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Hankerson rooting for the Dolphins on Twitter


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I don't think this is a big deal at all, in fact I think some fans are ridiculous. I heard this being talked about on the radio yesterday how on twitter HankTime said before the Dolphins vs. Jets Monday night game:

" @HankTime85 Leonard Hankerson

#LetsGetIt Dolphins get this #W 2nite"

Then he started taking heat from fans about openly rooting for Miami his childhood team, here are a few examples:

"You can't openly cheer a team in the same league as the one who signs your paychecks. Do it off twitter #HTTR"

"Come on man you're a Redskin now..let's hope you don't do this when you play the Phins later in the year.."

"think everyone wants u 2 b a Redskin & embrace skins nation as they've embraced u. Maybe less on other teams in the same sport?"

"its just not a good look. Support your favorite team on the DL not on Twitter where all can c. U have to be all in w/ the Skins'

Then Hankerson said:

Sooooo cuz I'm a #Redskin I'm not allowed to be a #Fan??? Lmao

Goodnight peeps, hopefully I didn't rub too Many people the wrong way lol

Personally I don't think it is a big deal, what do you guys think? I hope he doesn't think all Skins fans feel that way.

Here is the link to his twitter page:


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I agree with you, Griff; no big deal. He's a Florida kid. Mark Duper is one of his heroes/mentors.......really, as far as i'm concerned, it would be surprising if he didn't root for the Dolphins. I still think twitter is stupid, though.

I totally agree with you, if anyone of us was blessed with enough skill to play in the NFL all of us would still root for the Skins when we weren't playing them, real fans always love the team they grew up rooting for.

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If any of us were drafted into the NFL we would still be fans of the teams we grew up loving. Lots of football players are the same way, you even have Redskins players who are Cowboys fans, Cowboys players who are Redskins fans. If you got to the level of the NFL, you're a super competitor who has pride in yourself and you're not going to play worse because you're playing against a team you love, hell sometimes players who felt they could have been selected by the team they love will play even better to show them what they missed out on. It doesn't mean anything. If Hankerson played against the Dolphins he wouldn't exactly be dropping passes so they get a win, that would be job suicide for the sake of fandom. I don't know anybody dumb enough to do something like that.

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We don't need turncoat enemies on this team, we need REAL REDSKINS. if the front office had any guts, he'd be cut immediately.

A shame that we can't cut fans for idiotic statements.

He's been here for two seconds, grew up loving the Dolphins, who are in the AFC and irrelevant. When we play them, he'll be a Redskin, and that's what matters. It's not the Cowboys, Eagles, or Giants, so who cares?

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I don't think it's an issue of loyalty, really. You could easily state he's being loyal to the team he grew up with. In the hypersensitive world of twitter it may not have been wise, but it's no big deal to me. As long as he's not rooting for them when we play them or doing anything to help them out, which I really doubt he'd do. Give him a few years here and he may become a Skins fan yet, like Doc Walker did or something of the like.

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I saw this earlier and was shocked at how far people took their criticisms of it. You can't even make ANY argument that the Dolphins-Jets game had ANY effect on the Redskins. No NFC team involved.

If/when the Dolphins ever play a game that affects us - like playing a potential wildcard or division candidate in our race - then Skins fans can pay attention to who he supports. But come on man . . . Not a big deal . . . Hell, it's not even a deal.

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I totally agree with you, if anyone of us was blessed with enough skill to play in the NFL all of us would still root for the Skins when we weren't playing them, real fans always love the team they grew up rooting for.

I was just about to edit that into my post. Your a life long Skins fan playing in college and you get drafted by the Dolphins. Would you instantly hate the Skins from that day on? I dont think so.(not you Griff,people in general calling for his head)

Need to lighten up, this is a huge non issue.

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