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Forget about Flynn, what about Quinn?

The Mayor of Fed Ex Field

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RG3 is going to be too costly. People think he ll be the next newton but he won't be imo. He will be somewhere in between cam and vince. On a side note does it seem like the mods on this page ban and nnt people very quick? I got my nnt over three years ago for starting a thread about a game play instead of posting in the "official" game thread....and its still in effect.

PM a mod about it. If it's been 3 years, don't see why they wouldn't take it off.

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RG3 is going to be too costly. People think he ll be the next newton but he won't be imo. He will be somewhere in between cam and vince. On a side note does it seem like the mods on this page ban and nnt people very quick? I got my nnt over three years ago for starting a thread about a game play instead of posting in the "official" game thread....and its still in effect.

There's a well-documented and easily found cure for the first-time NNT. it can be found in the rules, and complaining about an NNT or hounding a mod about it without knowledge of the proper procedure is generally frowned upon, though they've been known to sometimes take pity. ;)

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I thought about it but I would probably do something to piss them off and.get it right back. I'll just wear my scarlet "A" with pride.

It's embarrassing that anyone doesn't know what I'm about to tell you (especially that Slacky doesn't know, as long as he's been around): but anyone who has sat on an NNT for more than 10 minutes after they first noticed it has no one to blame but themselves.

The answer for how to get it removed has not only been right there in the rules for anyone to see since day one (and everyone is supposed to have read the rules like they agreed to when they registered their account), but we have also ran literally dozens of Read Me sticky-threads in every forum over the last few years (for weeks at a time) and made innumerable posts in many many threads over the years, stating all this.

It's really quite unbelievable. :)

But at least Conn knew the score and told you. :)

But I'll go ahead and note you prefer to wear your NNT with pride.:)

And the truth is, we're way too slow to ban and we all know it. :)

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This is Quinn'sain. Quinn is a joke. I just keep seeing his dumb face as he slips through the draft, undrafted while they move him to a private room where he can't be clowned by the draftniks. I have not faith in Quinn, because honestly, I don't think he has any faith in himself.

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Now come on Jumbo, you can't honestly be that surprised that I didn't know the answer to it.

True. :ols:

Was just talking to your "other best friend" on staff and we're wondering how long we can keep you and ACW alive. :D

The lemming in you boyz is strong. :cool:

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True. :ols:

Was just talking to your "other best friend" on staff and we're wondering how long we can keep you and ACW alive. :D

The lemming in you boyz is strong. :cool:

Nah, as you suggested in the "Ask A Girl" thread, someone has shown me the light. Hell I even played nice in this thread. Which usually doesn't happen when I post in a thread with The Mayor. Also, with my rather busy schedule lately I haven't had time to make fun of ACW incessantly like I used to.

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What is this' date=' amateur hour?[/quote']

A snake walks into a bar. The bartender says, sorry we don't serve your kind in here. The snakes says why? The bartender says, you can't hold your liquor! Badump!

---------- Post added February-24th-2012 at 08:21 AM ----------

I can't believe how fast the thread went downhill after I left. Mayor needs to have some thicker skin. For someone who "supposedly" knows and works with the Redskins, he sure is immature for 31 years old. I mean when you argue with someone you don't even know on a message board about your "football knowledge" that's pretty lame. I don't beleive I've ever seen a grown man behave that way. I felt like we were talking to a 10 year old who claims "my daddy can beat up your daddy."

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why is everybody hating on brady quinn? we went into last year with JOHN BECK as our backup. john beck has to be one of the worst qb's in nfl history. hes never even won a game. quinn has done more with less talent than beck. id rather have jamarcus russell than someone like beck, so, theres nothing wrong with bringing someone in to compete as a backup. qb has been our weakest position forever, so we need as much competition as possible to upgrade the position.

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why is everybody hating on brady quinn? we went into last year with JOHN BECK as our backup. john beck has to be one of the worst qb's in nfl history. hes never even won a game. quinn has done more with less talent than beck. id rather have jamarcus russell than someone like beck, so, theres nothing wrong with bringing someone in to compete as a backup. qb has been our weakest position forever, so we need as much competition as possible to upgrade the position.

Because Quinn does absolutely nothing to upgrade the position. While he may not be terrible, he's not great. I want great. Tired of settling for mediocre behind center.

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Quinn are you kidding me???? I'd take his homegirl instead. Keep Rex!!! He need another shot, Moss likes him! Who cares. We just need more disipline, its okay to double cover the star WR on other teams!! I know Dante Hall demands a 1 on 1, but the coaches need to make him have another CB. We lost so many games cause of terrible D calls. We would've won the divison if we beat those cowboys.

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