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So WHEN (Gibbs Hogs Heaven said it wasn't an if, so I had to change it) we win.... you wanna.... storm the field?


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Times have changed in America. Having fans storm the field could result in fines, jail time, and revocation of season tickets.

But hey, I have no right to tell you what to do.

Have at it.

Hey, I'm not saying the guy should do it. I even said as much in the post. All I'm saying is that I like the tradition and that it's a shame that it doesn't happen in pro sports anymore.

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Good luck doing that to thousands of people.

I'm not saying it should happen or that it's advisable, but seriously, do you think that's enforceable? The answer is a resounding no. You're 23, you should be the one down to do such things...live a little!

Because I'm 23 doesn't mean I'm a senseless, classless idiot who is looking to project X down at FedEx Field. Call me a buzzkill, or even halfway responsible, I don't see any benefit to storming the field after a win. Is it going to further our chances down the line into the post season? Whoever does this will put themselves at risk, and other fans, players, officials, etc. It's chaos. Regardless if anybody get's caught, you got kids out there and it just doesn't make any sense to do that. ESPECIALLY if it's premeditated. I'd be upset at anybody for doing this and I would agree that you should love privileges to attend an NFL game.

On the other hand, I would counter offer that we all celebrate in the stands with our team, giving the loudest shouts and giving the cowgirls hell behind their bench.

Take this article for example, SAME EXACT situation, replace names with Redskins and cowgirls


KNOXVILLE, Tenn. (WVLT) - From Big Orange Country to Gator Country, fans are geared up and ready for this weekends match-up between the Vols and the Gators.

Police say this year's game is the perfect storm. Not only is it a rivalry, but there's also a national presence and spotlight with ESPN's College Gameday, and it will be played at night.

With all the hype, comes more police presence.

Once Knoxville Police saw a new Facebook group, "Tennessee Fans Rush the Field," they sent out a warning: if you step foot on the field, you will be arrested.

The last notable time fans stormed the field was the 1998 UT-Florida classic. Many remember the orange masses swarming the field, the goalposts coming down, and the fact that it was a huge win en route to a national championship.

This Saturday's big spotlight is something Vol fans have been waiting for.

"I just think this is the year, we have a great passing attack, they have some defensive injuries," said UT student Trey Norris, who is going to the game.

"My whole family's been waiting a while, so pretty excited," said UT junior Josh Humphrey.

"Now that the Vols are back on track, where they should be, I've been waiting ever since a couple years before Fulmer left," said UT graduate Steven Childress.

But what some people don't remember about that 1998 game, was that the number of injuries on the field led to even higher numbers of officers to protect fans.

"Not only for the fans, it's a safety issue for the players, and it's a safety issue for the officials on the field," said KPD spokesman Darrell DeBusk.

KPD says if you do storm the field, you will be arrested and charged with aggravated criminal trespassing. Even encouraging someone will land you in jail, and you will be charged with inciting a riot.

"But obviously in the event that UT wins, continue to celebrate in the stands, enjoy the moment. Don't rush the field, don't get arrested," said DeBusk.

"I'm against it (rushing the field), not necessarily because of SEC rules. But we're traditionally a power program, we need to act like we've been there before," said Norris.

But he says he's not making any promises that he won't if he gets caught up in the moment, something that police hope does not happen.

KPD is also warning that if you are a student and you're arrested on the field, your name will go to judicial affairs. That could impact not only going to future games, but also your future at the university.

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Hey, I'm not saying the guy should do it. I even said as much in the post. All I'm saying is that I like the tradition and that it's a shame that it doesn't happen in pro sports anymore.

Anyone who follows UMD sports would agree that riots and sports are not a good mixture ;)

---------- Post added December-24th-2012 at 12:00 AM ----------

Who cares if it's happened in the past. It no longer happens in pro sports today and we'd be mocked mercilessly by the media and our rivals.

You certainly don't see Patriots fans doing any of that, or Iggles fans for that matter

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Because I'm 23 doesn't mean I'm a senseless, classless idiot who is looking to project X down at FedEx Field. Call me a buzzkill, or even halfway responsible, I don't see any benefit to storming the field after a win. Is it going to further our chances down the line into the post season? Whoever does this will put themselves at risk, and other fans, players, officials, etc. It's chaos. Regardless if anybody get's caught, you got kids out there and it just doesn't make any sense to do that. ESPECIALLY if it's premeditated. I'd be upset at anybody for doing this and I would agree that you should love privileges to attend an NFL game.

On the other hand, I would counter offer that we all celebrate in the stands with our team, giving the loudest shouts and giving the cowgirls hell behind their bench.

Take this article for example, SAME EXACT situation, replace names with Redskins and cowgirls


Ahhhhh, yes, as only those who lack class would ever do such a thing, Lighten up. This isn't a lone guy hopping the wall in the middle of the 6th inning for security to chase him down. It'd be thousands of dedicated fans celebrating with their team who won 7 in a row to make the playoffs for the first time in 5 years. Thousands of fans, I might add, who could not all be banned for life from the stadium or whatever other dubious penalty would be handed down, merely by virtue of their numbers. It's merely an expression of the fans' excitement; are there other ways to do so? Absolutely. But jesus man, maintain some perspective. To say that you'd be UPSET with such a display? A liiiiiiittle extreme.

It's funny, because I don't even really have an opinion on this either way, yet I still find myself compelled to disagree with you due to the Draconian nature of your posts. Relax.

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Indiana fans would disagree.

As would Ohio State fans

So the links you've provided are supposed to prove riots and sports are a good mix? Forgive me if I don't have links to arrests, damaged property, hospital records and filed charges.

Not to mention that a lot of schools receive hefty fines for fans storming the field. Imagine what goodell and mara will have waiting for us. I'd prefer not to find out when they want to make an example out of the franchise, yet again

Expect a similar statement to be given out for this game, I'm positive there is literature for ticket holders for this type of thing, it'd be dumb to jeopardize that.

The Knoxville Police Department has issued a pre-emptive warning to Vols fans that, in the event of a University of Tennessee win over Florida at Saturday's home football game, anyone caught rushing the field at Neyland Stadium will be arrested and charged.

KPD spokesman Darrell DeBusk said police have heard rumblings of such a scheme on social media sites.

And according to the warning, posted today on KPD's Facebook page, "anyone entering the field will be immediately arrested and charged with aggravated criminal trespassing. Anyone caught enticing someone else to enter the field will be arrested and charged with inciting a riot."

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Yeah, I'll be right behind ya :ols:

Only time I've ever stormed the field or court or whatever in pro sports, was after the last game in RFK stadium when we beat Dallass. Got a big chunk of the 44 yard line to carry back home to California :)

I say you storm the field when we win the Superbowl :)

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Ahhhhh, yes, as only those who lack class would ever do such a thing, Lighten up. This isn't a lone guy hopping the wall in the middle of the 6th inning for security to chase him down. It'd be thousands of dedicated fans celebrating with their team who won 7 in a row to make the playoffs for the first time in 5 years. Thousands of fans, I might add, who could not all be banned for life from the stadium or whatever other dubious penalty would be handed down, merely by virtue of their numbers. It's merely an expression of the fans' excitement; are there other ways to do so? Absolutely. But jesus man, maintain some perspective. To say that you'd be UPSET with such a display? A liiiiiiittle extreme.

It's funny, because I don't even really have an opinion on this either way, yet I still find myself compelled to disagree with you due to the Draconian nature of your posts. Relax.

Why put yourself and others at risk, when you can put the same enthusiasm celebrating in the stands? The rules are there for a reason, the main concern is safety. This isn't a college basketball game. We hear enough about people falling out of stands and crashing to the ground by accident, I would never encourage that kind of chaos when the numbers are in the thousands.

BUT If I were going to storm the field, it'd be after a Super Bowl win, or maybe NFC Championship.

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