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NFL.com: Richard Sherman buries Skip Bayless on 'First Take'

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Richard Sherman buries Skip Bayless on 'First Take'


  • _Hanzus_2-65x90.jpg
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  • By Dan Hanzus
  • Around the League Writer
  • Published: March 7, 2013 at 07:11 p.m.
  • Updated: March 7, 2013 at 07:49 p.m.

There is no offseason for Seattle Seahawks cornerback Richard Sherman.

When he isn't on the field showing off the talents that have made him one of the NFL's top cornerbacks, Sherman has a second full-time gig showcasing himself as a personality.

Perhaps having sensed he's disappeared from the headlines for several days, Sherman showed up Thursday on the ESPN yellfest "First Take," where he set his sights on lightning rod pundit Skip Bayless.

Sherman eviscerated Bayless on live airwaves, sending the program down a rolling river of awkwardness ("First Take" co-host Stephen A. Smith might still be sitting in front of a camera with his mouth open). Bayless tried his best to steer the debate back Sherman's past comments about Darrelle Revis, but Sherman was having none of it.

"I am intelligent enough and capable enough to understand that you are ignorant, pompous, egotistical, cretin and that's what it comes down to," said Sherman, angered by Bayless' pro-Revis remarks on prior telecasts. "And I'm going to crush you on here in front of everybody because I'm tired of hearing about it."


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You know I'm not a huge fan of Skip, but Richard Sherman is a loudmouth *******. He is so full of himself it is ridiculous. What do you guys think?

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Sherman is a complete idiot who's making more enemies by the day and the guy might be entering his 3rd season, but IMO the guy will out of the league in 3-4 years.

I dislike him pretty strongly, but Sherman is a top 5 corner in this league. He isn't going anywhere for a long time.

On top of his loud ass mouth, it's so annoying that he got off his drug suspension on a technicality. I hope he gets caught again. "accidentally" drank a water bottle with adderall in it my ass.

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I dislike him pretty strongly, but Sherman is a top 5 corner in this league. He isn't going anywhere for a long time.

On top of his loud ass mouth, it's so annoying that he got off his drug suspension on a technicality. I hope he gets caught again. "accidentally" drank a water bottle with adderall in it my ass.

The way he's going, he's bound to screw up and do something dumb again. He may not be out of the league, but his reputation will probably continue to take hits.

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I have no idea what Sherman was trying to accomplish there. What an idiot.

He was trying to look like a big tough guy to one of the biggest trolls on sports media.

Terrell Suggs has owned Skip Bayless in the past, and it never felt like Suggs was trying so hard to do it. Sherman came off like he wanted to make some waves and some headlines, like he went into the interview saying "HA! I'm finally gonna stick to the guy!"

Dude's gonna pull a D-Hall and wind up with dudes throwing to him on every play. Hell, Atlanta did in the playoffs, just threw in his direction just to prove a point. Then his ass got burnt.

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You know the thing with Sherman is that he could have said this in a TOTALLY different way. He might even have gotten praise for cordially criticizing Bayless in a respectful manner. However, Sherman loves to be a loudmouth and come off like this big bad tough mother****er and just says things in such a nasty and demeaning way. It's like he thinks he's smarter than the rest of the world. Maybe people would give him more credence in the #1 corner in the league convo if he didn't come off as such a pompous, disrespectful teenager.

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Sherman didn't bury anybody. All he did was confirm what most have been saying lately and that he is a punk. He sounded like an uneducated, petulant brat.

He's one helluva football player, but he's quickly making people forget with his off the field antics.

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Sherman's gonna paint a big ass target on his back if he doesn't know his role and shut his mouth.

I have one question for Sherman. Who in the blue hell are you?

Eh, I watched the video. Sherman didn't bury Skip. Not at all. He avoided every question asked and did nothing but call Skip names. I was expecting better. I thought Sherman stuttered alot and just made himself look like a whimp.

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He had a great point, that Skip just states his obnoxious opinions with no facts to back them up. All Sherman really did though was call him names and avoided answering any questions. Any opportunity to really bury Skip by saying he knows absolutely nothing about football, that his arguments have no merit, and that the majority of his views are only expressed in an attempt to get tv ratings were wasted by repeating that he is an all pro and resorting to name calling. Grow up Sherman before Silverback smacks you again.

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I have one question for Sherman. Who in the blue hell are you?

Eh, I watched the video. Sherman didn't bury Skip. Not at all. He avoided every question asked and did nothing but call Skip names. I was expecting better. I thought Sherman stuttered alot and just made himself look like a whimp.


You know what a low-life gutter-snipe Sherman is when he can get Redskin fans on the same side as Bayless. :ols:

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Sherman didn't bury anybody. All he did was confirm what most have been saying lately and that he is a punk. He sounded like an uneducated, petulant brat.

He's one helluva football player, but he's quickly making people forget with his off the field antics.

Not defending him in anyway cause I do think he acts like a punk sometimes but the guy went to Standford and knows exactly what he is doing. Was watching the ESPN 30 for 30 on Reggie Miller yesterday and he was talking about how regardless of how he played he would just talk **** to his opponents all day and would get in their heads so bad that they would become an emotion wreck by the end of the game. That's all I really see. Of course he has to live up to all that talk though

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On top of his loud ass mouth, it's so annoying that he got off his drug suspension on a technicality.

That's probably the only REAL axe I have to grind with him... he got over when other guys (including ours) had to pay the Piper. Yeah he's a brash loudmouth who may or may not benefit from the talent around him, but there's a lot of them in the league, and the dude CAN ball...if he was one of ours, we'd be a little more indulgent to his shortcomings.

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Sherman is a complete idiot who's making more enemies by the day and the guy might be entering his 3rd season, but IMO the guy will out of the league in 3-4 years.

Man i cannot wait to play those fools again next year, hopefully in the post season at Fedex again. Those guys were dead in the water and had no answer for our offense until Robert hurt his knee first quarter and all of them know it. Williams smacking him in the face post game took the sting away a little, but im sure you know all this already.

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I have one question for Sherman. Who in the blue hell are you?

Eh, I watched the video. Sherman didn't bury Skip. Not at all. He avoided every question asked and did nothing but call Skip names. I was expecting better. I thought Sherman stuttered alot and just made himself look like a whimp.

I had the same takeaway from the video. Skip came across as actually cordial. All Sherman did was call him an uneducated cretin, and he said "I just exposed you for what you are".

Sherman's gonna end up like T.O. Insane talent, just way too loudmouthed and arrogant for his own good, eventually burns every bridge he made.

---------- Post added March-8th-2013 at 12:40 PM ----------

Another thing that annoys me about Sherman is how he references that Revis gets beat so much.

Revis has really only gotten beat by Randy Moss, who's arguably the second greatest receiver of all time.

Sherman got beat by the second best receiver on the Falcons (Roddy White).

Teams throw away from Revis. They throw at Sherman. That tells you something.

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