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Forget about Flynn, what about Quinn?

The Mayor of Fed Ex Field

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Absolutely we should get him. He's never had a fair chance. He was a perfect pro QB coming out of college. He had everything going for him - size, arm strength, decent accuracy, intelligence. You just don't lose that. What happened is he was drafted by one of the worst franchises in the league and then had some injuries on top of that.

What Quinn had going for him was being on National Tv his entire college career and Notre Dame's ridiculous easy cup-cake schedule ...add a New England Patriot icon as coach...that had an excuse or scape goat for every failure..

and you get an over-hyped typical silver spoon that never had to compete with anyone for his job...who the NFL Channel touted from the first day they went on the air...his comments about Tebow...show that...he is still immature and is just a product of what the media and the Irish fan base have said about him...

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Just wondering, what was it about Quinn that made him such a bust? I mean he was Supposed to be amazing and was very highly regarded

I watched him a couple of times for the Browns. First issue was he checked down a LOT. He was unwilling to wait on routes and make plays down the field. When he did try to hit intermediate or deep routes he was inaccurate. The nail in his coffin for me was when I watched him throw a Hail Mary 10 yards out of bounds.

He did not have a lot around him but he was part of the problem and not part of the solution. I'd pass.

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Entertaining read. I specifically liked the "I know Redskins players. Wait I take that back, Redskins players know me."

Quinn was an overhyped physical specimen coming out of a program that was always televised so people thought they had a grasp on his capabilities. Just another in a long line of NFL busts.

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What Quinn had going for him was being on National Tv his entire college career and Notre Dame's ridiculous easy cup-cake schedule ...add a New England Patriot icon as coach...that had an excuse or scape goat for every failure..

and you get an over-hyped typical silver spoon that never had to compete with anyone for his job...who the NFL Channel touted from the first day they went on the air...his comments about Tebow...show that...he is still immature and is just a product of what the media and the Irish fan base have said about him...

Playing on national TV and being highly touted didn't help him break 36 Notre Dame records and get a place in the top 10 NCAA all time list in passing yards and passing touchdowns. And I would love for you to prove that ND had a cupcake schedule compared to others. No schedule is easy when you play teams like Michigan and USC every year. The rest of his team was painfully mediocre. He overcame that. And why in the world would you say he didn't have to compete? Even if he didn't (which is never the case in football), he is arguably one of Notre Dame's best football players in its history. Was there realistically any way he would have lost his job to someone else? He was the best QB on the team. That's why he played. You sound really bitter. So bitter that you're just slinging mud because you have no real criticism of the way he played football.

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