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Anybody Else Doing The Green Smoothie Thang? (Share your recipe)


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Hey Rig. I can't stand lemon. How strong is the lemon in the smoothie?

Also, supposedly, if you blend too long it will eliminate some of the nutrients due to heat? I think it's BS.

You might want to substitue something else then. I don't see how nutrients could get affected by the blending heat, since it's all getting mixed with crushed ice.

I use a cheap Target blender, and typically have replace it about every 6 months...even crushed ice tends to break blenders.

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My wife says she got her start on the juice and smoothies from the guy who did 'fat sick and nearly dead'. His site:


Great flick. Seen it 3x already. Recommend it to everyone. And that website had 1000's of recipes you can use. Submitted by many, reviews with ratings too.

But it's about health too. Fruits are very high in sugar... they're part of the health problem too. So don't think drinking a fruit smoothie everyday is really helping you much.

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You're scaring me with the kale DH.

One more thing. I try to go organic as much as possible. I'd much rather have a cow **** on my food then have pesticides diluting my food.:pfft:

---------- Post added January-17th-2013 at 03:12 PM ----------

Great flick. Seen it 3x already. Recommend it to everyone. And that website had 1000's of recipes you can use. Submitted by many, reviews with ratings too.

But it's about health too. Fruits are very high in sugar... they're part of the health problem too. So don't think drinking a fruit smoothie everyday is really helping you much.

Well, blending your fruit vs juicing is better for you because blending preserves the fiber which slows the digesting of fruit sugars. At least that's what I've read.

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You might want to substitue something else then. I don't see how nutrients could get affected by the blending heat, since it's all getting mixed with crushed ice.

I use a cheap Target blender, and typically have replace it about every 6 months...even crushed ice tends to break blenders.

Nutrients and enzymes are destroyed at temperatures above 105 degrees -- some reports vary to as high as 115 degrees. The motor heat coupled by the friction of the blades can run very hot. Particularly if you run it for awhile.

It's definitely NOT unhealthy... but it's not considered Optimal, per se. But the hard core ppl are very picky... and some might argue if you're going to sacrifice a lot to do this to begin with, may as well do if right :-)

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If you want to go there... there is the concept of food matching. You should NOT mix carbs with proteins and fats. It creates fermentation.... which causes gas, bloating, and side effects and health disorders :-) Sugar is digested quickly and cleanly -- 15-20 minutes. A real fast food.

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Great flick. Seen it 3x already. Recommend it to everyone. And that website had 1000's of recipes you can use. Submitted by many, reviews with ratings too.

But it's about health too. Fruits are very high in sugar... they're part of the health problem too. So don't think drinking a fruit smoothie everyday is really helping you much.

I have never cared for sugar that much. Don't ever buy it, or use it, and always read for sugar content in food. Can't drink regular soda or fruit juice or enjoy many pastry products but am not diabetic. I parse the fruit I use, and it's the hardest single element of the typical food groups for me to keep as a regular habit. Even at best, my intake seems low on fruit to me, but nothing's ever perfect. I didn't specify amount of fruit when I posted my simple concoction, because I will use only a small handful of berries, or half a banana/orange etc and I don't even do that every day. I haven't got into the "leafy green" version of smoothies ( i eat a good share of fresh veggies), but I will experiment from this thread.

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If you want to go there... there is the concept of food matching. You should mix carbs with proteins and fats. It creates fermentation.... which causes gas, bloating, and side effects and health disorders :-) Sugar is digested quickly and cleanly -- 15-20 minutes. A real fast food.

I am trying to avoid high carbs- diabetic.

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We grow all our own kale. That stuff grows like crazy, and even multiplies on its own. Best part is that its resistent to cold weather and we have it from spring through fall.

I can't stand the taste of kale normally, but when its juiced with carrots, some spinach and maybe an apple it is good.


Kale is very high in beta carotene, vitamin K, vitamin C, lutein, zeaxanthin, and rich in calcium. Kale, as with broccoli and other brassicas, contains sulforaphane (particularly when chopped or minced), a chemical with potent anti-cancer properties.[1] Boiling decreases the level of sulforaphane; however, steaming, microwaving, or stir frying do not result in significant loss.[2] Along with other brassica vegetables, kale is also a source of indole-3-carbinol, a chemical which boosts DNA repair in cells and appears to block the growth of cancer cells.[3][4] Kale is also a good source of carotenoids.[5]

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Just swung by my parents' place on my lunch and was discussing the Vitamix blender with my mom. She said that name sounded familiar and sent me out to the garage to look...and I just found a brand new, unopened Vitamix blender, haha! Guess my sis got two for her wedding and left one at my parents' place Mine now! :ols:

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I hear that kale is even mor ebeneficail then spinach. How 'bout the taste?

I prefer the taste of kale over spinach. At least in my concoction.

My recipe is pretty simple and not as adventurous as the others posted here.

1.5 cups of Almond milk

1 banana

An unscientific amount of kale

1 scoop of protein power.

Let blast away in the Vitamix until there are no little green bits of kale visible

A good blender makes all the difference. Since upgrading the blender the smoothies have a much better consistency.

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Just swung by my parents' place on my lunch and was discussing the Vitamix blender with my mom. She said that name sounded familiar and sent me out to the garage to look...and I just found a brand new, unopened Vitamix blender, haha! Guess my sis got two for her wedding and left one at my parents' place Mine now! :ols:

All this healthy yada yada is nice, but let us know how it does on Daquari's and Maragritas!! Good ice consistency is vital and hard to get.

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I've heard 118 degrees DH. Being that the Vitamix can emulsify so quickly, I wonderr if it somewhat alleviates that issue even at high speed(s).

As I`ve said.. I`ve heard anywhere from 105-115. Let`s not argue over 13 degrees... no one can tell the difference when temps are that low.... so I go with 105 just to be safe :)

---------- Post added January-17th-2013 at 09:33 PM ----------

Just swung by my parents' place on my lunch and was discussing the Vitamix blender with my mom. She said that name sounded familiar and sent me out to the garage to look...and I just found a brand new, unopened Vitamix blender, haha! Guess my sis got two for her wedding and left one at my parents' place Mine now! :ols:

That`s pretty convenient. :) You lucked into a $500+ blender.... count your blessings.

---------- Post added January-17th-2013 at 09:42 PM ----------

How is it carbwise?

Absolutely minimal. Remember, you`re going to drink 1oz (a shot glass) a day... 2 if you`re a health freak. 1gram of carb per shot. You`re literally grabbing a handful of wheatgrass (which looks and smells and tastes exactly like grass) and extracting all the wonderful sprouted nutrition out of it. It`s HIGHLY concentrated... but resist watering it down. Not only is it highly nutritious... but it extracts a LOT of toxins out of your body and quickly. So don`t be surprised if you feel a little nauseous after drinking it (very common)... because it`s removing so many toxins from cells that it pollutes your bloodstream temporarily until it gets eliminated (ie. urine).



---------- Post added January-17th-2013 at 09:48 PM ----------

I think 99% of the reluctance to drink the green smoothie is due to the color. If you can get past that, you'll find that they are indeed delicious.

People are reluctant to try it when they see it... after someone else makes a drink for them. But when you make your own... and you see the juice pouring out of the fruits and vegetables... you just come to terms with it -- I mean, what else would you expect to come out of fruits and vegetables... clear liquid :) But until you make it and see for yourself... you just think other people throw crap together in some gross concoction. And so you think the way they made it is gross too.

---------- Post added January-17th-2013 at 09:51 PM ----------

What about seaweed DH?[color="Gold".

I have a big ass expensive bottle of Spirulina in my fridge. For the past 8 months. I opened the bottle... took a look at it... and haven`t brought myself to try it yet. It looks and smells gross... but I`m sure once I mix it in a shake I won`t be able to taste it :-) Some day soon... before it expires.

But healthwise, yes, it`s another superfood.

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That`s pretty convenient. :) You lucked into a $500+ blender.... count your blessings.

Very thankful. Called my sister to confirm she didn't want it and she said go for it.

Looking up recipes now :)

---------- Post added January-17th-2013 at 08:14 PM ----------

All this healthy yada yada is nice, but let us know how it does on Daquari's and Maragritas!! Good ice consistency is vital and hard to get.

Hello, that's what my Margaritaville machine is for!

J/k, I don't have one of those. I hate margaritas and only drink dacquiris when they're served to me by a hot cabana boy in Vegas or the beach :ols:

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I picked up an Omega VRT juicer 4-5 months ago and have been drinking at least 16oz of fresh juice every day. One of the best investments I've ever made. I buy whatever vegetables and fruits I can get my hands on that are in season and fresh.

Kales, dandelion greens, chards, bok choy, cucumbers, lemons, carrots, ginger, cactus pears, cantaloupes, watermelons, pears, chinese veggies, beets, pineapples, grapes, persimmons . . . . . . .

I haven't figured out how to deal with pomegranates though.

I never follow a recipe. I just dig through my fridge. I try and consume as wide a variety of veggies as possible and I stay away from empty sugary fruits like apples and honeydews.

Almond milk is ridiculously easy with the Omega juicer too.

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Almond milk is ridiculously easy with the Omega juicer too.

I never thought about that -- I own an Omega 8600 juicer. But that has to be more incredibly expensive option that buying unsweetened almond milk. You can buy a 1 liter container for $3-4. A pound of almonds alone costs $7-8 and would probably make about 8oz.

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I never thought about that -- I own an Omega 8600 juicer. But that has to be more incredibly expensive option that buying unsweetened almond milk. You can buy a 1 liter container for $3-4. A pound of almonds alone costs $7-8 and would probably make about 8oz.

In terms of yield, it's around a 3:1 water to almond mixture to make the milk (ratio varies to individual taste), so it's not as bad as you think. The taste and texture is totally different than buying the supermarket stuff. Plus, you ever read what's included in it? Binders, preservatives and lots of unnecessary stuff. Blech!

I usually use jasmine tea and raw honey to make it. Others have used vanilla beans and other spices to perk it up.

It keeps in the fridge for about 3-4 days but I usually finish it the same day. End up making around 32oz at time. Highly recommended. Although, this guy on youtube, John Kohler ("rawfoods" is the youtube handle) doesn't recommend making it with the 8600.

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I must say that I am already reaping the benefits of these smoothies. I am indeed feeling more energy and my skin is looking mahvelous. Feeling good lately.

For DH. Any suggestions as to where I could purchase fresh squeezed wheatgrass? All I could find this weekend is the powder form and pills. Yes, I did a google search already, but thought you might have some suggestions.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Haha my ex bought us a vitamix and unbeknownst to me it was like $500. When I found out how much it was I made an extra effort to use it after threatening to hang her :) . I used to make a lot of protein type mixes but have backed of of them for health reasons. I can't tolerate a lot of sugar either so I stay away from the sweet concoctions a lot of people love to make. A few ingredients that I love to use are raw garlic, raw ginger root, kiwis, greek yogurt coffee beans and frozen bananas. I don't eat a lot of bananas but I like to freeze them (peeled) once they've reached what I deem the perfect state of ripe. I don't have any particular recipes I follow but I tinker all the time. Lots of greens and root veggies.

Oh yeah and as someone else mentioned I use ground flax too.

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