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President Barack Obama/Vice-President Joe Biden Re-elected to 2nd Term Thread


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Either way, Obama wins and the racists can stew in their juices for another four years. Imagine then when those same woman hating racists get another 8 years of Hillary. Ewww its gonna be good.

Seriously? So people who don't want Obama are simply women hating racists?

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Not everyone, just the women hating racists.

It was an idiotic post though.

Add: An emotional reaction taken out here to much I've seen on the web in the past few days. Maybe 5% of the anti Obama rhetoric I see attacks him on the issues. The rest is baseless nonsense about his college records or his birth certificate. Its really got me wondering why people REALLY don't like him.

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Well I'm not sure where you're consuming news but understand the irritation from people like me who have solid reason to dislike him AS a President. Provide substantial backing as to why and then...crickets. And then still be called a racist. It's infantile but even people at the very top of the Democratic party are guilty of it. It essentially short circuits mature conversation from the outset. Which is probably intended.

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Well I'm not sure where you're consuming news but understand the irritation from people like me who have solid reason to dislike him AS a President. Provide substantial backing as to why and then...crickets. And then still be called a racist. It's infantile but even people at the very top of the Democratic party are guilty of it. It essentially short circuits mature conversation from the outset. Which is probably intended.

Your post from right wing sources regarding the business things you don't like from Obama are so slanted that I can't take a lot of them serious: When anything proposed or that raises any money is an automatic strike along with complaining that the debt has gone up I just don't take as credible. Another funny one is blaming Obama for not having new free trade agreements ready and not giving him credit for the ones that passed even though they didn't get passed by Bush. My favorite: Failed to confront drug company payoffs/rebates to doctors, thus raising the cost of health care. Really??? From Republicans that have done absolutely nothing but pass an unfunded Prescription DRUG bill.

The ones I understand complaints about regardless of my position on them are the ones about unions. I'll even grant some of the more obscure items that I'm not gonna bother to look up.

Finally, of course there were going to be more regulations after the financial meltdown. What did you expect? More deregulation?

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^^^Attack the source right? I knew that was coming Hersh. Notice I did say I didn't believe the entire list I posted as in any way irrefuteable or that you can lay all of our present woes at Obama's feet. Did I? He has been just an atrocious CIC for many businesses and when I present some solid evidence of this you just reject it out of hand. Your loss. Both parties have done wrong by us but the Dems are even worse in my experience. We need leaders who have some business sense and Obarry has ZERO.

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Um...interesting ad...:(

Nothing like some good ol' scaremongering.

Kind of makes me want to vote for Obama.

I don't think I've ever been more conflicted during a presidential election.

I shouldn't be stunned by that ad, but I am. I accept reasonable domestic policy differences but I don't get how conservative criticize Obama's foreign policy. Republicans sure have become warmongering party and it sure seems like if Romney wins, we will definitely be at war with Iran within a year.

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^^^Attack the source right? I knew that was coming Hersh. Notice I did say I didn't believe the entire list I posted as in any way irrefuteable or that you can lay all of our present woes at Obama's feet. Did I? He has been just an atrocious CIC for many businesses and when I present some solid evidence of this you just reject it out of hand. Your loss. Both parties have done wrong by us but the Demand are even worse in my experience.

My apologies, I did miss that.

However, I want some real examples not just the hyperbole on some list. Were there supposed to be no new regulations on banks? The reparations statement is factually wrong. New energy standards discourage innovation? You mean start ups won't look to create something to meet those energy standards?

Now, I did watch something interesting the other day on TV which talked about regulations/paperwork to stay compliant on the local, state and national level is getting out of hand. That I can understand and should be consolidated and streamlined.

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My apologies, I did miss that.

However, I want some real examples not just the hyperbole on some list. Were there supposed to be no new regulations on banks? The reparations statement is factually wrong. New energy standards discourage innovation? You mean start ups won't look to create something to meet those energy standards?

Now, I did watch something interesting the other day on TV which talked about regulations/paperwork to stay compliant on the local, state and national level is getting out of hand. That I can understand and should be consolidated and streamlined.

Look at just the regulatory expansion under Obama. He's thrown down the hammer on this in an almost obsessive way. Does he want the nation to function like California? Let's hope not as that state is continuing to drive out business with myopic regulations left and right. Many members of both parties have recognized that we are over-regulated and yet Obama doubles down on it. Is it simply to grow government? One wonders. And I'm not making g a case for Romney as he has 'sell out' written all over him to me but he may still be better than the incumbent.

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Well I'm not sure where you're consuming news but understand the irritation from people like me who have solid reason to dislike him AS a President. Provide substantial backing as to why and then...crickets. And then still be called a racist. It's infantile but even people at the very top of the Democratic party are guilty of it. It essentially short circuits mature conversation from the outset. Which is probably intended.

lol...your substabtial backing list from the heritage foundation is rediculous. It is so slanted, and there are so many misleading items on that list that it's just comical.

Why don't you post some facts from a real media source instead a bunch of misrepsentations from an ultra right wing group.

I do not believe you are a racist at all, and I do not believe that everyone who is against Obama is racist. I do believe though that racism was a very real part of the immediate and tremendous attacks Obama received from the day he took office, and I believe these attacks were so strong and repetitive that a lot of Americans started to believe them. I also believe that racism is a part of these ultra right wing groups like the heritage foundation. Hell their name suggests racism to me. Has there ever been a new president so stonewalled by the opposing party like Obama has been. You're posting conspiracy theories about statues he supposedly offensively returned, which of course he didn't. Others continue to argue that he gave offensive gifts to world leaders. This stuff is just a joke when you really look at it.

If you don't think that racism was at least a part of the tremendous resistance Obama received when he took office and has continued to receive since then your head is in the sand.

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lol...your substabtial backing list from the heritage foundation is rediculous. It is so slanted, and there are so many misleading items on that list that it's just comical.

Why don't you post some facts from a real media source instead a bunch of misrepsentations from an ultra right wing group.

I do not believe you are a racist at all, and I do not believe that everyone who is against Obama is racist. I do believe though that racism was a very real part of the immediate and tremendous attacks Obama received from the day he took office, and I believe these attacks were so strong and repetitive that a lot of Americans started to believe them. I also believe that racism is a part of these ultra right wing groups like the heritage foundation. Hell their name suggests racism to me. Has there ever been a new president so stonewalled by the opposing party like Obama has been. You're posting conspiracy theories about statues he supposedly offensively returned, which of course he didn't. Others continue to argue that he gave offensive gifts to world leaders. This stuff is just a joke when you really look at it.

If you don't think that racism was at least a part of the tremendous resistance Obama received when he took office and has continued to receive since then your head is in the sand.

So the Heritage Foundation is now racist. By way of its name? I never even implied earlier that 'some' racist elements didn't exist way out in that vast electorate of ours now did I? I just enjoy posting measures that Obamas pushed thru that some of his backers don't even know about. My head is hardly in the sand. I'll judge him on what he does and nothing else. As I will Romney or any other candidate. The racist defense is just really worn out I mean we elected him in 2008 fairly convincingly didn't we? I think the majority of Americans are an incredibly fair bunch of folks.

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What's different at the National one?

he was working with a handicap was the line used in the primary

it is rather clear O is incapable.....but maybe he can get Bill and Hillary to prop him up

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Look at just the regulatory expansion under Obama. He's thrown down the hammer on this in an almost obsessive way.

Does it bother you at all that the very posts that you cite to support your bombastic recitation of talking points, actually say that they aren't true?

You posted an article, in which your own article points out the fact that there have been fewer reculations in the first three years of Obama, than there were under Bush.

(But, your article points out, if you allow the Heritage Foundation to cherry pick which rules they think are important, vs which ones they didn't like from Bush, well, then it's different. "News Flash: Heritage Foundation doesn't like Obama as much as Bush! This proves that Obama is evil!")

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