this


If the dude said that he should be charged with assault and should be banned from the campus.


Unfortunately for Smart, the only thing that is concrete right now is the fact that he shoved the dude and that he has a history of being a loose cannon.

When he had his other episodes were they because of something racist or does he just have a short fuse that he needs to work on strengthening?

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If all Orr said was that Smart was a piece of "crap," then he would have fessed up to it. What he said was obviously something that was OD.

He did admit it.

"I would like to take this opportunity to offer my sincere apologies to Marcus Smart, Oklahoma State, Tubby Smith and the Texas Tech Men's Basketball program," Orr said in a statement. "My actions last night were inappropriate and do not reflect myself or Texas Tech -- a university I love dearly. I regret calling Mr. Smart a 'piece of crap' but I want to make it known that I did not use a racial slur of any kind. Additionally, I would like to offer my apologies to Texas Tech fans that have been embarrassed by the attention this incident has created."


I haven't seen a single thing that makes me believe Orr said a racial slur. There were many people sitting around them and I doubt all of them would fail to hear or keep quiet about something like that. Smart didn't publicly say that he heard a racial slur either and I doubt he'd apologize to the guy if he did.

I'm surprised we don't know exactly what was said with all the cameras and other fans sitting around. You'd think a reporter would have asked the people sitting around the guy already.

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He did admit it.


I haven't seen a single thing that makes me believe Orr said a racial slur. There were many people sitting around them and I doubt all of them would fail to hear or keep quiet about something like that. Smart didn't publicly say that he heard a racial slur either and I doubt he'd apologize to the guy if he did.

I'm surprised we don't know exactly what was said with all the cameras and other fans sitting around. You'd think a reporter would have asked the people sitting around the guy already.



ahh, ok.  Didn't see that. 

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Did he say something racist?

I haven't seen anything other than rumors that he said something racist.

what am I missing here?

if I could say something to a player who is playing against the Redskins and get him thrown out of the game and ensure the Redskins win, I promise you I do it 16 out of 16 times. So long as my son isn't with me.

The guy is accused of saying something racist. You say if you can help the Skins win by saying something, you're saying it everytime. I'm supposed to assume that doesn't also include a racial slur?

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outside of kicking a chair, why does Marcus Smart have anger issues? 


I'm going off of what the commentator said.  I know nothing about either of these two guys.  I rarely come in these threads because if you say something against the grain apparently you get piled on.  When the commentator says "He's lost his composure a few times this season and it's cost his team" that implies that it was more than kicking a chair.  Or at least kicking a chair more than once.


In situations like this I look at what the facts are because that is what the courts will/should do.  It's a fact is this kid shoved a fan.  It's also a fact (according to the commentator) that this kid has done other things that have related to losing his cool that have cost his team this season.


We know the superfan is a douche bag.  We have video of him on here being a douche bag.  Those are facts.  But we don't have video of him on here committing a crime.  We have video of him being a douche bag and creating a home field advantage for his favorite team.  God bless him, he's a Texas Tech basketball fan.


Did he say something racist?  A friend of my friend who is a Texas Tech guy said that one of his friends was at the Dairy Queen and that girls boyfriend heard that the dude said something racist.


Not gonna buy that.  If he comes out and says that he did or video surfaces, he should be thumped accordingly.  If all we have now ends up being all of the facts that we have... the kid gets suspended and hopefully the douche bag changes his approach.


I'm not sure you could be any more fair than that in America.

what am I missing here?

The guy is accused of saying something racist. You say if you can help the Skins win by saying something, you're saying it everytime. I'm supposed to assume that doesn't also include a racial slur?


And that is why I don't come in these threads.  There are a million things you can say to a player to get him pissed off or throw him off his game without involving race.  It says a lot about who you are that you assumed that.




You should be ashamed of yourself.

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So the kid gets suspended while the adult gets to continue attending games? The fan got what he deserved considering he's been doing this for years. I'm so tired of this crap where some guy should be able to say whatever the hell he wants and the player just has to take it. There was a game this year, I can't remember which one, where Alfred was walking back to the sideline and the camera was following him and you could hear a fan in the front row, plain as day, call him a ****. It was unbelievable and Alfred heard it because he looked back and smiled. If you can run your mouth like a man, you damn sure better be man enough to handle what happens after.

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And that is why I don't come in these threads. There are a million things you can say to a player to get him pissed off or throw him off his game without involving race. It says a lot about who you are that you assumed that.


You should be ashamed of yourself.

This legitimately made me lol. Whatever you say man. I'm more than comfortable with what I posted. Hell, I'm not even sure what you're tripping on. So with that said, if anything says something about someone it's you getting defensive. Good luck with that.

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Marcus Smart was lauded for his maturity up until 3 weeks ago....now he's got anger issues? Not buying that narrative. At all.

The media is funny....they'll build you up one second, then tear you down the next.

When you follow up kicking a chair with shoving a fan people are going to talk. Looks to me like the pressure is getting to him a bit. He's behaving differently than he has for years, like you stated, and what he did is a big deal and very uncommon. Maybe dude needs a vacation.

Btw - he was saved by the rumors of a racial slur. It got the public on his side. If the only thing that guy said really was "piece of crap" Smart owes the people that started those rumors a big thank you.

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To all you 18-25 year olds out there.  

Rule no. 1 for getting things to go your way in the world…Don't let an asshole make you an asshole.


Smart learned the hard way.

Did he? People assume the fan is a racist and all he got was a three game suspension. I think Smart came out of this relatively clean.

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