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Official HTTR 24-7 Podcast thread (New show tonight at 9pm with our buddy Alfred Morris)


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Looking back on this latest cast, we should use the comments section under the audio player more for questions you guys can answer on the upcoming recording.

I know TK was reading them off but there was only one real question, the rest just about how awesome the cast was. :ols:

Maybe mention at the end of each cast that all comments are welcome of course, but to also leave questions that maybe you guys could answer in the next one. Or even use as future subjects for conversation.

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Thanks man its been the comparison I've been using with him for a while now

Justin knows his stuff and was doing his thing. The draft segment was raw and we didnt discuss prospects before hand so justin was unaware of how many guys i was going to bring up. Im sure at one point he felt like he was headed for a buzz saw but he did very well. Props... Scary thing is i have about 20-30 more guys we didnt discuss so maybe next week :).

---------- Post added April-20th-2012 at 04:25 AM ----------

Looking back on this latest cast, we should use the comments section under the audio player more for questions you guys can answer on the upcoming recording.

I know TK was reading them off but there was only one real question, the rest just about how awesome the cast was. :ols:

Maybe mention at the end of each cast that all comments are welcome of course, but to also leave questions that maybe you guys could answer in the next one. Or even use as future subjects for conversation.

I think that is what TK has planned as far as mailbag goes.

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Looking back on this latest cast, we should use the comments section under the audio player more for questions you guys can answer on the upcoming recording.

I know TK was reading them off but there was only one real question, the rest just about how awesome the cast was. :ols:

Maybe mention at the end of each cast that all comments are welcome of course, but to also leave questions that maybe you guys could answer in the next one. Or even use as future subjects for conversation.

If you paid attention, you'd have noticed in the last show's comments I had already said to use the comments section to ask questions. :)

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The sad thing is I already took a communication class at school and have now forgotten everything.... :ols: we learned about getting rid of space fillers

I cut 13 minutes out of it. 10 min were "uuummmmms" & various background noise like Sid's cough & breathing into phones. :ols:

The other 3 were after Leap dropped that F bomb.:ols:

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The sad thing is I already took a communication class at school and have now forgotten everything.... :ols: we learned about getting rid of space fillers

Yea its a real frustrating thing at first that you just gotta be aware of and then it slowly takes care of itself.

Nice job though, it was real good quality stuff

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Ok. I am way behind in posting here, but Rick knows I have been back and forth on a work-related road trip involving my own “speaking gigs” :ols: over the last 10 days, and only hitting the site briefly, off and on. I feel guilty in taking so long--I even told him last night I wrote listening to this in my appt. schedule to make sure it finally got done (and didn‘t allow that it went over an hour so got in trouble too). :D

So since this is re: the first podcast, much of my commentary will be dated but I’m doing it anyway. :cool:

The site and logo get a big thumbs up, even if you guys are considering the front page a WIP. Amd DC is a great MC--good score. I loved the intro and the “funny voice” RG3 bit, and setting Leap up. Good start---hooks the listener.

Let me get right to some general accolades: I was quite impressed with Leap’s articulate and detailed commentary a variety of topics. Very well-done LL. ;)

Rick was more in the background then I’m used to him being in most other venues, but I have always thought he would be a great color guy on a radio/tv (if someone dressed him other than himself :pfft:) broadcast and he shows that here---plus he told me was playing it more cautious (my paraphrase) for his first time.

I thought J had great material and did the “laid-back” thing quite well. Really, especially for a first time in a new adventure, very well done and the chemistry was good, showing signs it is juts going to get better with practice. Even expecting a good product, I was prepared for a lot roughness, but it came out quite positive. Kudos all around.

I think the stuff people have already said--work on the audio quality <remember I won’t hear the second one until tomorrow so I don’t know yet how that went>, keep the time to less than an hour (I think 55-60 minutes) is a good editing goal using features or music as filler if needed to make it an hour podcast each time, maybe calling each other my name more often so listeners can quickly get familiar with who is saying what when listening over low-fi sources, are the only suggestions I’d have. I already assume preparation before showtime and increased smoothness via more practice over time are in your guys’ minds.

Rick was good at keeping it simple and saying straight in the first half and J made sold points and also added nuanced information to his good commentary. As I already said, LL was consistently detailed and well-spoken, and all of you guys were funny and relaxed with DC doing a great job of tying ya’all together and keeping things on track for a first time even with the longer-than-planned segment or the dead-time and “you knows” etc. you guys have all already noted about yourselves.

Rick managed to suppress his mush-mouth accent I usually have to smack him about when on the phone with him (he blames an imagined hearing loss due to aging on me). :evilg: :ols:

Also loved how Leap brought useful stats into his discussion on the Gaffney/Moss matter and went into YAC (as all you guys did). I was posting on those matters when they first arose on the board, especially the “Morgan Connection” as I tend to see all the SF games over the last 7-10 years and have some inside info on them and SEA among my semi-lame version of sources. I also love the “master of the jump-back” line about Gaffney. Mean but funny. And (I think it was J) the “I don’t know about significant catches but there’s the significant drops” re: Moss was good, as well as reminding how Moss came into camp out of shape and with a less than stellar focus and attitude compared to past years. I liked the line about Flecth needing “hush money” to tolerate Slo and Has and all of the coverage (no pun intended) you guys gave to the situation of our secondary, and the coaches (i.e. Raheem & Ike), and what may lie ahead. :)

In short, you provided a high calibre of analysis on several matters that compares favorably in quality of content to some major media outlets. That’s both a compliment to you and a reflection on how lacking some of the major outlets are in their efforts (with zero negative implied in your direction). Three amateurs on their first podcast should not even be able to come remotely close to the pros no matter how cool they are---but you guys do. :beavisnbutthead:

Other favorite moments included “why is McNabb even allowed to talk about the Redskins” and calling McDoofs comments “retarded” :ols: or those of an “idiot” or like “Emmet Smith” :D, and then the InsaneBoost/general banning references, as well as the Carlos bashing (“what’s up with C?”---”his alcohol level”) at the end. :cool:

Look forward to round two. Great job, all four of you. :point2sky:point2sky:point2sky:point2sky

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