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OK State's Marcus Smart Shoved Some Guy


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DC9: your comment earlier did imply that you would use a racial slur if it meant getting a player on an opposing team kicked out.

Even if you meant anything BUT using a racial slur, it is still immature to even think like that. That doesn't make you a great fan to do something silly like that. Again, it's immaturity. I think that's what GAC is getting at, too.

There are lines you don't cross. Buying a ticket doesn't give you the right to be an asshole. Just ask Mr Orr. He won't be attending anymore games this season.

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Maybe it's just me, but I dont think of Smart kicking a chair as a big deal. I chalk that up along the lines of a hockey player throwing equipment going down the tunnel (Grabo), a baseball player cursing themselves after striking out, etc. Heat of the moment reaction that should be considered the norm in the sporting realm, but people try to psychoanalyze or make more of it than they should...just my .02

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This legitimately made me lol. Whatever you say man. I'm more than comfortable with what I posted. Hell, I'm not even sure what you're tripping on. So with that said, if anything says something about someone it's you getting defensive. Good luck with that.


Whatever you need to say to make yourself feel better GACOLB. ;)


Have a good day.

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Maybe it's just me, but I dont think of Smart kicking a chair as a big deal. I chalk that up along the lines of a hockey player throwing equipment going down the tunnel (Grabo), a baseball player cursing themselves after striking out, etc. Heat of the moment reaction that should be considered the norm in the sporting realm, but people try to psychoanalyze or make more of it than they should...just my .02


Basketball players are definitely held to a different standard than other sports.

DC9: your comment earlier did imply that you would use a racial slur if it meant getting a player on an opposing team kicked out.

Even if you meant anything BUT using a racial slur, it is still immature to even think like that. That doesn't make you a great fan to do something silly like that. Again, it's immaturity. I think that's what GAC is getting at, too.

There are lines you don't cross. Buying a ticket doesn't give you the right to be an asshole. Just ask Mr Orr. He won't be attending anymore games this season.


Again, why I don't come in these threads... if you don't clarify everything in a post it's torn to pieces (so long as it goes against the grain).


I thought the fact that I have been a member of this board for a few years now and have never had any derogitory issues with anyone maybe would've allowed you to assume the other way, as well.


Maybe that's just me being a good person?  I don't know.


There is a fine line in fan conduct.  Calling someone a "piece of crap" doesn't cross that line.


Here's a vignette... what if Smart had just dunked the ball to give his team the lead and then fallen into the stands.  Same dude calls him a piece of crap.  Does Smart shove him or does he just laugh at him and walk away?

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It's not as complicated as a lot of you are making it.


It's obvious that Orr said something to incite Smart.


What that was? Who knows.


But, this is a college kid. Let me stress the kid part. I don't care about his status as a top athlete. He's a kid.


Does that mean his actions should be condoned? No. He needed to be punished and he was. He was stupid to react, and will pay the price for it, and perhaps hurt his team quite a bit in the process if they lose the majority of the next three games.


The guy in the stands, regardless of what he said, should really re-evaluate his life. The things people say to kids is incredible. I've heard a TON of nasty stuff with HIGH SCHOOL games, and not big Texas games. I'm talking 200 people in the stands games. Slurs and all sorts of negativity directed at players. In college, I've heard the same. The kids are expected to take it and not say a word while these "adults" hurl obscenities towards them that no one, even professionals should endure.


Smart should be punished, but this is a societal issue. Talking trash to anyone, especially stupid personal stuff, ESPECIALLY about a GAME is beyond childish. I don't care what your motives. It's not funny or intelligent. PEOPLE play sports. And these people take more non sense for wearing a different color uniform than anyone ever should. Having a rivalry is one thing, being an obnoxious ass is another.


How about this... How about we teach our young youth that being an adult means restraint and not just yelling anything that comes to mind? It really doesn't make a lick of difference if YOUR kid is there or not, someone is in the stands is young enough to be influenced. Boo, chant playful stuff (IE: Dallas sucks!) all you want, but avoid the personal crap. It's childish and petty.

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So a full day later, we have this:


1. TT is in the final moments of a heated game, gives up a break away layup and has to foul the guy.

2. Great player on the losing team hears something from a fan.

3. Great player turns around and pushes the fan.

4. Announcer says he heard someone say the fan called the great player a racial epithet.

5. Nobody else close to the situation says anything about a racial epithet.

6. Smart issues a classy apology without any accusations about what was said.

7. Fan issues an apology, says he won't attend any games for the rest of the year.

8. Fan also clarifies that he said nothing racist, just called him a piece of crap (classy guy).

9. Nobody from the scene is refuting the fan's version.


Is any of this wrong? If not, the public anger needs to dial down a bit. I was angry too (see earlier post in thread), but if there truly wasn't a racial epithet used, this looks like the classic case of a jackass fan getting under the skin of an emotional (hot head?) player.


I'm not ready to equate Smart to the real Ron Artest just yet. His projected draft stock has fallen a few slots due to the influx of talent in college this year, his team is on a losing streak and he made a really bad decision in the heat of battle. Right now, Smart is a question mark for me. If this is all followed up with a strong and mature run through the rest of this season and tournaments, Smart will be just fine. If he acts out any more, he starts to go into a different category for me.


All of the above post changes context if anyone presents any evidence of an actual racial epithet being spewed. If that did happen, Smart gets much more of a pass from me.

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First of all, the fan is a loser/low-life for taunting a kid at a college game. Unless someone knows exactly what he said, I won't go further than that. Secondly, the player is an idiot for engaging with any fan. I don't care what the guy said. I really don't care if he was way over-the-line racial and offensive. As a player with everything to lose, it's your responsibility to keep your composure and be the bigger person. 


That doesn't condone the fan's behavior, but I think we saw a case of two wrongs. From the player's perspective, you really can't control what is yelled at you by spectators, so it's usually better to take a "well you're paying to watch me play" mentality and just laugh it off. 

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