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Good Job Robert, Offense, Defense, And Coaching


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Everyone who is asking "where is the moral victory?" from last nights game, it was the fact that we withstood the brunt of their offense.  For Robert, it was his first time facing "live bullets."... no matter how you try to simulate that, you can't.  Our D has never been allowed to hit RGIII the way Philly did last night.  He's still HUMAN so hes going to have those concerns about his surgically repaired knee like the rest of us would.


And one thing no one is talking about is on top of all that is the average starting field position.  In the first half I don't have any official numbers in front of me but I swear it was close to Redskins got the ball on avg at the 10 yard line and Philly averaged the 45 yard line.  Combine that with our D being as tired as theyve EVER been and add that Phillys defense wasn't exausted at all.  3 and outs for them and even some of those were 1 and outs with the fumble/INTs.


We STILL had the game in our hands.


No matter how you slice it, at the end of the season the Redskins will be stronger then ever BECAUSE of this game and the Eagles will be near the bottom of the division because their one trick pony isn't a young kid anymore.


Oh and kudos to Cofield for suiting up for the game.  He's a mans man!  Should've used that CLUB of a hand as a weapon at times though   :lol:

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Minus the safety play on defense, we did really well.  We got punched in the mouth, spit on, and stomped into the mud the first half, the entire half.  The way the Redskins played in the 2ND HALF was even below par that this team is capable of.  Everyone can improve, and I mean everyone.  Collectively we did NOT break.  We can do more together then we can individually.  



I think the Eagles fans should have much higher concerns for Vick's health then we do for RGIII.  He'll be just fine.  He took 4 hits tonight I didn't want to see, but none of them were his fault.  


We fought BACK which is exactly what the MNF broadcast team said we weren't built for.  We showed more strength and resilience then Philly did.  Scoreboard and statistics wouldn't agree, but we did.


Moral victory here for the Redskins, believe it or not. 

This is the most ridiculous post I think I've ever seen on this board.  "We played really well tonight".  Show me ONE facet of the game where the Skins outplayed the Eagles?  Penalties, Offense, Defense, Special Teams, Coaching....?


Moral victories?!?!  The Skins were not prepared.  I'll give them a pass because it's week one but you're deluding yourself if you think this was anything but an ass whooping.  

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Oh no no no.... Please none of this "moral victory" nonsense. The handful of wizards fans out there understand me, I'm sure.




We're better than this.  I can understand looking for a silver-lining after such an abysmal first half, but to use "moral victory" in this scenario?  Nah....

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This is the most ridiculous post I think I've ever seen on this board.  "We played really well tonight".  Show me ONE facet of the game where the Skins outplayed the Eagles?  Penalties, Offense, Defense, Special Teams, Coaching....?


Coaching for one.  Coaching to any extent would not have helped the outcome in the first half.  The first half couldn't be avoided.  The way the Eagles offense was executed took our pass rush out of the game,   What do you do if you're on defense?  Play zone, Vick will pick you apart.  Blitz?  Quick slants or screen passes.  Only thing that would've helped is to put 3 more defenders on the field and hope the refs don't notice.


I thought the Redskins coaching was superb compared to Phillys.  Look in the 3rd/4th quater, what is one cardinal sin no NFL team should do?  Don't take your foot off the pedal.  That's what Philly did.  Why?  Coaching.  What do you do if you're down 33-7 in the 2nd half?  Keep fighting!!!!  Why?  Players take pride in the game, especially the ones we have on the team, and partial credit of this has to go to our coaching staff.


Jim Haslett dialed up a few blitzes on defense in the 2nd/3rd/4th quaters.  Pretty risky considering Vick can bomb it at any time,  throw slant routes all day long against our swiss cheese defense.


Philly played the game NOT TO LOSE.  Redskins played the game to WIN.  The final score just wasn't enough.  People seem to be freaking out about the game a couple years ago when we lost by like 40 points.  This game was in our grasp and another 5 minutes and a couple mistakes less and this game would've been history.



Don't forget, last year Denver was down to San Diego by 24 at the half.  To SAN DIEGO!?  Their offense was no question mark like this Eagles team was.  They came back just like the Skins did except they came out on top... Redskins did as well if you don't look at our players/coaches as only being as good as their last game.  Because they are alot better then that and you're selling yourself short thinking that way.

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I agree with RonArtest15^


None of this "moral victory" garbage.  I'm proud of the 'Skins for not folding and fighting their way back into the game, but we have a lot of work to do in a short time if we plan to contend this year.  We all saw some things that looked good, and we saw plenty of things that looked bad.  While the bad outweighs the good, I think most of the problems can be corrected, though some of them will obviously take some time.  Unfortunately, the season has started and trying to fix issues as the season goes along may be disastrous for our playoff hopes...

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Not sure I watched the same game as the OP. No moral victory. When it was 33-7 it conceivably could have been 40-0 since that gift TD on the opening drive could have been ruled an incomplete pass and the Eagles most likely punch it in as the D was gassed already. The game only got interesting in the 2nd half after the Eagles O shifted from 5th gear to 2nd to try to burn some clock and their D went prevent.


'Skins were not prepared at all and Robert looked exactly like a QB that missed the entire pre-season and coming off a 2nd major knee surgery.


No way to spin it.

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Not sure what game some people saw, but I saw a team whose ego was on the field. Preparation is an absolute must in any game, and there's no ' no game film' excuses to lean on; Chip's offense wasn't the issue here, it was flat out speed. DeSean once again burned a blind secondary, and ONLY because Chip didn't want to be villified in the media by running up the score, it could easily have been in the 50's if not 60's.


This falls on coaching, or lack thereof,  obviously the gameplan wasn't effective nor were the missed tackles, wide open holes for McCoy to run through, they simply pulled down the Redskins pants and had their way with them, sadly.


Rust factor, i'm not so sure I buy that excuse afterall, being his 1st game last year he lit it up against the Saints, and the entire team looked crisp and ready. This year, it looked as if the team figured all they had to do was walk on the field and it would be a win.  Didn't work out that way; eager beats pretty, right?

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Not sure what game some people saw, but I saw a team whose ego was on the field. Preparation is an absolute must in any game, and there's no ' no game film' excuses to lean on; Chip's offense wasn't the issue here, it was flat out speed. DeSean once again burned a blind secondary, and ONLY because Chip didn't want to be villified in the media by running up the score, it could easily have been in the 50's if not 60's.


This falls on coaching, or lack thereof,  obviously the gameplan wasn't effective nor were the missed tackles, wide open holes for McCoy to run through, they simply pulled down the Redskins pants and had their way with them, sadly.


Rust factor, i'm not so sure I buy that excuse afterall, being his 1st game last year he lit it up against the Saints, and the entire team looked crisp and ready. This year, it looked as if the team figured all they had to do was walk on the field and it would be a win.  Didn't work out that way; eager beats pretty, right?


You serious? 


There were adjustments made and the team looked 100x better in the 2nd half.  I'll give CK all the credit in the world for coming out  in his debut and proving that his offense (at least for one game) can do some damage in the NFL.  However, to say that the Eagles would have put up 50 or 60 points last night is borderline insane. 

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Moral victories were for the long dark night of Snyder's first ten years of ownership.  The numerous penalties show lack of discipline and are inexcusable from the players.  The offense stunk in the first half - - there's no question IMO about that. 


Philly's offense was really exciting but there's no way they could have scored so many points if the Skins had been able to do anything on offense.  I think Philly fans should be concerned about their star players' health.  Vick is going to be hurt if this one game is any indication.  I'm not sure DeShaun McCoy can keep up this pace either.   

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Yeah, I don't buy the moral victory stuff.  This team was trounced.  Take the licking and move on.  Kelly took the foot off the gas in the second half.  Who knows how much of our improvement was due to that.  We got close, but we are supposed to be the better team.  We were completely outcoached and out disciplined by a college coach in his first game.


Hats off to the Eagles.  They won this one and we lost through bad play,  bad luck, and being out coached.

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Are you the same guys who left the game early last night or turned your tv off when things were at its worst?  I don't understand how when the game was all said and done you believe we still got our butts kicked.  I don't feel that way at ALL.  If we had won the game from the start and didn't show signs of struggling, I'd be more worried of something more disastrous happening later in the season.  Remember last year we were at our best when everyone thought it couldn't get any worse.  


Robert Griffin hasn't felt the pain of a loss like this since after the playoff loss.  In fact this one hurts more... atleast against Seattle he knew his knee is the reason they lost.  He's going to put in alot of sweat and tears into practice this week and be hard on his teammates to do the same thing.

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We were completely outcoached and out disciplined by a college coach in his first game.


Hats off to the Eagles.  They won this one and we lost through bad play,  bad luck, and being out coached.


I think you're correct, and I'm flabbergasted.  How does this even happen to a supposed experienced coach like Shanahan?!? 

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Are you the same guys who left the game early last night or turned your tv off when things were at its worst?  I don't understand how when the game was all said and done you believe we still got our butts kicked.  I don't feel that way at ALL.  If we had won the game from the start and didn't show signs of struggling, I'd be more worried of something more disastrous happening later in the season.  Remember last year we were at our best when everyone thought it couldn't get any worse.  


Robert Griffin hasn't felt the pain of a loss like this since after the playoff loss.  In fact this one hurts more... atleast against Seattle he knew his knee is the reason they lost.  He's going to put in alot of sweat and tears into practice this week and be hard on his teammates to do the same thing.


If you feel good about it then that's great. I watched the entire game without my B&G glasses on and it was mostly a **** sandwich with a few good plays every now and then.

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I was so depressed the first half. It looked like the Seattle game with him obviously playing hurt and finally getting THE INJURY. Seemed like the same situation. I must admit I was calling for him to be benched to avoid another serious injury (especially with the awful protection and run game).


He looked much better in the second half. Because he was left in the game, I will assume this is a sign from coaches, trainers, doctors, etc. that his knee is 100% recovered. I hope so... otherwise bring back Mark Rypien... actually sign his daughter ;)

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The Team did look good in the end and Philly stole one tonight. They have a lot to worry about especially with Vick's health. He did what he always does and he runs only to get hurt. He was hurting in the end and he won't make it the whole season. Chip Kelly's offense will only be as successful as Vick's health will carry them.


Even when he wasn't running with the ball, Vick was downfield throwing blocks. There is no way he holds up. On McCoy's sideline run early in the first Vick sprinted toward the goaline and smashed Rambo I think who was already being blocked. It was completely pointless and idiotic. I am stunned a QB this far into his career would do something that foolish. 

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I think you're correct, and I'm flabbergasted.  How does this even happen to a supposed experienced coach like Shanahan?!? 


It happens because of two reasons:


1) nobody has film on their offense and what exactly they are going to do in the NFL with formations, personnel packages, plays and tempo. We also had Philly on our side of the 50 the entire first half. Once we saw what they trying to do, we shut them down pretty well in the 2nd half. 


2) Our QB is coming off major knee surgery 8 months ago and hasn't played with the offense at all in a meaningful situation. They were rusty as hell.


Look what happened once we saw a little bit of what Philly was doing and got more comfortable on offense. After the half we come out and and outscore the their incredible offense 20-7.


Is it being outcoached to have multiple defenders in position to tackle a guy for a minimal gain but get juked out of their socks repeatedly?


Or to have multiple WR wide open on offense but our rusty QB throwing passes just off the mark?


To say Mike Shanahan was outcoached is not fair or accurate to describe what happened last night.

How did they steal one? 


Because they came out punched us in the face and knocked us on our ass. Of course we tripped over our feet getting up a few times but once we were up we came after them hard and luckily for them, time ran out on us.


If this game had 5 more minutes, I am confident we win after seeing the second half.

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Everyone's saying this, but we actually scored first.  They essentially spotted us a TD on a dumb play by McCoy and Vick. 


Im sure he meant the pace the Eagles were going, our D would've been best to just sit down and let the Eagles do their thing.  Our D being out there for 5-10 plays at a time, taking 3 minutes off, and getting back out there for 1 half of football = getting punched in the face.

It happens because of two reasons:



If this game had 5 more minutes, I am confident we win after seeing the second half.



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Still not sure why people are saying that Philly would have dropped 70.  You guys are really something else.  LOL. 


2nd half was a completely different game.  It was a tale of two halves...however, there was so much damage done in the 1st, the lead was too big to overcome. 


15 more games to go.  I am not in the least bit worried. 

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Everyone's saying this, but we actually scored first.  They essentially spotted us a TD on a dumb play by McCoy and Vick. 


Yes, but I was referring to the near effortless way they pushed the ball down our throat, running, passing short and then finding deeper plays as well as the physical defense that knocked our rusty offense around in the first half.

Exactly. They beat us badly. The game wasn't anywhere near as close as the score. They could have dropped 70 on us if they wanted to and held us to 7. Hats off to Philly for an odd display of sportsmanship.


I don't understand this.Do you think a Chip Kelly coached team would ever take the foot off the gas? Was this when they were running the exact same plays in the fourth quarter as the first?


Maybe when they were blitzing non stop the second half? It wasn't exactly prevent we were moving the ball against.

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Bottom line, nothing went right in the first half, and the Eagles offense was a big unknown.  Things will be different from here out.  Book it.  Robert already started to look like himself in the second half.  By the end of the month this team will be rocking again.   



Here's the final answer! This team played some terrible football, they turned the ball over on the first 2 drives, gave Philly a safety the next, were penalized the entire night, and nothing went right for this football team. They put themselves in a huge hole and got behind 33-7, but in a matter of a quarter and a half, this same football team was only 6 points down and attempting an onside kick for a chance to win this game.


This is a dangerous football team! If they can do this playing their worst football, and they played some of their worst football last night, how good can this team be when playing some of their best football? I agree with Painkiller, by the end of this month this team will be right back on track and they will be embarrassing other teams and fan bases., and Philly will be one of their victims!

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