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Our Super Bowl. Our moment. Our time.


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I dont think fans of other teams and other people or sports media understand how big this game is for us. This is our Super Bowl.

Honestly, I mean, do I think we can win a Super Bowl or make it to the Super Bowl this year? I do, but do I think we WILL make it there? No.

Thats why this game is so big. This is our most hated freaking rival. Those stupid Cowboy fans who have done nothing but talked smack for the past two decades. Those same fans, players who have stepped on us, disrespected us and just plain ignored us because we werent "important" enough. This is it. This is the day we get our revenge. This is the day, that, after 13 LONG years of not EVER being called a champion of ANYTHING, we become just that... Champions. This is the game we have been fearing, yet wanting, for so long. You know your nervous, Im nervous, were all nervous. Why are we nervous? Because if we lose to the most hated rival, we will be sick all offseason. And we know this. But the media doesnt get it. They dont understand that this isnt the Giants. This isnt a team that will be sure to bounce back and get 9-10 wins FOR SURE next year. No, this is the Redskins. This is the team that has 1 good year every 5 years. This is a team that gets one shot every decade.

This is our shot, this is it. Yes, our future looks bright with Griffin and Alfred etc; But lets be honest, just 6 weeks ago we were 3-6. In this league anything can happen, and I know Im not the only one thinking in the back of my mind that everything could go back to "normal" next year and we could be 6-10 or just have a bad season next year. Weve all seen how bad that defense can be.

Thats what the media doesnt understand. They dont understand how many times weve been let down, they dont understand the hope that has been taken from us, they dont understand the hate we have for the Cowgirls. They dont understand that the 2 games every year vs the Cowboys have been our Conference Championship (1st game) and our Super Bowl (2nd game). But its just a little different this time. This time, if we win, we get to be champions. It may not be the world champions, but its the division champions. Teams like the Steelers, Cowboys/Giants/Eagles, Packers, Bears, Colts fans, etc; they dont understand it. To them, this game would just be a stepping stone, but to us fans, this game IS everything.

I havent slept in 4 days, I cant eat, cant drink, heck I cant even work (what Im supposed to be doing right now) I get choked up emotionally reading anything relevant about football and I have a terrible addiction to cigarettes to calm me down. But I cant help it, because I AM a fanatic, and my team has been bad the past 20 years, so the little things make me excited, the mediocre things make me ecstatic, and the bigger things make me absolutely insane. And dont get it wrong, this is big. Maybe this isnt as big to Griffin, or Shanahan and the other guys because its like Griffin said "Make no moment to big for you, so you can capture it"

But for us fans, it is just that, its too big for us. We cant control the outcome, well, maybe those that are physically going to be there can, but we cant physically change it. And thats why it means so much to me/us. This is the team weve been there for through thick and thin, weve stuck by them, watched every game, paid for tickets and merchandise, and stood by them even though we were made fun of, felt bad for, and ridiculed by fans of other teams.

Weve stood by through the Norvs, the Martys, the Spurriers, the Zorns. We stayed, even after the signings of guys like Haynesworth, Taylor, Smith, Sanders and Stubblefields. There are 2 types of fans in the NFL, Redskin fans, and everyone else. If anyone watched the first game of the season between the Cowgirls and Giants, there was a little statistic that popped up, that was the top 5 most popular/profitable teams in the NFL. The Redskins were #3. They were the ONLY team that has been on a constant losing basis in the top 20. Why is that? Because were loyal.

This is our moment, they owe it to us, we DESERVE this.

To the Cowgirl fans, this is just a game to try to get a playoff spot, to try to be something more than "a little above average", but not to us, to us, this is the Superbowl.


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This is not our Super Bowl. Sorry.

It is for me.

Your telling me Im the only one who has the fear of letdown next year in my head?

After the 2005 season everyone was saying we were going to be great in 2006, look what happened. Im just so sick of the let down feeling. I want this, I feel that this year, this game is our SuperBowl. I dont see us making it to the REAL Super Bowl this year. So, like I said, this is our Super Bowl.

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I definitely disagree with this post. I think this game is just the beginning. You are selling our team, what we are building, and our future short. This game may appear small in the not so distant future because of where we are headed.

Make no mistake, the SUPER BOWl, is our Super Bowl ... just like all 31 other teams. This isn't college football.

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I definitely disagree with this post. I think this game is just the beginning. You are selling our team, what we are building, and our future short. This game may appear small in the not so distant future because of where we are headed.

Make no mistake, the SUPER BOWl, is our Super Bowl ... just like all 31 other teams. This isn't college football.

I just wish I had that confidence. Seems like every time I get that confidence we blow it. Maybe its good Im sticking to the pessimistic side of things, in a superstitious way.

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I understand where you're coming from as a fan but for the team, this game is just a step towards the greater goal- and that's a trip to New Orleans. This game is a HUGE deal, yes.. but not the end of the road if we win.

As I said in my original post, this moment is NOT too big for the players/coaches/staff, but for me as a fan, it is. For me as a fan this is my super bowl.

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Calm Down Redskins4ever28...:)

I know where you are coming from but we have RGIII....:point2sky

growing up I remember thinking the same way before Joe GIbbs and when it happened you just go heck yeah!

As a Skins fan my whole life I do recognize the importance of this possible victory as well as you when it comes to the rivalry...

But in essence the rivalry isn't the grand scheme of things.....Winning a SB is...And this looks to me like only the beginning of something special no matter what the outcome Sunday!

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This thread is the kind of thing you don't want opposing fans to see.

Why? Im not ashamed to admit it? What the heck have we had the past 13 years in the regular season as big as this? This is the start of our future, this is going to be the sign of things to come, thats why I said this is like our Super Bowl. I dont know why some of you take it so wrong? This game is so big to me, and for good reason. Fans dont need to show confidence, were not the ones on the field playing. Fans can be honest, its the beauty of being a fan. and well, this is honestly how I feel. Not ashamed at all.

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It is for me.

Your telling me Im the only one who has the fear of letdown next year in my head?

After the 2005 season everyone was saying we were going to be great in 2006, look what happened. Im just so sick of the let down feeling. I want this, I feel that this year, this game is our SuperBowl. I dont see us making it to the REAL Super Bowl this year. So, like I said, this is our Super Bowl.

RG3 wasn't our quarterback in 2005. ShanAllen weren't overseeing the direction of the team either. We all love Joe, but I don't think the team was pointed in quite the right direction with the way we handled FA signings, and the draft. (Cerrato).

It's a big game, but it's not "our" Superbowl.

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I wish you would change the title from "our" to "my". Its not my Superbowl. The Superbowl is my Superbowl. It's a shame the last 20 years have beaten some of our fans into this. I'm embarrassed just reading that....

I have to agree. If you objectively look at what the team has in the past 6 weeks, they've:

- Beaten four division rivals (er, won 4 games against division rivals)

- Beaten a Ravens team that won a tough division

- Won a road game with our backup rookie quarterback starting

This winning streak isn't a fluke. The defense has stepped up and become functional, and the offense has been incredibly efficient and effective. We're selling the team way short if we don't expect to be a tough puzzle to solve for our playoff opponents.

Obviously, first things first: This is all meaningless if we go out and lose on Sunday; but I expect us to give our playoff opponents fits if/when we get there.

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Why? Im not ashamed to admit it? What the heck have we had the past 13 years in the regular season as big as this? This is the start of our future, this is going to be the sign of things to come, thats why I said this is like our Super Bowl. I dont know why some of you take it so wrong? This game is so big to me, and for good reason. Fans dont need to show confidence, were not the ones on the field playing. Fans can be honest, its the beauty of being a fan. and well, this is honestly how I feel. Not ashamed at all.

I know what you mean, I said I feel the same way but I would never admit that to a fan of an opposing team. The last time I felt we could do something was 1999 and then 2005 but after that devestation I'll take this as my Super Bowl and like someone else put it everything else after a win Sunday is like "playing with house money"

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I agree that this game is extremely important for us as a fanbase and the players but this is not the Super Bowl. This is the game playing for all the marbles in the division which is a hell of a prize. However, once we get in the playoffs, ALL BETS ARE OFF and I will be cheering for our boys to crash the big show. Like Mike Shananigans already said, there is only one winner at the end of the season. But I would be lying if I said I wouldn't be happy if we swept D town.

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I just wish I had that confidence. Seems like every time I get that confidence we blow it. Maybe its good Im sticking to the pessimistic side of things, in a superstitious way.

Oh horsehockey, we all know it is the Redskins boxers I hadn't washed since the bye. Get over it, this is not OUR Super Bowl. This is the most meaningful game the team has played for a long time, but is not the Super Bowl. And you having or not having confidence has not one inkling of sway, sorry to bust your bubble. That said, enjoy the moment, root for the team to win, share in that.

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Advice from a rookie qb-

"Whenever you play the moment up too much, it can become too big to seize the moment. You just want to make sure you don’t make something so big that you can’t grab a hold of it. So I think a lot of guys are not necessarily downplaying the game, but are not going to talk themselves up like this is the most important game of our lives."

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No doubt about it, this game is a huge game, and possibly a statement game for us. Superbowl/ Nah.

But I think many will agree, this is quite possibly the beginning of a long tenure atop the NFC East. Whether we win any playoff games, well, that remains to be seen; there are some very hot and competitive teams out there, like Seattle, who could be a flash-in-the-pan or a perennial 9-10 win team per year, and who I really rather not face in a playoff game.

But one thing is for sure; if our secondary was better, we wouldn't be in this position; we'd be battling for home field or 2nd seed, and IMO the team is already a winner in my eyes, despite the defensive woes.

Lets just hope this 'issue' gets corrected in the offseason; meanwhile, if the hot streak continues, well thats just more cheese on the enchilada...

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