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People Really are Buying the GOP Narrative that Obamacare is a "Tax"?!


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That says nothing about C-SPAN, who did televise the Congressional debates which happened on the floor. What wasn't televised, though, were some of the negotiation processes which took place between the states, the political parties, with drug companies, etc., and if you want those sort of negotiations to be televised, then you have to ask the Republicans to also participate in such transparency. But let's not act as if C-SPAN didn't have any involvement in the year-long debate, because they did.

The president made the promise. The president made the mistake. The president admitted the mistake. But go after republicans. I'd expect no less. :ols:

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The president made the promise. The president made the mistake. The president admitted the mistake. But go after republicans. I'd expect no less. :ols:

Obama cannot control everything Congress does, but you're right -- Obama should be held to the standard he set forth for himself.

Don't get me wrong -- I don't want "backroom deals, I don't like the idea of corporate deal-making and everything should be in full daylight, and any secrecy lies to blame with Democrats and their desire to get the bill passed. I won't find assign blame with the Republicans on that matter. But I only made my references to the Republicans because they have fault tooth and nail against transparency, especially post Citizens United when it comes to corporate donations.

If you are going to expect 100% transparency in our government, then it has to become a culture in Washington and MUST include both parties.

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No absolutely not... This entire tempest is a communication failure in the GOP. The rank and file GOP'ers want to sling dirt at Obama so they are claiming it's a tax, SCJ said so!!!. Perfectly reasonable.

Only they haven't realized it yet that Romney's program in Mass did the exact same thing and Romney is already on record saying he didn't raise taxes as Gov. So the mud they are slinging sticks to both guys equally..

Look for everybody to agree shortly it's not a tax but a penelty as both candidates already have.

So two politicians positioning themselves to be (or remain) the most powerful man in the world get to define what it is...not the supreme court?

This is all very confusing to me. (not really)

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god i hope not. it's pretty great watching them lose the messaging war for once.

I ask because like we've said earlier. The message from the GOP and the message from Romney are the opposite of each other. How will they hammer on this if the guy they want you to vote for says the same thing as Obama on it?

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Just wait ;)....a war is not determined by a skirmish

but since you like polls


Barack Obama now rates behind Jimmy Carter in the pantheon of great presidents according to likely voters

But still ahead of Bush II, who Republicans voted for twice. Of course, this has little to do with the dishonesty shown by Republicans during the entire health care debate.

"It's the largest tax in HISTORY!"

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Has this really changed the election calculus?

I think President Obama still wins re-election with fewer than 300 electoral votes, R's keep the House and probably get a 1 seat majority in the Senate.

I don't see anything tracking in a different direction, but it is also only July

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As has been pointed out, many hours of the health care reform debates were televised. Making statements that gloss over that reflect sloppy thinking at best. And making statements suggesting that Obama hasn't failed severely at transparency reflect denial at best. Not all the backdoor stuff was televised, which is typical. It's worth repeating that nonetheless Obama does get a "fail" on his overall promise of "transparency."

A number of the politicos in this fourm are reflective of why we're so screwed up. People are often fairly ignorant (literally) opinion-generating machines whose ego has convinced them they're quite knowledgeable (about almost anything, apparently) and that they also have excellent <cough> judgment.

Oddly enough, even when some such say they "actually" have far less grandiose evaluations of themselves, they will still often pontificate and behave as though it were otherwise.

I think in this forum we actually have a "superior" mix of opinionators (Jumbo trademarked :pfft:) than most similar venues---how sad is that? :evilg:

Too often, and to a seriously damaging degree, many of us can't get past "our politics" to deal with a matter objectively and applying accurately informed critical thinking.

Kudos to Wrong Direction as someone who consistently applies easily discernible effort (at least to me) to often do just that, while being aware of and acknowledging his own leanings.

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This is all the left care about, trash the constitution, the declaration of independence, pit everyone against each other, black, white, Hispanic, male, female,gay, christian.. This is a small list, all because they want the letter "D" besides the winners name. I know for a fact just because i replied with these words, every lefty in here will assume i'm a republican. I could care less about George Bush, Bill Clinton, and this alinsky socialist Obama.. The very fabric and glue that the 4th of July stands for, what people die for "freedom" is under assault.. i for one don't give a crap about your ideology, so label me if you must because im concerned about freedom..The most logical reply from this board will be an attack..Probably start with grammar..Makes people feel smart..Or from the thread rule police because they like power......

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This is all the left care about, trash the constitution, the declaration of independence, pit everyone against each other, black, white, Hispanic, male, female,gay, christian.. This is a small list, all because they want the letter "D" besides the winners name. I know for a fact just because i replied with these words, every lefty in here will assume i'm a republican. I could care less about George Bush, Bill Clinton, and this alinsky socialist Obama.. The very fabric and glue that the 4th of July stands for, what people die for "freedom" is under assault.. i for one don't give a crap about your ideology, so label me if you must because im concerned about freedom..The most logical reply from this board will be an attack..Probably start with grammar..Makes people feel smart..Or from the thread rule police because they like power......

Looks like you've got all your bases covered.


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This is all the left care about, trash the constitution, the declaration of independence, pit everyone against each other, black, white, Hispanic, male, female,gay, christian.. This is a small list, all because they want the letter "D" besides the winners name. I know for a fact just because i replied with these words, every lefty in here will assume i'm a republican. I could care less about George Bush, Bill Clinton, and this alinsky socialist Obama.. The very fabric and glue that the 4th of July stands for, what people die for "freedom" is under assault.. i for one don't give a crap about your ideology, so label me if you must because im concerned about freedom..The most logical reply from this board will be an attack..Probably start with grammar..Makes people feel smart..Or from the thread rule police because they like power......

Before I reply to HH, I'll help you. I will help you by feeding the nonsense in your head (if there's room for any more noise) that this post (and others) projects. I will make manifest your vision of power-hungry thread police by sending you and your nonsense away to go play elsewhere for a nice long break. :)

btw---let me feed your grammar-demon fear too--that awesome sig--- learn how to spell "infidel" so you don't look so distressingly ignorant---never mind, probably won't help.

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