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What happened to to being humble?


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Did anyone see the way Cam Newton walked off the stage at NFL honors show. After Torry Smiths mother accepted the Inspirational Player of the year award for Torry, they were lead off the back of stage, as they were Cam was doing an obnoxiousness strut behind her. Also his suit with the sweater over tie....... ridiculous!

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No, I don't think I was reading too much into it, and it was very arrogant in a honors ceremony setting, so it has everything to do with what I posted. Also, his actions show he has not been humbled by the NFL game, Steve Smith has had to ream him out on the field, and let's not forget some of his post game comments!

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I guess I should clarify. I didn't see what happened as I had turned before then. Cam definitely has maturity issues, and a lot of things could be pointed to throughout the season that would lead one to believe that he isn't humble, but I don't know if you can use that in this particular situation, just because he apparently walked funny behind someone, and dressed weird.

Also, unless you didn't mean to, your title suggests that you don't think many athletes are humble, but it sort of gets confusing, because you are only talking about Cam in your OP. I don't think "Being humble" has gone anywhere, just because Cam is immature.

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Definitely reaching. What you observe on TV should not lead to any sort of conclusion to any individual's character. On top of that, who really cares so much

I noticed something too.

My brother was over watching the NFL Honors show (we missed the beginning of the show because the VCU crushing Fordam game ran over :) ), I noticed Newton had this kind of pouty, chip-on-his-shoulder look about him. :ols: I didn't think anything of it until my brother pointed at him and said "What's his problem?".

He definitely did seem to have an attitude last night. Maybe because he wasn't up for any of the big awards that, I'm sure in his mind, he felt he should've been nominated for?

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his attitude is less than desirable; whats even more undesirable is the way his actions and attitude are emulated by "fans" and other impressionable people.

if your going to emulate someone there are much better players/people to do so

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Also, unless you didn't mean to, your title suggests that you don't think many athletes are humble, but it sort of gets confusing, because you are only talking about Cam in your OP. I don't think "Being humble" has gone anywhere, just because Cam is immature.

Yeah, maybe I should have put Cam's name in the title, but I did direct my statement directly at him and his actions at the Honors ceremony!

God, give Cam a break...damn

He likes having fun but apparently that means he's a douche.

Athletes are people, no where in the contract does it say that they must be super nice, humble, fake asses all the time. Don't mean to rant but I hate when ppl pick on Cam Newton

Well point blank, he draws the negative attention! When first drafted he seemed down to earth, but that changed fast when he was lighting up the league on a personal level. Maybe it's more of an immature issue then being humble, but in any case his timing sucked for that kind of behavior after a Mother gave a somber acceptance speech for an award of one's sons great game, after him hearing his brother died same day. You could see the hole audience was feeling sympathetic!.....Poor Cam!

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All I know is Russell Wilson was wearing the ugliest suit i've ever seen

He looked like he was wearing something you would wear to a funeral.

I was able to watch Cam at a basketball classic in Beckley, WV a week ago. RG3 was supposed to be there but wasn't cleared to travel so I had to settle with Cam. He really talked about how he was very arrogant in college and had a really humbling situation happen. He talked about the different in interest and dedication. He is a little arrogant but I do believe he looks more arrogant than he really is. He also gave praise to RG3's speed and talked about how there is no amount of training that could make him as fast as him. I liked the guy but I'm still not a fan.

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I noticed something too.

My brother was over watching the NFL Honors show (we missed the beginning of the show because the VCU crushing Fordam game ran over :) ), I noticed Newton had this kind of pouty, chip-on-his-shoulder look about him. :ols: I didn't think anything of it until my brother pointed at him and said "What's his problem?".

He definitely did seem to have an attitude last night. Maybe because he wasn't up for any of the big awards that, I'm sure in his mind, he felt he should've been nominated for?

Unless he verbally puts it out there that he is upset, why make anything of it.

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Always been ****y athletes.

But here's the thing -- athletes have never been under more scrutiny. I don't think players from hell, just ten years ago, could really imagine what it's like in this day and age. Unless you never leave your house, you can't do a thing without someone filming it or tweeting about it, etc...

I thought and did a lot of stupid things at 22. I hate to think what I would have been like with fame and millions of dollars at 22. And with people putting my every move under a microscope... Yikes.

RG3, Wilson, Luck -- I am more floored by the kind of young men they are than the type of players they area.

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God, give Cam a break...damn

He likes having fun but apparently that means he's a douche.

Athletes are people, no where in the contract does it say that they must be super nice, humble, fake asses all the time. Don't mean to rant but I hate when ppl pick on Cam Newton

Dude, if you only knew how big a douche the guy is.
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Not everyone has a meek personality or any interest (good sense) in faking it while the cameras are on. I know people that have great big personalities and egos that aren't bad people. People are different. Having said that Cam might very well be a raging dbag, I don't know him. Wouldn't exactly surprise anyone if he was.

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