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PFT: Houston police arrest Adrian Peterson for resisting arrest

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1) Again, I never said they shouldn't go there, that they have to be aware of the pitfalls of going to places like that based on who they are. And stop saying I'm out of touch. I don't live under a rock and I'm well aware of what's going on the world. It's getting offensive hearing that.

2) You're right, the cops are not the end all be all, but why make trouble for yourself over something as petty as them asking you to leave? Is it worth it? Perspective man, perpective. Big picture.

1) They should also be aware of the pitfalls of driving an expensive car while being black (because this who we are talking about). They should also be aware of the pitfalls of flying an airplane. They should also be aware of the pitfalls of going to the grocery store. They should be aware of the pitfalls of playing an NFL game. They should be aware of the pitfalls of going outside during a thunderstorm. They should also be aware of the pitfalls of... I can go on, but that is my point. Going to a night club to have some fun is just going to a nightclub to have some fun. Thousands of athletes do every weekend during the summer to no problems. I refuse to call them "thick headed" for living their lives and being adults.

2) I agree with you if that happened, all I said is we do not know all of the facts in this case.

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1) They should also be aware of the pitfalls of driving an expensive car while being black (because this who we are talking about). They should also be aware of the pitfalls of flying an airplane. They should also be aware of the pitfalls of going to the grocery store. They should be aware of the pitfalls of playing an NFL game. They should be aware of the pitfalls of going outside during a thunderstorm. They should also be aware of the pitfalls of... I can go on, but that is my point. Going to a night club to have some fun is just going to a nightclub to have some fun. Thousands of athletes do every weekend during the summer to no problems. I refuse to call them "thick headed" for living their lives and being adults.

Yeah, he went to a nightclub to have some fun. Then he got too drunk, tried to strong-arm the bartender into giving him a drink after the place closed because he is Adrian Peterson, and copped an attitude because they wouldn't and told him to leave. You're right, thousands of athletes do do that every weekend during the summer. However, the vast majority leave when they're told to leave, and don't try to strong-arm the bartender after hours. He's not thick-headed because he wanted to live his life and have some fun, he's thick-headed because he tried to be a jackass and thought he could get his way just because.

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1) They should also be aware of the pitfalls of driving an expensive car while being black (because this who we are talking about). They should also be aware of the pitfalls of flying an airplane. They should also be aware of the pitfalls of going to the grocery store. They should be aware of the pitfalls of playing an NFL game. They should be aware of the pitfalls of going outside during a thunderstorm. They should also be aware of the pitfalls of... I can go on, but that is my point. Going to a night club to have some fun is just going to a nightclub to have some fun. Thousands of athletes do every weekend during the summer to no problems. I refuse to call them "thick headed" for living their lives and being adults.

Now this argument has officially turned ridiculous. I guess I should have been aware of the pitfalls of trying to have a debate on a message board. Nice race baiting by the way. It almost worked.

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Now this argument has officially turned ridiculous. I guess I should have been aware of the pitfalls of trying to have a debate on a message board. Nice race baiting by the way. It almost worked.

his responses come off like all these guys are angles (which he says they're not) and the big bad police are just picking on them.

and to his argument, yes, they should be aware of the pitfalls of everything. the NFL spends a lot of time putting out information to these guys about how not to get into trouble, and yet they still do dumb**** on a regular basis.

here's a quick list for that one in a thousand comment he made:


keep defending these guys asiatic, you come off as quite a class act yourself.

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Yeah, he went to a nightclub to have some fun. Then he got too drunk, tried to strong-arm the bartender into giving him a drink after the place closed because he is Adrian Peterson, and copped an attitude because they wouldn't and told him to leave. You're right, thousands of athletes do do that every weekend during the summer. However, the vast majority leave when they're told to leave, and don't try to strong-arm the bartender after hours. He's not thick-headed because he wanted to live his life and have some fun, he's thick-headed because he tried to be a jackass and thought he could get his way just because.

If thats what happened, then he deserves whatever punishment he gets. we dont know what happened, so its called speculation.

My beef is with the statement that athletes shouldnt goto night clubs, and that they are "thickheaded" if they do. That is a nonsense statement and different.

Now this argument has officially turned ridiculous. I guess I should have been aware of the pitfalls of trying to have a debate on a message board. Nice race baiting by the way. It almost worked.

that easy? just say "black" and its race baiting? Black was one word in my post and was just pertaining to one line and you decided to run off. Bye...

his responses come off like all these guys are angles (which he says they're not) and the big bad police are just picking on them.

thats you selectively reading, I have not called athletes angels and said hte police are in the wrong. In fact I dont know what post you decided to read because it wasnt mine that suggested this.

and to his argument, yes, they should be aware of the pitfalls of everything. the NFL spends a lot of time putting out information to these guys about how not to get into trouble, and yet they still do dumb**** on a regular basis.

I literally have no idea what you are responding too, but this has nothing to do with my post. All I have said is that I dont like fans and media folks who are out of touch saying, "dont goto night clubs, NOTHING but trouble comes from those places." its nonsense.

here's a quick list for that one in a thousand comment he made:


keep defending these guys asiatic, you come off as quite a class act yourself.

this is weird as hell :ols:

What I said, "athletes goto night clubs all the time and dont have problems with law enforcement."

You: *posts links of athletes getting arrested for DUIs and marijuana possession, and proving my point.* I think you are having your own conversation, continue to have it because I have been talking about something completely different.

In fact, my 2nd post in this thread is people need to stop holding athletes up to ridiculous standards they wouldnt hold for themselves. I have argued that for months here. How you flipped that to say I am calling them angels is completely bizarre and seems like you have other issues that Im not interested in getting into. :ols:

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so the guys getting pulled over for DUI's at 3 in the morning came from where? their house? a liquor store? or how about a club?

an athlete going to a club includes him drunk driving home or an altercation outside said club, yet you continue to claim fluke.

here's something for you to work out in your head:

we only hear about the stuff that results in reported arrests. don't you think there might be a little more than reported?

and like all of us have been saying:

if you want the club atmosphere then create it in a place where you and your people are in control. you have the money you have guys that will do whatever you tell them to and it prevents you from being the target of some random dude or chick out to get you a lot more than just hitting up a club.

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so the guys getting pulled over for DUI's at 3 in the morning came from where? their house? a liquor store? or how about a club?

possibly. We dont know anything really by that link you posted except that they got pulled over.

an athlete going to a club includes him drunk driving home or an altercation outside said club, yet you continue to claim fluke.

I actually didnt claim anything. You jumped to that conclusion.

I have no idea how those athletes got home, tbh. I havent read the police reports. Im sure you did tho.

we only hear about the stuff that results in reported arrests. don't you think there might be a little more than reported?

Are you still beating your wife?

if you want the club atmosphere then create it in a place where you and your people are in control. you have the money you have guys that will do whatever you tell them to and it prevents you from being the target of some random dude or chick out to get you a lot more than just hitting up a club.

yeah, no one ever gets arrested or in altercations in their home.


thankfully those charges were false and those two were cleared but you see how easy it is anywhere.

I dont get why fans and media types are so paternalistic to these athletes. If a dude wants to go out to a club, let them go. More often than not they wont get in trouble, but if they do they have to deal with it. Just like every other person in the world.

---------- Post added July-11th-2012 at 10:44 PM ----------

and whats bizarre is that none of your post had much at all to do with what I was saying.

I apologize to pjfootballer, tiger187126 is clearly the most out of touch person on here. And he is only 26 years old.

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tiger187126 is clearly the most out of touch person on here. And he is only 26 years old.

Asiatic, you've been "talked to" before. Time for you to take a break for a bit and when/if you return, maybe try to figure out how to avoid any future issues. Also know that reading this thread, it could have been longer than one week .

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that easy? just say "black" and its race baiting? Black was one word in my post and was just pertaining to one line and you decided to run off. Bye...

Who's running? I just think your points have gone in another direction that has nothing to do with the debate. I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. If you want to get back on topic (you know, the part about guys being knuckleheads) and we can continue. If you continue to make it a race debate, I'm not going that route.

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Who's running? I just think your points have gone in another direction that has nothing to do with the debate. I'm here. I'm not going anywhere. If you want to get back on topic (you know, the part about guys being knuckleheads) and we can continue. If you continue to make it a race debate, I'm not going that route.

He is now on a vacation, all expenses paid by Jumbo, it would appear. Ironic, isn't it? He chose to go into a place and be a knucklehead, and ended up being forcefully removed. :)

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He is now on a vacation, all expenses paid by Jumbo, it would appear. Ironic, isn't it? He chose to go into a place and be a knucklehead, and ended up being forcefully removed. :)

Yeah, I saw that after I typed, but I figured he'll be back next week and can see it.

Here's the Price is Right sound effect to go along with that irony you mentioned.

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The tone I'm getting from this thread is that athletes aren't allowed to leave their houses unless it's to play football and entertain us. I actually agree with the guy that said that there are far more athletes that go out every week and have no problems. Just living in the area, I hear about players on our team going out all the time. I even met Brian Orakpo in a club once. He was just walking around relaxing, gave me a handshake, and kept it moving. I don't think the problem is these athletes living their lives. I thing the problem is the people who don't think they are allowed to have lives(celebs as well). The ones that obsess and over react over everything "celebrities" do- those are the people that should stay locked in their homes.

Just my opinion..

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The ones that obsess and over react over everything "celebrities" do- those are the people that should stay locked in their homes.

Just my opinion..

I think the problem may be those people spend too much time already locked in their homes. I don't understand being star struck one bit, it's creepy.

I also think only a few people have said they should stay home with their friends instead, which is absurd, because everybody goes out.

I think most are just giving him grief for using his star power to get special treatment and acting like an ******* when they wouldn't give it to him.

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I don't think some of you are reading the reactions in here correctly. Like KB13 said, it isn't that we don't think they shouldn't go out to nightclubs and have a good time, but they "have" to be more cautious about going there because of who they are. If it were me who got drunk, struck an officer, refused to leave and was arrested, nobody would know unless I told you. But being Adrian Peterson, it will be all over the news. I'm sorry, but because of their celebrity status, they will get more scrutiny, right or wrong.

My biggest beef with this whole incident really has nothing to do with who he is, but more in general about the lack of maturity and respect that people don't show nowadays. Here's the thing, if AP had have just got up, walked out, didn't run his mouth, didn't lay his hands on the cop, he would have been home snug in his bed, waking up with a hangover. But he "chose" to be a colossal knucklehead and cop an attitude for something that was just so simple as walking out. He chose to be arrogant and cause a problem. There was no violation of civil rights, it was the off duty cop asking people to leave and he couldn't do that simple task. And celebrities and athletes are not the only one's being knuckleheads, you read about it in the local papers, occasionally see it in the news and some of them end up on TruTv's "worlds dumbest people" episodes.

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I completely agree with you pj. I worked bars for years, it's not an uncommon occurrence. But when you're a celebrity, for better or worse, these things get blown out of proportion and into the news. You know it's going to happen and if you're going to put yourself into that position, then get out of control, you're going to have to face the music.

btw, are you watching TruTv today? lol

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Broncos Elvis Dumervil was just arrested for Assaul with a gun.


Btw...Anyone want to take a wild , wild guess, on where he was arrested?

I'll give you 3 guesses, but you're only gonna need 1.

And also why my eyes got huge when RG3, hinted as this City/State be one of the places he might do his off season workouts.

Nothing good ever happens in City________, State_________.


You fill in the blank.

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I don't get the beef, who cares what people who play sports for a living do in their off time? It's not a case of fraud that affect the lives of billions of people world wide like some guys do, and it's not like any sane person would raise their kids to hold A N Random athlete as a role model.

A person, athlete or not, may or may not have had too much to drink and acted like an ass with an off duty cop working a second job who may or may not have acted like an ass. I don't know about the rest of you but if all I'd done in my life that could be viewed as me acting like an ass similar to either of the involved parties in this case, I'd have a lot of missing time from my actual life. Given a person should hold themselves to at least as high a standard as they do others I'm not gonna jump on either side of this one :)

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I wonder how much trouble was had here


I don't get the beef, who cares what people who play sports for a living do in their off time? It's not a case of fraud that affect the lives of billions of people world wide like some guys do, and it's not like any sane person would raise their kids to hold A N Random athlete as a role model.

A person, athlete or not, may or may not have had too much to drink and acted like an ass with an off duty cop working a second job who may or may not have acted like an ass. I don't know about the rest of you but if all I'd done in my life that could be viewed as me acting like an ass similar to either of the involved parties in this case, I'd have a lot of missing time from my actual life. Given a person should hold themselves to at least as high a standard as they do others I'm not gonna jump on either side of this one :)

because fans want to control their lives and really believe athletes "owe" them. Its weird but fans feel the need to control young men.

---------- Post added July-19th-2012 at 04:36 PM ----------

The tone I'm getting from this thread is that athletes aren't allowed to leave their houses unless it's to play football and entertain us. I actually agree with the guy that said that there are far more athletes that go out every week and have no problems. Just living in the area, I hear about players on our team going out all the time. I even met Brian Orakpo in a club once. He was just walking around relaxing, gave me a handshake, and kept it moving. I don't think the problem is these athletes living their lives. I thing the problem is the people who don't think they are allowed to have lives(celebs as well). The ones that obsess and over react over everything "celebrities" do- those are the people that should stay locked in their homes.

Just my opinion..

thats what it comes down too.

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  • 3 months later...

Whether Peterson pushed the cop or not, cops are known to ALWAYS throw resisting arrest onto the list of charges, even when you are on the ground and they are beating you. It's somehow an offense against their royal person to graze or bump them. The resisting charge is notoriously hard to prove too. If there's more meat to it (though sometimes just as spurious) there would be an ASSAULT charge.

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First of all:

If there's more meat to it (though sometimes just as spurious) there would be an ASSAULT charge.

That's what she said.

And secondly, yeah there seems to be a lot of exaggeration when it comes to resisting arrests and assaulting an officer. I once served on a jury where the latter was one of the accusations, and it was a bunch of hooey. Pretty sure it was just a "might as well" addition to the other charge.

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