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If we get RG3, do you want him to start right away?


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As much as people hate on Rex, he DOES know the offense.

The way people act, it's like they think Rex will throw an interception, and then RGIII will duplicate his style of play later on. That's not the way it works. You can learn from another person's ****-ups just as much as you can learn from yourself.

So this "hehehehe, like he'd learn from Rex" stuff is kind of dumb and wrongheaded. For all intents and purposes, Rex is an excellent teammate, a guy that (despite everything) his team has always stood behind, he knows the offense, he has most of the intangibles you want...he's just a turnover machine.

The idea that RGIII couldn't learn anything from Rex is silly. It'd be like blaming all RGIII's interceptions on Rex once he got in the game. "REX MUST'VE TOLD HIM TO THROW THAT BALL THERE!".

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As much as people hate on Rex, he DOES know the offense.
And he DOES know how to throw a game away too.
The way people act, it's like they think Rex will throw an interception, and then RGIII will duplicate his style of play later on. That's not the way it works. You can learn from another person's ****-ups just as much as you can learn from yourself.
You're right, he WILL throw an interception. And I do not believe it's good to watch terrible QB play to learn how to play QB. That is very flawed judgement. Learning from people's mistakes in life is one thing, but this is football...it doesn't work that way.
So this "hehehehe, like he'd learn from Rex" stuff is kind of dumb and wrongheaded. For all intents and purposes, Rex is an excellent teammate, a guy that (despite everything) his team has always stood behind, he knows the offense, he has most of the intangibles you want...he's just a turnover machine.

The idea that RGIII couldn't learn anything from Rex is silly. It'd be like blaming all RGIII's interceptions on Rex once he got in the game. "REX MUST'VE TOLD HIM TO THROW THAT BALL THERE!".

Everyone knows what they get with Rex and Beck-mediocrity at best. RGIII should only sit if he hasn't learned the offense, but when he knows it he should be playing. There is no lockout this year so he should be able to learn a lot before the season.
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Well, this is an easy question. I'd absolutely want him to start right away. Mike Shanahan has a tendency to lean towards veterans. So, if a rookie QB is starting then there is a good chance that he is doing quite well. That would be promising.

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The question in the OP is “If we get RG3, do you want him to start right away” not will Mike Shanahan start him right away. We can accurately answer whether we want him to start but no one knows when Mike Shanahan will have him start. We can guess but no one really knows.

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  • 3 weeks later...
All this RG3 talk will be irrelevant when Andrew Luck is wearing a Skins uniform. And I will reference this post the day it becomes reality.

Oh really? I will send you an extra RGIII jersey.

And to answer the original question: yes!!!

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He should start studying the system yesterday, maybe get a Shannahan tutor.

I wish, but that wouldn't happen. He's too much of a competitor to concede the #1 spot to Luck yet. Which is also why Bruce Allen refuses to refer to the player we traded up for as anything other than "the #2 pick" or "one of two players we fell in love with".

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Kinda tough to call either way; I can see reasons to start day 1 and to sit, learn, and grow into his position.

One thing is, the NFL isn't Baylor, Rice, or Louisiana Tech; it is much faster, and no one knows how he can/will react to the speed.

Either way, I hope he develops a close relationship with the receivers, similar to how Manning did with his. The simple communications between QB and WR in situations, knowing what each other will do and both knowing how and where to be and react when that situation comes up.

Ya know, I am so ready for the season to start tomorrow, and I do not know alot about RGIII, but from what I've read and heard, he is a class kid; this alone will bring a little more respect from the mediots, and we all know how they can be flat out critical, but he has to be comfortable with the offense, and one of the best ways is to really get to know the players, and put the receivers on notice that play time is over, so either play like they want to win, or we will find other receivers who will be happy to share their knowledge with RGIII.

The new era is about to begin, so lets all sit back, breathe, and hope this is the beginning of something great...

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Vick was the top pick and if I recalled (please correct me if I am inaccurate) he was holding a clip board for the entire year. However with that said who the hell do we got..Rex and Beck? Hell NO!

I don't think that's correct. But I also could be wrong haha.

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I don't think that's correct. But I also could be wrong haha.

Vick only started two games as a rookie. However, recent years have shown that rookie QBs can step in right away and have a big impact (Ryan, Flacco, Dalton, Newton, Sanchez to a certain extent). I don't think you can keep Griffin on the bench taking that into account PLUS how much we gave up to draft him.

Can you imagine Fedex when Grossman/Orton/whoever throws the first bad interception? The chants of "R.G.3" would be deafening.

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Vick only started two games as a rookie. However, recent years have shown that rookie QBs can step in right away and have a big impact (Ryan, Flacco, Dalton, Newton, Sanchez to a certain extent). I don't think you can keep Griffin on the bench taking that into account PLUS how much we gave up to draft him.

Can you imagine Fedex when Grossman/Orton/whoever throws the first bad interception? The chants of "R.G.3" would be deafening.

Great point.

I also think that Griffin is the type of cerebral prospect that will absorb our playbook faster than anyone anticipates. He must have knocked Shanahan's socks off in the interview. You don't give up that much for a guy unless you believe he can learn your offense and execute it at an acceptable level fairly quickly. I think he'll have a decent command of our offense much earlier than we dare hope.

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Two schools of thought of course... trial by fire or patience. Plenty of examples of each method succeeding and failing. I think our blocking will do enough to not let him get killed and undergo the David Carr effect of stepping back and expecting to get drilled every time. Last thing we need is him bailing the pocket at the first thought of pressure.

Nothing wrong with waiting it out, but it's going to be a tough wait and most likely whatever guy is in there will get a quick hook. Personally I'd re-sign Rex. Rex is good but not great. He's not going to keep the job for an entire season. Open the competition in training camp but say that most likely we're going with Rex. If Griffin shows he's ready, let him go get it. If he's still rough then let Rex get the season going and take some of the pressure off of RGIII. The fans will be pining for him, but they'll be excited whenever he gets his chance.

Worst thing is to put him out there when he hasn't earned it/isn't ready. The NFL game has humbled a great many QBs, last thing we need to do is make his path harder than it should be by not looking out for his best interests.

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1.) Mike's not going to play a guy until he feels they're ready. That's going to frustrate the heck out of people, but it's just how Mike operates, and history shows that it usually works out for the best. Portis rushed for, like, 1508 yards and 15 touchdowns in his rookie season...but he only started in 12 games. He didn't start his first four games in the NFL. Brandon Marshall only started 1 game in his rookie season. Of course Jay Cutler sat behind Jake Plummer. The only guy I can remember starting right away is Eddie Royal, and that was because Brandon Marshall was suspended for the first game.

I know there's a lot of "throwing them to the wolves" sentiment in here, but honestly, how much do you think sitting is going to hurt? He's going to play. It's not like if Orton comes in and plays well then we're going to keep RGIII on the bench or something.

Mike will play his guys when it's ready. It's really not hard to figure out Shanahan when you think about it. He has the same sort of patterns over and over and over again in his career. He's not going to start any rookie before they're ready; doesn't matter if they get drafted first overall or if they're a seventh rounder. You start when you're ready, when you out practice the guy in front of you, and when you give the team the best chance to win.

RGIII will start when he's ready. That's going to make some people mad if we trade up for him, but we all know Mike doesn't have a **** to give about what anyone in the media or the fanbase thinks.

This is an excellent point, however, the key to being "ready" with Mike is to prove that you understand how to practice and prepare as well as any of the other guys in front of you. Kerrigan, for example, proved that right away and started immediately. Hankerson, and some of those other guys you mentioned, didn't. There is that possibility that RG3 shows that propensity to grasp everything quickly, though it is much more difficult for a QB to do so considering all of his responsibilities.

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Of course, I would love for him to start right away, but only if the coaching staff believes he's ready.

Exactly my thought. This isn't paint by the numbers, each individual has different needs which is why we have coaches. As smart as RG3 seems, I see no reason why he won't be ready to play by September, but if the coaches feel he's not, then what's the harm in waiting 4-6 games? There is going to be allot of pressure on this young man from the start and I'd hate to see his confidence shattered if he struggles and the media and/or fans turn on him.

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Whether Griffin is ready for the NFL, or to drive the Redskins offense -- starting day 1 -- is extremely hypothetical at this point.

Rather, one might want to ask the question -- whether the Redskins offensive line is ready to give the protection needed ensure the Skins rookie QB to avoid the David Carr syndrome. BUILD THE LINE IN FREE AGENCY!!

Let me be candid -- this was a whopping price paid to ensure the second overall pick. To then rush this prized pick onto the field, simply to satisfy some RG3 jersey marketing dreams within the the Skins organization, I believe would be very irresponsible.

[sIDE COMMENT] This team has made a decision that dealt a body blow to its rebuilding efforts. For in trading away the cream of its next three drafts for a chance atsecuring a 'franchise QB'-- it has put tremendous pressure on the team to successfully draft impact players with the #3 in 2012, and then #2s and #3s in the next two years. And by successfully drafting players, I'm not talking NFL 'participants' -- I'm talking "NFL impact" players. I suspect that our scouting department is savvy enough to find players who would be 'marketable' as free agent fill-ins with their selections in rounds 3-7 -- but impact players usually go in the first and 'early second' rounds. And decidedly, the Skins need 'impact players' -- not fill-ins that get marketed up to alleged elite status.

But that's all done now -- so the Skins need to be smart and ensure their 'all-in' investment pans out. Even Rodgers didn't see the field right away.

I'm a Skins fan, so I sure hope this rookie QB stays healthy and picks up the game quickly. But if you are rebuilding a franchise -- maybe it's worthwhile being patient?

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RGIII starting day one would be ideal but not every player is ready for that. This is an obvious statement but if Kyle/Mike don't feel RGIII is ready day one then I don't want to throw him out there just to appease the fans.

I 2nd this statement

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