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Mike Shanahan Press Conference: "I haven't made a decision on the starting QB **UPDATE** per John Keim: Cousins will start


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The circus is alive and well in Washington D.C. Just when you think the organization can't sink any lower, this happens.


The Washington Redskins have become the laughingstock of the NFL and the dubious distinction is well-deserved, unfortunately.

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What if Cousins comes in and looks spectacular and the redskins win the last 3 games in impressive style.  What would that tell you?


That maybe RG3 should not have started the season after spending all offseason rehabbing (and making a movie out of it) and not being able to work on his craft as a drop back quarterback?   Maybe waiting till the bye week would have changed our season.


All the drama going back to the Seattle playoff game began with second guessing Shanahan for playing RG3 when RG3 was really at fault for pushing to play and saying he was fine.  Remember the Cleveland game that Cousins started a week after Rg3 was injured and RG3 was trying to convince Shanahan he could play?


Going thru all the drama from the past year I would say at least a third of the problem was RG3.  Snyder also played a major role by showing obvious favoritism to a player that just has to have an effect on the other players.  I'm willing to bet RG3 may have lost alot of respect in the locker room based on comments like Moss saying RG3 has to take some of the blame...etc. Especially if the stories are true about Snyder flying down to Alabama and hanging around for RG3's surgery.  Sending his limousine and security guards to take care of his wife.  And the latest about RG3 having a special parking spot in the stadium.  When players see all that it's going to breed resentment especially when RG3 doesn't produce and the team loses.


Shanahan probably wants out and is fed up with being courted by Snyder back in 2009 then signing after being promised he could build a team the right way...only to have Snyder go back to his old ways.  You can't blame Shanahan for all this since I bet any coach worth his salt would be upset.  Difference is....Shanahan will not go away quietly and will expose to the football world to what it's like working for the Redskins under Snyder.


Good luck finding a decent coach.  Snyder will probably have to up the ante to $ 10 million a year to get someone decent but that coach will come here knowing he's lame duck from the start.


And if Cousins looks great and the team miraculously transforms and wins impressively...then Shanahan came walk away showing the fans that he knows football and how to coach it.


I look at all this as a proud coach who will not take the abuse sitting down after being sabotaged by a immature quarterback and meddlesome owner who doesn't keep his promises.


Are you actually serious, or just trolling? 


Shanny is taking abuse? how? By not doing anything to change a historically bad special teams? By not adjusting and shuffling the offensive line when it has given up over 20+ sacks in the last few games? (oh yeah, he sent Gettis in for Chester for one game, I forgot. Great attempt at changes). By not bringing in another punter to replace Rocca who is having a DREAFUL year? this coming from the same coach that talks so much about competition.


I can understand trying to spread the blame around to everyone, but its pathetic to try and pin it all on RGIII when the ST is literally one of the worst special teams in the history of the NFL according to their stats, and a defense that gives up over 30 points a game.

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What if Cousins comes in and looks spectacular and the redskins win the last 3 games in impressive style.  What would that tell you?


That he's a good backup.


That if RG3 continues to struggle even healthy and with a new coach that he could eventually and legitimately get replaced.


You really believe Cousins holds the key to Castle Greyskull XtremeFan55 don't you? :)

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And its naivety to think that players would sit by and say nothing if their coach is trying to destroy the team.


They aren't. Witness their lack of effort and interest on the actual field of play,


To be more open and slam him direct through the media WOULD be career suicide. 

ESPN just reported that Griffin will not travel with the team.  I don't think that can be correct.


The way this rat has turned. NOTHING would surprise me. 



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Just curious, their job is to play football, do you think they are doing their jobs?


They are supporting Shanahan in the media.  That is not their job.  Again, if Shanahan is trying to destroy the team, the players themselves would know and would say something about it.  I'm still not hearing that.


Your first question is illegible, sorry.


How are they supporting Shanahan in the media? By towing the company line? By keeping their heads down and staying out of it?


Defend what, defend who? Shanahan is self-imploding by himself, the franchise is in upheaval, what would they be defending and why?

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Was the KC game not enough to let you know that the team has quit on Mike?


I am not getting into what the players may or may not think about RG3. I am simply putting the facts out there that Mike is using both QBs as hostages to get his $7 million.


Will it make a difference if Kyle has suddenly installed a decent offensive game plan? These players are all professionals they are going to go out and do their jobs. To the extent they apply themselves might be indicative of how they feel towards Mike. Hell they might play hard out of fear he will smear their name in the media as well.



What I am saying is Shanahan has coached badly but that does not mean there is some widespread evil plot behind it and he is not the only one who has failed the team this season.  If I see the players playing hard again for Cousins, it will tell me that the move to bench RG3 was positive.  It may be interpreted that the team likes Cousins better or it may not.  It may be interpreted that the team approves of the move to bench RG3 or it may not.  It may be interpreted that Kyle is better at gameplanning with Cousins or it may not.  But it does provide data to determine what the issues may have been all year.  Again, Cousins may suck, the team may still suck, the gameplan may still suck, we may still lose.  But if something changes for the better or worse with Cousins in instead of RG3, I think it is noteworthy and worth exploring why that is.

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Oh cry me a river. don't go off on the sob story about how much you "wanted" RGIII to be great when you're giving up on the guy after 13 games of one bad season in only his second year as a pro. Thats pathetic and I don't really care if it offends you. Its one thing to say hes bad right now, its a whole nother thing to say hes going to be a bust and fans are in denial because you've somehow "seen the light" as you panic and proclaim a kid a bust after only having 12 bad to semi-bad games in a roughly 27 game career.

I know posting what I did would obviously make some people angry, but if you take the burgundy colored glasses off, you'd see it too. Get mad at me all you want, truth is I bought the hype, I defended the guy, but you can plainly see he's nothing close to what a good qb is. Blame the knee, blame the wrs, blame the coaching, blame the defense, blame the oline, right? Yea I did that too. Truth is, its the qb man. And I is want him to be great and I did defend him, a lot. Read my post history if you don't believe me, but now my excuses have run out, I looked back on some of his games without my burgundy glasses on, even last year and now I see he's just not that good.

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What I am saying is Shanahan has coached badly but that does not mean there is some widespread evil plot behind it and he is not the only one who has failed the team this season.  If I see the players playing hard again for Cousins, it will tell me that the move to bench RG3 was positive.  It may be interpreted that the team likes Cousins better or it may not.  It may be interpreted that the team approves of the move to bench RG3 or it may not.  It may be interpreted that Kyle is better at gameplanning with Cousins or it may not.  But it does provide data to determine what the issues may have been all year.  Again, Cousins may suck, the team may still suck, the gameplan may still suck, we may still lose.  But if something changes for the better or worse with Cousins in instead of RG3, I think it is noteworthy and worth exploring why that is.


I couldn't disagree more. Theres a simple reason why bad teams may or may not play well at the end of a meaningless losing season. Players want to get paid and will play hard to make sure if they get cut or lose, some other team will watch their film and sign them up to play next season. guys like Moss, Fletcher, Orakpo, half the oline, Morgan, D Hall, Josh wilson etc. now know that the end is nigh for them as Redskins or at the very least in Orakpo and maybe some of the oline's case, its time to play your way into the money you feel you're worth.


the idea that their effort could reflect on how they feel about RGIII or Kirk is really not very logical in my opinion.

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@AdamSchefter on @ESPNRadio980 says based on long conversation with Mike this week is that this is not a shot at Dan Snyder #Redskins


@AdamSchefter says on @ESPNRadio980 what we mentioned earlier that this is much more about believing Kirk Cousins can run offense better.


Just now on ESPN 980 @AdamSchefter says that he believes Mike Shanahan was prepared to quit after last season at one point

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I have been a defender of RG3 all year but, hes been terrible.

Its a shame we traded 2 1st rounders and a 2nd away for a QB who wasnt even in a pro style offense, nor did anyone know if he could be a good pocket passer. No idea what Mike was thinking.

I hope Cousins kills it, I hope he does amazing and I hope we can somehow trade RG3 for a 1st round pick and get something back for him before its too late, cause honestly guys, we are all in denial, yes the defense sucks, yes our WRs sometimes cant get open, but the truth is, Griffins bad. Hes really bad.

We ar elucky he got rookie of the year, maybe a team fell in love with him and will give us a 1st round pick for him. Cause otherwise, well, we are stuck with him and last years gimmick offense/luck will never be replicated.

I loved RG3, I wanted him to be great, I sat back after he did so well last year and thought to myself "dont get your hopes up yet, you know how this team lets you down and how bad their luck is, dont get your hopes up yet" But, after the last game of the season against Dallas, I finally said "f it hes the man, Im buying a jersey" Bought me my children and my wife his jersey. Then this year it all went downhill from there. Hes been the laughing stock of the nfl. We use the pistol formation 90% of the time, which I get it, its just a formation, but man what other team runs a freaking pistol as much as we do?

I tried to be optimistic, I really did. But the truth is, hes bad. If someone offered us a 1st rd pick for him right now, I would take it with NO questions asked. This is such a shame.

Why couldnt have we just tanked in 2011 so we could have gotten Luck? No use dwelling on the past, last year was magical, but thats all it was, juts magic, it wasnt skill, it wasnt greatness, it was mostly magic/luck.

Heres the thing, I know some of you will get mad for me saying this because you all want to defend the guy. Just as I did all year trying to defend him. But, its over guys, the magic carpet rides ended. Hes not any good. As much as we can sit here and say "well his knee this and his knee that" it has very little to do with his knee. Yes, hed be faster without the brace and if he was recovered a little more, but his staring down receivers, his decision making etc has nothing to do with his knee. Hes not a good NFL qb guys. I hate to admit it, I HATE to admit it, but hes not.

I pray to God Kirk COusins is the next Brady so we have a shot at being good again in the next 5 years, otherwise, its going to be the Skins forcing RG3 to start the next few years, and it taking too long to realize hes bad, then we blow up start all over again rinse and repeat.


Amen to this.  RG3 does not appear to be an NFL QB at this point.  Even last year as we were winning games, it never felt as if it was because of RG3's quarterbacking ability, it was because of his freakish athletic ability, and an offense that took the NFL by storm.  I think people forget that we started the season last year 3-6, and then went on one magical run.  Granted it's not easy to win 7 games in a row, but we have went on runs before where we played over our heads (paloffs anyone?)  Maybe we are just more like that 3-6 team last year.


It feels like we caught fire last year with Wildcat 2.0, but the league caught up with it just as they did Wildcat 1.0, and now we are paying the price. 


Until RG3 can develop into even a respectable pocket passer, then defenses are going to just continue to dare RG3 to beat them.  I truly believe Kirk Cousins gives us a better chance to win at this point, but with everything we gave up for RG3, he will have to get at least a full off season and see what he can do next year.  I do fear that we will be sitting in a similar predicament next year at this time.

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Your first question is illegible, sorry.


How are they supporting Shanahan in the media? By towing the company line? By keeping their heads down and staying out of it?


Defend what, defend who? Shanahan is self-imploding by himself, the franchise is in upheaval, what would they be defending and why?

How is my first question illegible?  I state their job is to play football, then I ask if you think they are doing their job.


And I still refuse to believe pro football players would stand around and let the type of things Shanahan is being accused of happen without standing up and crying foul.


Again, Shanahan failed as a coach.  Fire him for that.  The idea that there is some sinister plot behind his every action and selective acceptance of known facts and rumors dependent on what conspiracy people have developed are what I have the biggest issue with.

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I know posting what I did would obviously make some people angry, but if you take the burgundy colored glasses off, you'd see it too. Get mad at me all you want, truth is I bought the hype, I defended the guy, but you can plainly see he's nothing close to what a good qb is. Blame the knee, blame the wrs, blame the coaching, blame the defense, blame the oline, right? Yea I did that too. Truth is, its the qb man. And I is want him to be great and I did defend him, a lot. Read my post history if you don't believe me, but now my excuses have run out, I looked back on some of his games without my burgundy glasses on, even last year and now I see he's just not that good.


And saying hes been bad doesn't make you Nostrodamus and my whole point is that you don't know any more than any other fan about the future and thats the reason I think you're totally wrong in your post. Its one thing to be disappointed, but that disappointment does not give you mutant powers to know exactly how the next few seasons will play out. Hell Cam Newton, Drew Brees and Eli Manning all looked even worse than RGIII has looked in their second or even third seasons. Calm down and step away from the ledge.


Being disillusioned that RGIII has played bad all year doesn't mean that hes doomed to fail the rest of his career, thats just stupid. 


Also, its beyond stupid to think that one man is the sole reason the team is as bad as they are. 

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Atlanta is 21st against the pass this year.

Teams RG3 has faced this year:

Dallas 32nd against the pass

Philadelphia 31st against the pass twice

Minnesota 30th against the pass

Denver 29th against the pass

San Diego 28th against the pass

Oakland 23rd against the pass

Yeah not fair to compare.

Slow clap and thumbs up

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What I am saying is Shanahan has coached badly but that does not mean there is some widespread evil plot behind it and he is not the only one who has failed the team this season.  If I see the players playing hard again for Cousins, it will tell me that the move to bench RG3 was positive.  It may be interpreted that the team likes Cousins better or it may not.  It may be interpreted that the team approves of the move to bench RG3 or it may not.  It may be interpreted that Kyle is better at gameplanning with Cousins or it may not.  But it does provide data to determine what the issues may have been all year.  Again, Cousins may suck, the team may still suck, the gameplan may still suck, we may still lose.  But if something changes for the better or worse with Cousins in instead of RG3, I think it is noteworthy and worth exploring why that is.

Fair enough, We will have to cross that bridge when we get to it. For the time being We get to watch our backup QB play against the second worst team in the NFL. Second only to the Redskins. I really don't even know where to begin with the evaluations.



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