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Man, I'm just super pumped


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Okay, I know this might be against the rules here. And I know this comment might could fit in some other threads.

But man, I'm just super-pumped.

I'm super-pumped we have one of the top QB's in the league. I don't care what anyone says, he's put us in position to be a lot better than our 7-6 record indicates. And I turn on any ESPN show and RG3 is one of the first things they talk about. He's no Cam Newton (who isn't THAT bad this year anyway), and he's dominating on the field. I'm 26 and have zero memory of a legit Redskins team. When I watch him, I'm still expecting turnovers and stupid decisions, but it just doesn't happen. I'm like a dog that's learning not to crap on the carpet. I really can't wrap my head around having a good, let alone great, quarterback. It's incredible.

I'm super-pumped we have a team that is gelling. I know everyone just looks at the stats and says "Alfred Morris is a beast RB", and maybe he is, but I think the offensive line and coaching staff deserve plenty of the credit. Yeah, I know RG3 is opening up stuff for Morris just because of the threat of him running, but you don't do what we're doing in the NFL without a solid, maybe good, offensive line. Shanahan's system has not only proven itself this year, they've kicked ass. Say what you want about Morris, but somebody has to block for the guy. But I can't give him zero credit....let's talk about that HUGE first down two weeks ago. Let's talk about how he shrugs people off of him on almost every down. He doesn't get tackled on the first hit, period. What a beast.

And Shanahan. I'm gonna toot my own horn and say I've been down with Shanahan since the day we hired him. I thought that year off from football would prove to be huge for a guy that lived and breathed football. And damn, don't tell me he's not doing awesome. He put out a competitive team with Rex Grossman and John Beck. I know some of the players probably gave up last year with the craptastic QB situation, and that's just sports, but once that team gets winning, I think he's a true players' coach. Every time I've seen him talk in the locker room, he seems like the kinda guy a player wants to bust his ass for. People said it was nepotism when he hired Kyle, but he's been pretty darn good, too. And I completely understand the frustration with Haslett, but I was basically his last defender on ExtremeSkins, and that D has made crucial plays in crunch time.

And hats off to Snyder. Look...he got fooled once (or twice) with Vinny Cerrato, but he's done everything possible to give us a winner. He deserves his due. You know that 18 mil is burning a hole in Snyder's pocket. JJ Watt, Calvin Johnson, come on down. We can outbid almost anybody!

Playoffs or not, I want to say thank god for having a true NFL team on the field each week. I have NEVER come close to experiencing this....the belief that your team can actually win any game. We might be down 2 TD's in the 4th, an we can still win. We might need our awful defense to get a stop, and it just might happen. I just wanna speak for every person my age and let yall know how awesome this feeling is, playoffs or not.

And if I get in trouble from the mods, I'll take it. I been drinking and I'm pumped! That's all that matters!

Stop arguing about RG3's health, or Garcon's injury, or the Seattle TD that shouldn't have been a TD, or Haslett's suckitude as a DC, and just appreciate how legit we are nowadays. We're the leading story on Sportscenter....and we DESERVE to be the leading story on Sportscenter. RG3 IS the difference maker. He's so freaking awesome.

We WILL win a Superbowl with him.


EDIT - Again, sorry mods for such a random post, but I been on good behavior since day one and I'm just EXCITED to be a Redskins fan right now.

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I'm 23 and feel the same way! This is a great post. I haven't felt this way about the team since I became a fan in 95 when I was 6! It's an unbelievable feeling and I'm glad to be a part of it. Me and my friend were just talking earlier and he asked me how many Super Bowls he think's we'll win with Griff. I said 3. He felt the same way too. With him, anything is possible.

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Man. This thread is going to get locked and everything, but I don't give a ****. Do we even have a "man I'm just super pumped" thread yet? Because if we don't, we should. I'm sure Seahawks fans are filling their boards with threads like this because of a 58-0 home win over some scrub. Our team has more character and a better leader than nearly any other team in the NFL, so why not express excitement about our future?

You can feel the buzz. It's palpable. I can feel it from the other side of the country. Besides Derrick Rose, I can't think of a more beloved, unifying player than RG3. Hell, in the country at large, I think RG3 has it locked up. And why not? That military background of his father's has instilled in him a strength from the spirit on out. What I saw Sunday was the fire that tries legends. Human spirit triumphing over pain and hardship. RG3 had to be dragged off the field before he blacked out, and he was outclassing his peers on one leg. The best part was how that tenacity translated to the rest of the team. Hell, even our sorry defense had a great drive to stop the Ravens. For the longest time, we lacked a London Fletcher on offense; someone to lift the team by example and passion. There was no true captain. Now, it's difficult to decide who our most motivated player is. Most of them are playing like victory is the only thing keeping them alive.

I'll be the first to admit I was wrong about the Shanahans. Mike did not lose the locker room, though it appeared to be a foregone conclusion and Kyle, for his occasional lapses in common sense (fake pitch to the left on 3rd and 1 lololol) never stops fighting. And he puts the ball in RG3's hands when it matters. We have other coaches, but this is a positive post, so I won't discuss them now.

Acquiring RG3 in the first place was like the last living dodo falling out of the sky into your hand and laying a carton of golden eggs. Now the eggs keep on coming. We'll be the envy of the league soon enough, if we aren't already. The "was the season a success" poll is so one-sided you can barely see the other bar.

**** the Cowboys.

**** the Eagles.

**** the Giants.

The future of the NFC East is in DC.

I'm gonna get a beer.

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I am about to finish up my senior year, and the only 4 hours of the week where I feel great are when the Redskins play(finals suck). It used to be I would be pumped for the first 6 games and then find a new hobby.

I finish up in the spring. You got that right, the Redskins have been a ray of light in an otherwise brutal semester...


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Man. This thread is going to get locked and everything, but I don't give a ****.

People should give up being mod-predictors(as in telling people their thread may get closed). :)

Such folk are often incorrect and it's never pertinent to the topic that they be making"guesses" or comments on it either way. ;)

Great OP :D :helmet:


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I'm 26 and I agree. The first memory I have of the Skins if my family telling me about how I went to the Skins' training camp as a small baby. I had my picture taken with some of the players as they held me but I can't find the pictures or anything to know when this happened. My mom has also passed away so I can't ask her what year it was.

ANYWAYS, I'm in the same boat as you. It feels so good to finally be able to look at people and brag. They know I'm not a bandwagon fan because of the years of hell they put me through.

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People should give up being mod-predictors(as in telling people their thread may get closed). :)

Such folk are often incorrect and it's never pertinent to the topic that they be making"guesses" or comments on it either way. ;)

Great OP :D :helmet:



Who wants to turn down good news anyway?

PS: HTTR14's signature is the best.

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Of all the streaks we break this year, I hope the biggest one we break is the one where no rookie QB has ever won the Super Bowl as a starter!

Griffin has been breaking all types of streaks, so anything is possible if the team can make it to the playoffs.

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Acquiring RG3 in the first place was like the last living dodo falling out of the sky into your hand and laying a carton of golden eggs.

I'm gonna get a beer.

“You will give the Redskins an ideal to strive towards,” he says. “They will race behind you. They will stumble. They will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun. In time, you will help them accomplish wonders.”

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